Data provider

The DataProviderVerticle can periodically load data from Gentics Mesh or any HTTP resource which is then available for handlers of the portal and during rendering of a page.

Enabling the data provider

This feature is not active automatically, but must be added in the implementation of the BootstrapInitializer.

Activating the DataProviderVerticle
// ...

public DataProviderVerticle dataProvider;

public void start() {
    new DeploymentOptions().setWorker(true),
1 The reference to vertx as well as the deploymentHandler are available from the abstract base class.

Loading data

The intervall in seconds between refreshing the Mesh and web data can be configured via the dataProvider.refreshTime setting.

Meta data

Whenever the portal loads the configured datasources, it will add the field dpvmeta to the loaded JSON data. This field contains the timestamp and fresh fields, which contain the timestamp of the last successful refresh and a boolean value indicating whether the data is fresh or stale respectively.

Handling errors

When a data source (either Mesh or web) cannot be loaded, and the setting dataProvider.retryOnError is false, the respective entry will be removed from the list, and not be tried again. Additionaly when this happens during the startup process of the portal and dataProvider.preventStartupOnError is true, the portal will refuse to start with an appropriate error message.[1]

Already loaded data for a data key will not be removed when refreshing fails, but will instead be marked as stale.

Mesh data

What data to load from Mesh is configured in the dataProvider.meshData setting. Each entry is a mapping from a data key to a list of paths. Since the portal can load data from different branches from Mesh, and the actual path may depend on the selected branch, a data key is mapped to a list of paths.

The dataprovider will use the first path it can successfully load data from those lists, and store it under the respective data key. A single path as value, will be wrapped in a list automatically.

The following example will load /masterSettings/config.html or /branchSettings/config.html depending on the branch the portal serves and make it available under the data key settings (see accessing data). Additionaly the single path /misc/stuff.html will be wrapped in a list containing only this path, and make the loaded data available under otherStuff.

Example for Mesh data configuration
      - /masterSettings/config.html
      - /branchSettings/config.html
    otherStuff: /misc/stuff.html

Web data

The configuration for loading web data is a mapping from data keys to web data options. Each entries options must have a URL specified from where to load the data. Addiopnally the format can be set to JSON or RAW (which is the default). Loaded JSON data is assumed to be a string representing a valid JSON object, which can be used as is. For RAW data the loaded string will be put in a new JSON object with the field data.

Since Mesh data and web data are configured in different settings, it is syntactically possible to define a Mesh data source and a web data source with the same data key. When dataProvider.preventStartupOnError is enabled, this will prevent the portal from even starting. Otherwise a warning is logged, to inform that the web data source will just be ignored.
Example for web data configuration
            format: JSON
            postProcessor: com.gentics.mesh.portal.custom.StatusHelper
                verboseInfo: true


In both cases (JSON or RAW) the loaded data can be passed through the configured DataProviderPostProcessor which process() method gets a generic Object and is expected to return a JsonObject which should be made available by the DataProviderVerticle.

The post processor to use is specified by setting dataProvider.webData.*.postProcessor to the fully qualified name of the class implementing DataProviderPostProcessor. Upon initialization the post processors init() method will be passed the entries of dataProvider.webData.*.options.

Accessing data

For each request to the portal, the DataProviderVerticle will insert the loaded data into the RoutingContext. The respective handler is called during the API_ROUTES route order, so any custom handlers only have access to it, when they run during the BEFORE_CONTENT_ROUTES route order or later.

The data can be retrieved from the routing context via RoutingContext#get() by specifying the data key of the data source. In Handlebars templates and custom Handlebars helpers the data is available in the context under the same name.

Both of the following examples access data loaded for the data key config.

Example of accessing data in a handler
// ...

public void handle(RoutingContext rc) {
    JsonObject config = rc.get("config");

    // ...
Example of accessing data in a template
<img src="{{{ config.fields.logo_url }}}" title="{{{ config.fields.logo_title }}}"/>

1. This setting is mostly useful, when there are datasources which the portal definitely needs to function properly.