
Per-Project configuration

All project has its own portal.php configuration, which will override the defaults.

We refer to the demo project’s example configuration as a reference, thus we will use it as a starting point.


These core settings must be configured for all projects:

Home Page

The home page should be a single page from your CMS, which can be used as the root path of the project.

    'startPage' => 'demo/Home.html',

Please note the demo/ prefix before the Home.html. This is required when the project is in Folder mode.

In Domain mode the prefix is not required - only the full path to the CMS page must be set.

Project name

This should reflect the Node name of your project - whitespaces are converted to underscores (_).

    'projectName' => 'Demo_Project',


The schemas are the type names in Mesh. If you just copy the nodes for your CMS, your previous schema names may be the same, otherwise it need to be adapted.

    'schemas' => [
        'content'       => 'demo_content',
        'folder'        => 'demo_folder',
        'binarycontent' => 'demo_binary_content',


To use authentication in your project, the configuration must have uncommented the 'authentication' part, and this should be configured. Also, most of the setups will require an Authentication Plugin for Mesh.

We have included a reference Authentication plugin which will assign roles and groups returned by Keycloak.

The configuration in the project looks like this:

    'authentication' => [
        'keycloak' => [
            'authUrl' => 'http://localhost:8083/auth',
            'realm' => 'reference',
            'client_id' => 'reference',
            'client_secret' => 'genticsp-orta-lphp-auth-referencexxx',
            'redirect' => 'http://localhost:8080/demo/auth/callback',
            'logoutEndpoint' => '/demo/auth/logout',
            'loginEndpoint' => '/demo/auth/redirect',
            'registerEndpoint' => '/demo/auth/register'

Please note the /demo/ prefix before the authentication urls. This is required when the project is in Folder mode.

In Domain mode the prefix is not required - only the full path to the CMS page must be set, like this:

    'authentication' => [
        'keycloak' => [
            'authUrl' => 'http://localhost:8083/auth',
            'realm' => 'reference',
            'client_id' => 'reference',
            'client_secret' => 'genticsp-orta-lphp-auth-referencexxx',
            'redirect' => '',
            'logoutEndpoint' => '/auth/logout',
            'loginEndpoint' => '/auth/redirect',
            'registerEndpoint' => '/auth/register'

Data Provider

The data provider is used to get general information across pages.

Please check the example configuration in the demo project.

Please note the demo/ prefix before the data provider pages. This is required when the project is in Folder mode.

In Domain mode the prefix is not required - only the full path to the CMS page must be set.

The search configuration is managed by Gentics Mesh via the Search plugin.

CMS roles

Check and setup page permissions

Follow the Brief check if project is online and working steps from the Create a project page.

Add new roles

Content.Admin > Datenquellen > Mesh Roles > Weiter

Add new roles

Add new roles