This is a list of the most important default routes defined by Gentics Portal | php.
More routes can be found in various routes.php
files inside the package.
Name | Uri pattern | Method | Action |
content |
any |
genticsimagestore.cropandresize |
genticsimagestore.resize |
api.preview |
| |
health.ready |
The route files are loaded in the following order:
Routes from your application (routes/*)
Routes from Gentics Portal | php package
The first route that is defined wins. The routing table can be displayed with php artisan route:list
There is one exception though:
If a route is added with the exact same URI pattern that already exists or a wider wildcard added later, the old route will be replaced by the new route. However Gentics Portal | php uses priorization on routes, and will therefore not overwrite routes already defined by your application. That means you can "overwrite" any routes that are defined by Gentics Portal | php.
If you need custom priorities, you can use the ->priority(50)
method on your routes (default value is 50). The higher one is the winner.