Run the demo

Run the Gentics Portal | java demo

Read the section "Installing requirements" first and make sure you have installed and configured everything correctly.

Checkout and start the demo

Checkout the demo portal from and run

docker-compose up

to start it. Note that you must be authenticated for to download the necessary images.

It will take some time for all services to start up, especially the first time. When all containers have started, the following services will be available:

Possible problems during startup

Some of the services depend on each other and since the first startup can take considerably longer some containers may "give up waiting". When not all services are available, restart the individual containers in this order:

docker-compose restart db
docker-compose restart keycloak
docker-compose restart cr
docker-compose restart portal
docker-compose restart cms

After the startup

Log in to http://localhost:/.Node/ with node / node and wait until the publish run has finished and written all objects into Gentics Mesh. You can also republish all objects in the maintenance page, if the publish does not work.

Follow the status of the portal container by running docker-compose logs -f portal. You might have to prefix this command with winpty  on Windows.

Commercial Gentics Mesh Plugins

Some Gentics Mesh plugins are not available for free — we still included them in our examples (e.g., ratings with the likes plugin). Please refer to these plugins at Gentics Mesh. Not installing these plugins should not cause any problems, just the missing feature will not displayed.