Run the application

Copy example files

Copy docker-compose.override.yml.example to docker-compose.override.yml

You can configure passwords, ports, environment variables and other settings in docker-compose.override.yml The license key for the cms has to be changed.

This portal/.env.example file contains the environment settings for the Laravel framework which will be copied on first start to portal/.env.


docker-compose up -d
  • You can view the container status with docker-compose ps

  • To view the logs of a specific container, use docker-compose logs -f name. e.g.: docker-compose logs -f portal

  • You can read this page here if you encounter any problems.

Open the reference project in the browser

Portal application

http://localhost:8080 - If asked for authentication, register a new account (Keycloak)

Gentics Mesh

http://localhost:8081 - Use admin admin as login

Gentics CMS

http://localhost:8082 - Use node node as login