
Templates and Views relation

The default templating engine in Gentics Portal | php is Blade and the portal uses the template name to load the correct view for the pages. For example a page with the vehicle template name will try to load the resources/views/vehicle.blade.php.


Directives are the core elements of the Blade templating engine. Gentics Portal | php provides additional directives in addition to the built-in.


This directive is an if directive, which means it works similar like the @if statement in Blade:

    The Portal is in Publish mode.
    The Portal is in Live Preview mode. (rendered from CMS)
    The Portal is in Preview mode. (rendered from CMS)
    The Portal is in Edit mode. (rendered from CMS)

The types of renderMode are: publish, preview, live and edit. The default mode is publish mode, the preview, live and edit modes are used according to the CMS mode.

You can also get the renderMode with the renderMode() helper function as a lower-case string:

{{ renderMode() }}

This can be also used in an @if statement:

@if(renderMode() === 'publish')
    Publish mode


This directive will compile a blade template string, cache and execute it. All the variables of the current scope are accessible, but can be set/overridden with the second argument.

    $bladeCode = "The cow is {{ $colors }}";

@eval($bladeCode, ['colors' => 'white and black'])
Using the @eval directive can be potentially dangerous when passing template strings from untrustworthy sources. The usage of this directive should be avoided whenever possible. It makes the application complex, harder to debug and harder to understand.
This will cache the compiled blade template fragments in the Laravel view cache. Make sure to run artisan view:clear from time to time to cleanup diskspace again. This could be done during deployment for example.