New project

This explains how to setup a basic project with the Gentics Portal | java framework.

Maven setup

A full example for a pom.xml is at the end of this section.

Repository and dependencies

Make sure to use the Gentics Maven repository located at

The only necessary dependency is


If you want to use the Gentics Mesh plugins for likes, comments or the form generator, you also need to add dependencies to the following artifacts

  • mesh-portal-likes

  • mesh-portal-comments

  • mesh-portal-formgenerator

The portal framework uses Dagger for dependency injection, so the dagger-compiler must be added as a dependency in the configuration of the maven-compiler-plugin.

It is recommended to build the portal as a single .jar file using the maven-shade-plugin.

Example pom.xml
<project xmlns=""


	<groupId>com.gentics.mesh.portal</groupId> (1)
	<artifactId>sample-portal</artifactId> (1)

		<!-- Portal Framework -->

		<!-- Dagger -->

					<!-- Run shade goal on package phase -->
								<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
									<mainClass>com.gentics.mesh.portal.sample.SamplePortalServer</mainClass> (2)

			<name>Gentics Maven Repository</name>
			<id>gtx-commercial</id> (3)
			<name>Gentics Commercial Maven Repository</name>
1 Replace with group/artefact ID of your project
2 Replace with the name of the class containing the main() method
3 Access to the gtx-commercial repository requires credentials which can be requested by contacting Gentics support.

Needed Java classes

At the very least, a Gentics Portal | java project needs an implementation of a BootstrapInitializer and a PortalServer class responsible for initializing and starting the portal, as well as a BindModule and a PortalServerComponent handling dependency injection.

Dependency injection

Several parts of the portal can have custom implementations which can be injected via Dagger.The bindings of the implementations which should be used, must be defined in a BindModule which binds the following classes (except for the BootstrapInitializer the framework includes basic implementations for all necessary parts):

Example bind module
public abstract class BindModule {
	abstract BootstrapInitializer bindBoot(CustomBootstrapInitializer e);

	abstract PortalApplicationRegistry bindApplicationRegistry(BasicApplicationRegistry e);

	abstract NavigationTransformer bindNavigationTransformer(BasicNavigationTransformer e);

	abstract LoginRedirectHandler bindLoginRedirectHandler(ServerLoginRedirectHandler e);

The PortalServerComponent will look almost identical in all projects, but it references the custom BindModule and can therefore not be provided by the portal framework itself.

Example portal server component
@Component(modules = {
	PortalModule.class, (1)
	BindModule.class, (1)(2)
	MicrometerModule.class, (3)
	CustomModule.class (4)
public interface PortalServerComponent extends BaseComponent {

	BootstrapInitializer runner();

	interface Builder {

		Builder configuration(PortalConfig config);

		PortalServerComponent build();
1 The PortalModule and BindModule are always required.
2 This is the BindModule specified above.
3 The MicrometerModule is required when monitoring is used.
4 Custom modules can be handy for injecting objects in custom handlers, or providing a project specific configuration.

Bootstrapping the portal

The start() method of the BootstrapInitializer implementation is responsible for initializing handlers and deploying the verticles.

At a minimum the start() method must call deployHttpVerticles(), but then most functioniality of the portal is disabled.For most projects, initializing the HandlerProvider and deploying the DataProviderVerticle is recommended.

Here is a full example of a BootstrapInitializer implementation:

Example bootstrap initializer
public class CustomBootstrapInitializer extends AbstractBootstrapInitializer {

	public HandlerProvider handlerProvider;

	public DataProviderVerticle dataProvider;

	public CustomBootstrapInitializer(
			PortalConfig config,
			Vertx vertx,
			Provider<PortalHttpVerticle> verticleProvider,
			MeshRestClient meshClient) {
		super(config, vertx, verticleProvider, meshClient);

	public void start() {
		vertx.deployVerticle(dataProvider, new DeploymentOptions().setWorker(true), deploymentHandler);

Finally a class containing a static main() method is needed to start the portal.

Example portal server
public class PortalServer {

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		PortalConfig config = PortalConfigLoader.createOrLoadOptions();

		PortalStarter.start(() -> DaggerPortalServerComponent.builder().configuration(config).build());

For a complete example of a small project setup, have a look at the Java sources in the Demo project.


The configuration of the portal (located in config/server.yml) must contain at least the following entries:

  apiKey: authentication-token-generated-by-mesh
meshProject: name-of-the-mesh-project
portalAPIKey: arbitrary-token-for-portal-access
serverUrl: http://url-to-portal