Custom implementations

There are several possibilities to extend the features of Gentics Portal | java. The most commong beeing writing custom Handlebars helpers, implementing portal applications and creating custom handlers.

The DataProviderVerticle configuration also accepts custom helper implementations for loaded web data, and custom redirects as well as the NavigationHandler require an implementation of a helper class.

Handlebars helpers

Each method with the signature Object helperName(Object context, Options options) can be registered as a Handlebars helper (the Options parameter can be ommited if it is not needed). The helper can then be used in a Handlebars template like this for example {{ helperName this }}` (or {{# helperName this }} …​ {{/ helperName }} if it is a block helper).

To register custom helpers simply pass the instance containing the helpers to the injected ControllableHandlebarsTemplateEngine in the BootstrapInitializer:

Register custom helpers
// ...

public class CustomBootstrapInitializer {
    // ...

    public ControllableHandlebarsTemplateEngine engine;

    // ...

    public void start() {
        engine.getHandlebars().registerHelpers(new CustomHelpers());
Since Handlebars helpers are only called during rendering, and rendering is done in a synchronous fashion, it is very important that Handlebars helpers do not perform expensive operations that block execution too long. Any preparations should be done in custom handlers executed before rendering the response.


Portal applications are custom handlers which require additional setup in the corresponding CMS project, but are only called for pages, which explicitly specify that they need them.

When the loaded page has a comma separated list of portal application IDs in its fields.portalapp field, the injected PortalApplicationRegistry is queried if it has a portal application with that ID, and executes the handle() methods of the found application.

By default a PortalApplicationRegistry which does not contain any applications is used by the portal, but this can be overridden by changing the BindModule accordingly:

Using a custom PortalApplicationRegistry
public abstract BindModule {
    // ...

    abstract PortalApplicationRegistry bindApplicationRegistry(CustomApplicationRegistry e);

The handle() method of an PortalApplication implementation must either: [1]

  • call the next handler with

  • end the response by calling rc.response().end() (or any of its variants), or

  • fail the request with (passing either an Exception or an error status code)


Custom handlers (implementing the Handler<RoutingContext> interface) can be added in the BootstrapInitializer. As with portal applications, custom handlers must make sure to either: [1]

  • call the next handler with

  • end the response by calling rc.response().end() (or any of its variants), or

  • fail the request with (passing either an Exception or an error status code)

Adding a custom handler to BootstrapInitializer
// ...
public CustomHandler customHandler;

public void start() {
    deployHttpVerticles(router -> {

It is recommended that custom handlers extend the AbstractBaseHandler class, and implement the addRoutes() method, which registers the actual endpoints for the handler.

The RouteOrder enum can be used to specify when the handlers should be called and defines the following route orders:









Data from the DataProviderVerticle and the requested page are available for the routes CONTENT_ROUTES and later.

Auxiliary classes

The following interfaces do not extend the functionality of Gentics Portal | java, but offer a way to fine tune the portals behavior.


The implementation of the NavigationTransformer is responsible for preparing the navigation data loaded via GraphQL so that it can be used efficiently in Handlebars templates. There are two default implementations available: BasicNavigationTransformer and MultipleRootNavigationTransformer.

Both default implementations will

  • remove elements which have the field navhidden set to true

  • remove elements which neither have a startpage themselves, nor any of their ancestors

  • order the remaining elements by their navsortorder fields

  • store the level depth to each element

The BasicNavigationTransformer will compare the configured Mesh schema prefix and the project name to determine whether Project Per Node is active, and if not will skip the (empty) root node of the navigation tree.

The MultipleRootNavigationTransformer will process the navigation tree as is. Which means the top-level entries might not be actual folders, but could be the root folders of projects.

Custom NavigationTransformers can implement the additionalCacheKey() method to extend the cache key, if the shown navigation depends on something else than the current portal language, the users roles and the branch. The default implementation just returns an empty string.


A DataProviderPostProcessor is responsible for creating a JSON object from data loaded from an external source.

There is no default implementation of a DataProviderPostProcessor.


The implementation of the RedirectHelper is responsible for extracting a mapping between obsolete URLs and their redirects from a page loaded from Mesh.

There is no default implementation of a RedirectHelper.

1. Where rc is the RoutingContext parameter.