Make sure to only use commercial plugins which match the Major and Minor version of the Gentics Mesh server.
Plugins which do not match may not be compatible with the Gentics Mesh version.
Commercial plugins can be downloaded from
our repository site.
Alternatively you can also use maven
to download the jar:
mvn dependency:get \
-Dartifact=com.gentics.mesh.plugin.commercial:mesh-mustread-plugin:$YOUR_MESH_VERSION \ \
-Ddest=mesh-mustread-plugin.jar -Dtransitive=false
If you get an "Unauthorized" error, please locate your maven settings
(usually found in ~/.m2/settings.xml)
and add our server to the servers list:
<username> $YOUR_USER_ID </username>
<password> $YOUR_API_KEY </password>
Once downloaded, place the jar file, optionally together with a config file and other assets, in the configured plugins folder of your Mesh installation — then the plugin(s) will automatically be deployed during server startup.