Handlebars helpers

The portal comes with several Handlebars helpers already registered, to ease the creation of templates.

For each described helper there is a simple example how to use it, and where applicable a description of the parameters and special variables and attributes.

Unless stated otherwise by a specific helper, all parameters which are not marked as Mandatory can be placed in any order or can be ommited completely.


The CommonHelper class provides miscellaneous helpers, which do not really fit into any other category.

Helper getRenderMode

This helper just returns the current render mode, and is intended for testing purposes during development.

The helper takes no parameters.

Examle for getRenderMode
<p>Current render mode: {{{ getRenderMode }}}</p>

Helper renderMode

This block helper checks if the actual render mode is the same as the specified one, and renders the contents of the block or the {{ else }} block respectively.

Usage of renderMode
{{# renderMode modeName }}
    <!-- Markup for render mode `modeName` -->
{{ else }}
    <!-- Markup for all other render modes -->
{{/ renderMode }}
Table 1. Parameters for renderMode
Parameter Type Default value Description




The render mode to check for. The check is done case-insensitive, but the value must be one of the preview modes recognized by the portal.

Example for renderMode
{{# renderMode 'edit' }}
    <div class="some-special-editmode-wrapper">
{{/ renderMode }}

        <!-- Actual markup -->

{{# renderMode 'edit' }}
{{/ renderMode }}

Helper equals

A block helper that checks if the two specified objects are equal.

Usage of equals
{{# equals object1 object2 }}
    <!-- Markup -->
{{ else }}
    <!-- Markup -->
{{/ equals }}
Table 2. Parameters for equals
Parameter Type Default value Description




The first object to compare.




The object to compare against.

Example for equals
{{# equals data.node.fields.tag 'someSpecialTag' }}
    <!-- Markup to show only for pages with `someSpecialTag` -->
{{/ equals }}

Helper eachReversed

A block helper that iterates over the specified elements in reverse order.

Usage of eachReversed
{{# eachReversed collection }}
    <!-- Markup -->
{{/ equals }}
Table 3. Parameters for eachReversed
Parameter Type Default value Description




The objects to iterate over.

Example for eachReversed
{{# eachReversed newsSortedByDate }}
    <!-- Markup -->
{{/ eachReversed }}

Helper getCurrentProject

This helper just renders the configured Mesh project.

The helper has no parameters.

Example for getCurrentProject
<h2>{{ getCurrentProject }} contents</h2>

Helper getCookieHintPage

This helper just renders the path to the configured cookie hint page, and is usually used in conjunction with showCookieHint.

The helper has no parameters.

Example for getCookieHintPage
    This page uses <a href="{{ getCookieHintPage }}">cookies</a>.

Helper showCookieHint

A block helper which checks if the cookie disclaimer was already accepted. When it was not yet accepted it renders the contents of the block, and the {{ else }} block otherwise.

Example for showCookieHint
{{# showCookieHint }}
    This page uses <a href="{{ getCookieHintPage }}">cookies</a>.
{{/ showCookieHint }}


This helper creates a template from the given context and renders it immediatelly. The created template will use <eval> and </eval> as delimiters instead of {{ and }} respectively.

Usage of evaluate
{{ evaluate template [cacheKey] [useCache] }}
Table 4. Parameters for evaluate
Parameter Type Default value Description




The string to be evaluated.



The template itself

An additional part for the cache key.




Whether the compiled template may be cached.

Using the evaluate helper is the only way to use Handlebars in content entered in the Gentics CMS, and all parts of a page relying on this, must be rendered with this helper.

The compiled templates are cached for performance reasons using the caching configuration.Two optional parameters can be used to fine tune this behavior (for example when a template should not be cached for some reason).

The following example assumes that there is a tag rendering the following in a page part called teaser.

Example for a tag depending on evaluate
    This part of $cms.page.name is rendered by the CMS.

    This part is rendered by the portal, using a value selected in the tag.

    <eval> > partials/specialTagMarkup specialTagValue="$cms.tag.parts.specialValue"</eval>

Then the teaser part should be rendered using the evaluate helper to actually include the partial template:

Example for evaluate
<div class="teaser">
    {{ evaluate data.node.fields.teaser 'teaser' true }}


The LanguageHelper class provides helpers to create links to specific language variants of pages, and to translate static text.


To use the i18n helper, the resource bundles with the translations must be configured by setting the i18nPath to the directory containing the language resource bundles.

For each language supported by the portal, there should be a file called [i18nPath]/portal_[LANGUAGE_CODE].yml containing the mappings for the language. The defined keys can then be used by the i18n helper.

Example for portal_en.yml
auth.login: Login
misc.welcome: Welcome!
Example for portal_de.yml
auth.login: Anmelden
misc.welcome: Willkommen!

The first part of the filename is the name of the default bundle portal.Any number of bundles can be created, and specified for the i18n helper.

Helper langFallback

This helper will try to find the specified property of an object in the best matching language. The helper assumes that the given object has a field called fields which contains the specified fieldName along with translations in fields named fieldName_[CODE].

Example for object with language fallbacks
    "fields": {
        "name": "About us",
        "name_de": "Über uns",
        "name_fr": "À propos de nous"

The fields are checked in the following order, and the first non-blank value is returned. The fieldName, param, portalLanguage and defaultLanguage placeholders stand for the name of the field to be translated, the optional parameter naming the language, the current portal language, and the portals default language respectively.

  1. fields.[fieldName]_[param]

  2. fields.[fieldName]_[portalLanguage]

  3. fields.[fieldName]_[defaultLanguage]

  4. fields.[fieldName]

Usage of langFallback
{{{ langFallback object fieldName [lang] }}}
Table 5. Parameters for langFallback
Parameter Type Default value Description




The object for which to try language fallback.




The the name of the attribute in object.fields that needs language fallback.



Current portal language

The desired language.

The following example will do language fallback for the custom category field, of the current pages folder, using the same language as the page itself.

Example for langFallback
<div class="cateogry">
    {{ langFallback data.node.parent 'category' data.node.language }}

Helper pathLangFallback

This helper will determine the path to the best matching language variant of the given object. The priority for choosing the best matching language is

  1. The language specified in the optional parameter

  2. The current portal language

  3. The default portal language

  4. Any language

This priority is only relevant when the object actually has a languages field, containing paths for different languages. Otherwise the path field of the object itself is used.

When neither languages nor path is available, this helper will generate an empty string.

Usage of pathLangFallback
{{{ pathLangFallback object [lang] }}}
Table 6. Parameters for pathLangFallback
Parameter Type Default value Description




The object for which to try language fallback on its path



Current portal language

The desired language.

The following example creates a link to the english version of current folders startpage.

Example for pathLangFallback
<a href={{{ pathLangFallback data.node.parent.startpage 'en' }}}>Up</a>

Helper i18n

This helper will translate the given i18n key to the specified langage, which it loads from the configured language resource bundles.

Usage of i18n
{{{ i18n key [lang [bundle]] }}}
Unlike most other helpers, the order of the two optional parameters is relevant, so the bundle parameter can only be supplied if the lang parameter is also present.[1]
Table 7. Parameters for i18n
Parameter Type Default value Description




The i18n key for the desired phrase to translate.



Current portal language

The desired language.




The name of the language resource bundle to use.

Example for i18n
    <dt>Welcome in current portal language:</dt>
    <dd>{{ i18n 'welcome' }}</dd>

    <dt>Welcome in current page language:</dt>
    <dd>{{ i18n 'welcome' data.node.language }}</dd>

    <dt>Welcome in german:</dt>
    <dd>{{ i18n 'welcome' 'de' }}</dd>

    <dt>Message from bundle called "special":</dt>
    <dd>{{ i18n 'message' data.node.language 'special' }}</dd>


The NavigationHelper class provides helpers for rendering navigation and breadcrumb entries.

Different NavigationHelperProfiles can be registered with the NavigationHelper which facilitate creating navigation markup. Such a profile has the following attributes:

  • prefix and postfix: determine the wrapper for all navigation entries, and can be used to control the markup surounding the navigation. Default values are <ul> and </ul> respectively.

  • activeClass: the CSS class added to this.class for all entries that are on the path to the currently displayed page. This is used in conjunction with the classFormat attribute. The default value is active.

  • classFormat: a format string to generate a CSS class for a navigation item. When evaluated, the first argument is the value of activeClass (see above) when the item in question is currently active, and an empty string otherwise. The second argument is the level of the navigation item (starting at 1 for toplevel elements).The default value is nav %s level-%d.

  • autoLanguageFallback: determines whether language fallback should automatically be performed for the this.name and this.url fields of navigation items.

The portal itself will always register the two profiles

  • default (all the default values mentioned above), and

  • unwrapped (the default values from above but with empty prefix and postfix)

Further profiles can be registered in the projects BootstrapInitializer, via the registerProfile(name, profile) method. It is also possible to overwrite the mentioned profiles by registering another profile with the same name.

Language fallback

For breadcrumb and navigation elements the helpers can perform language fallback for the name and url attributes. For the name field this works as described at the langFallback helper, by searching the best matching name field.

The language fallback will only work for folders, and assumes that the folders startpage field has itself a languages field containing all the available languages together with the respective path. When language fallback is enabled the helpers will choose the best matching language variant and use its path for the URL.

Helper eachBc

This helper iterates over all elements in the current pages breadcrumbs. Entries which have the navhidden field set, will not be included.Also the portal will remove breadcrumbs at the beginning until at most breadcrumbsLevel remain.

When the last element of the breadcrumbs (i.e. the currently displayed page) is the startpage of the current folder, it will be ignored by this helper.

Usage of eachBc
{{# eachBc node [hideRoot] [maxEntries] [profileName] }}
    this.trimmed | this.name | this.url | this.currentFolderStartpage
{{/ eachBc }}
Table 8. Parameters for eachBc
Parameter Type Default value Description




The node which breadcrumbs should be iterated over. This will typically be data.node.




When set to true the first element of the breadcrumbs will be skipped




The maximum number of breadcrumbs to show. When there are more entries, the right amount will be removed from the beginning and replaced by an empty element with the trimmed attribute set to true.




The navigation profile to use. Only the autoLanguageFallback setting of the profile is used by this helper.

Note that the maxEntries parameter is different from the aforementioned breadcrumbsLevel setting. The later will cause the portal to remove breadcrumb entries before they even get to the helper. Using the maxEntries parameter of the helper is in general more versatile.

The following attributes are set for each breadcrumb element this helper iterates over.

Table 9. Available attributes of breadcrumbs
Name Type Description



Can only be present on the first element. When the first element has this field set to true at least one breadcrumb was skipped due to the maxEntries parameter (see above).



The value of the entries name field (possibly with language fallback).



The URL to the startpage of the folder (possibly with language fallback), or the URL to the page itself for the last element.



Can only be true for the last element, and only if it is a folder. This attribute is true when the currently displayed page is a startpage of the current folder.

The following example will show at most three breadcrumbs, not hiding the root folder, and use the default NavigationHelperProfile.

Example for eachBc
{{# eachBc data.node false 3 }}
    {{# if this.trimmed }}
    {{ else }}
        <a href="{{{ this.url }}}">{{{ this.name }}}</a>
    {{/ if }}
{{/ eachBc }}

Helper eachBcRaw

This helper will iterate over all breadcrumb elements without any additional filtering or processing.

There is only one mandatory parameter and that is the node itself (same as with eachBc), and only the already present path and fields attributes will be available in the block body.

Helper eachNav

This helper iterates over all toplevel elements in the navigation. Elements which have the navhidden field set will not be included (but those should already be filtered by the NavigationTransformer).

It is intended to start rendering of navigation markup and use the eachNavFromFolder helper to recursively process successors.

When using this helper, the result will be wrapped with the prefix and postfix of the used profile.

Note that the context argument "." is necessary and must be the first argument when at least one of the optional parameters forceStartpage or profileName is present.[2]

Usage of eachNav
{{# eachNav [.] [forceStartpage] [profileName] }}
    this.active | this.current | this.level | this.class |
    this.name | this.url | this.path | this.fields | this.children
{{/ eachNav }}

The following attributes are set for each navigation element this helper iterates over.

Note that children contains the original successors of a navigation element without the special preprocessing of the helper. So the children should also be processed by one of the navigation helpers, and not used directly.

The following example will only render the toplevel navigation. In practice, one would iterate over the children with the eachNavFromFolder helper and put the markup for a single navigation element in a partial template.

Example for eachNav
    {{# eachNav true }}
        <a href="{{{ this.url }}}" class="{{{ this.class }}}">{{{ this.name }}}</a>
    {{/ eachNav }}

        <a href="login">Login</a>

Helper eachNavFromLevel

This helper will iterate over all navigation elements at the specified minLevel, or the navigation level of the currently displayed page, whichever is higher.

The eachNavFromFixedLevel is a variant, that will always start at the given level, without regard of the current pages level.

No output will be produced, when the currently displayed page is not at least at the specified level.

In the block body of this helper the variable @maxLevel will be set to the (possibly modified) minLevel plus maxDepth, to give helpers processing successor a hint about the maximum level.

It is intended as an alternative to the eachNav helper, to start iterating over navigation elements. The eachNavFromFolder helper is intended for recursively processing successors.

As with the eachNav helper, elements which are hidden from the navigation are skipped.

When using this helper, the result will be wrapped with the prefix and postfix of the used profile.

Usage of eachNavFromLevel
{{# eachNavFromLevel minLevel maxDepth [forceMatchingPath] [profileName] }}
    this.active | this.current | this.level | this.class |
    this.name | this.url | this.path | this.fields | this.children
{{/ eachNav }}

The elements this helper iterates over, will have the same attributes as for the eachNav helper.

Example for eachNavFromLevel
{{# eachNavFromLevel 3 4 'side-nav' }}
    <a href="{{{ this.url }}}" class="{{{ this.class }}}">{{{ this.name }}}</a>

    {{# eachNavFromFolder this @maxLevel }} (1)
            <a href="{{{ this.url }}}" class="{{{ this.class }}}">{{{ this.name }}}</a>
    {{/ eachNavFromFolder}}
{{/ eachNavFromLevel }}
1 The body of the helper would normally be in a partial template, so it can be used recursively. Otherwise the maxDepth argument for the eachNavFromLevel helper, and the passed @maxLevel argument for the eachNavFromFolder helper, are superfluous because the levels are already determined by the template. It was done this way to keep the example simple.

Helper eachNavFromFixedLevel

This helper will iterate over all navigation elements at the specified minLevel. level of the currently displayed page, whichever is higher.

The eachNavFromLevel is a variant, that will start at the given level, or the level of the currently displayed page.

No output will be produced, when the currently displayed page is not at least at the specified level.

In the block body of this helper the variable @maxLevel will be set to the (possibly modified) minLevel plus maxDepth, to give helpers processing successor a hint about the maximum level.

It is intended as an alternative to the eachNav helper, to start iterating over navigation elements. The eachNavFromFolder helper is intended for recursively processing successors.

As with the eachNav helper, elements which are hidden from the navigation are skipped.

When using this helper, the result will be wrapped with the prefix and postfix of the used profile.

Usage of eachNavFromFixedLevel
{{# eachNavFromFixedLevel minLevel maxDepth [forceMatchingPath] [profileName] }}
    this.active | this.current | this.level | this.class |
    this.name | this.url | this.path | this.fields | this.children
{{/ eachNav }}

The available parameters are the same as for the eachNavFromLevel helper.

The elements this helper iterates over, will have the same attributes as for the eachNav helper.

Example for eachNavFromFixedLevel
{{# eachNavFromFixedLevel 3 4 'side-nav' }}
    <a href="{{{ this.url }}}" class="{{{ this.class }}}">{{{ this.name }}}</a>

    {{# eachNavFromFolder this @maxLevel }} (1)
            <a href="{{{ this.url }}}" class="{{{ this.class }}}">{{{ this.name }}}</a>
    {{/ eachNavFromFolder}}
{{/ eachNavFromFixedLevel }}
1 The body of the helper would normally be in a partial template, so it can be used recursively. Otherwise the maxDepth argument for the eachNavFromFixedLevel helper, and the passed @maxLevel argument for the eachNavFromFolder helper, are superfluous because the levels are already determined by the template. It was done this way to keep the example simple.

Helper eachNavFromFolder

This helper will iterate over the children of the specified navigation element, but will check visibility of the specified element first. This helper is most useful in fragments which recursively render navigation elements.

As with the eachNav helper, elements which are hidden from the navigation are skipped, and additionally the children of the specified element will be skipped if one of the following is true:

  • their level would exceed the specified maxLevel

  • the specified folder does not have a startpage and forceStartpage is true

  • none of the children is visible because of these rules

When using this helper, the result will be wrapped with the prefix and postfix of the used profile.

Usage of eachNavFromFolder
{{# eachNavFromFolder folder [maxLevel] [forceStartpage] [profileName] }}
    this.active | this.current | this.level | this.class |
    this.name | this.url | this.path | this.fields | this.children
{{/ eachNavFromFolder }}
Table 13. Parameters for eachNavFromFolder
Parameter Type Default value Description




The folder which children should be iterated over.




The maximum depth up to which elements should be processed.




When this parameter is true only elements with a startpage URL will be considered by this helper.




The navigation profile to use.

The elements this helper iterates over, will have the same attributes as for the eachNav helper.

In the following example this refers to a navigation element that is provided by any of the eachNav* helpers, and it is assumed that the markup is in the partial template found in partials/navigation/main_nav_elements.hbs.

Example for eachNavFromFolder
    <a href="{{{ this.url }}}" class="{{{ this.class }}}">{{{ this.name }}}</a>

    {{# eachNavFromFolder this true }}
        {{> partials/navigation/main_nav_elements }}
    {{/ eachNavFromFolder }}

Helper minNavLevel

A block helper which checks if the currently displayed page is at least at the specified navigation level.

When this is true, the contents of the block will be rendered, otherwise the contents of the {{ else }} block.

Usage of minNavLevel
{{# minNavLevel minLevel }}
    <!-- Markup when the page is at least at navigation level minLevel -->
{{ else }}
    <!-- Markup when the page is below navigation level minLevel -->
{{/ minNavLevel }}
Table 14. Parameters for visibleInNav
Parameter Type Default value Description




The minimum navigation level to check against.

Helper visibleInNav

A block helper which checks if the specified navigation element should be visible. When the element is visible the contents of the block will be rendered, otherwise the contents of the {{ else }} block.

The eachNav* helpers above all already include this behavior, so this helper is intended for very special cases which cannot be covered with them.

Usage of visibleInNav
{{# visibleInNav folder [maxLevel] [forceStartpage] }}
    <!-- Markup when element is visible -->
{{ else }}
    <!-- Markup when element is not visible -->
{{/ visibleInNav }}
Table 15. Parameters for visibleInNav
Parameter Type Default value Description




The navigation element to check for visibility.




The maximum depth up to which elements should be processed.




When this parameter is true only elements with a startpage URL will be considered by this helper.

1. The helper cannot distinguish between two optional String parameters.
2. The reason for this restriction is that handlebars-java will always pass the first argument as the helper context. Since eachNav does not use a context, the first argument would just be lost.