Run the demo

Run the demo project without git, admin rights and SSH

Follow this step-by-step guide, if you would like to do the preparations on a Graphical interface

Run the demo project from CLI

Read the section "Installing requirements" first and make sure you have installed and configured everything correctly.

Checkout the development branch and configure

git clone
cd portal-essentials
cp docker-compose.override.yml.example docker-compose.override.yml
# ^- Change CMS licence key in docker-compose.override.yml
docker-compose up -d

In the root folder, the .env file contains the Portal | essentials version to use.

Running the portal

Read the page "Run the application".

Wait for the Gentics CMS publish run to be complete

  • Log in to http://localhost:8082 with node / node and wait until the publish run has finished and has published all objects into Gentics Mesh. You can also republish all objects in the Maintenance page, if the publish doesn’t work.

Follow the status of the portal container by running docker-compose logs -f portal. You might have to prefix this command with winpty on Windows.

Changing the assets

All files in the <project folder>/public are web-accessible.

Folder mode: Put your static files to the <project folder>/public, then these will be accessible from your /<project name>/. To use global files, put static files to the __default__ /public public folder, which is accessible from the root (/).

Domain mode: Put your static files to the <project folder>/public.

Read more on portal modes at the Create a project page.

Commercial Gentics Mesh Plugins

Some Gentics Mesh plugins are not available for free — we still include them in our examples (e.g., ratings with the likes plugin). Please refer to these plugins at Gentics Mesh plugins documentation. Not installing these plugins will not cause any problems, only the feature will not be displayed.

Create new project