Custom redirects

In the case of a 404 error, you can redirect old pages to a new URL. In this article you will learn how to configure and extend this functionality.

Add a new redirect helper

You can create a custom redirect helper, if the built in not suits your needs. You have to implement the Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\Redirect\Contract\RedirectHelper interface. The init() function of the class will be called when Redirects getting initialised, and the convertData() method parses the data structure of the source. The sample below is actually the built in code, just renamed.

In the end, you have to return an array of Redirect objects, which should contain at least an oldUrl, a newUrl and optionally you can set if you want permanent redirection per URL - otherwise the global config value will take effect.

Custom RedirectHelper class

use Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\Redirect\Contract\RedirectHelper;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;

class CustomRedirectHelper implements RedirectHelper
    protected $fieldName = 'addredirecttag';

     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @param array $helperConfig
     * @return mixed|void
    public function init(array $helperConfig)
        if (Arr::has($helperConfig, 'fieldName')) {
            $this->fieldName = Arr::get($helperConfig, 'fieldName');

     * {@inheritdoc}
     * @param array $jsonData
     * @return array|mixed
    public function convertData(array $jsonData)
        $redirectsMap = [];

        // Try to get the fieldName field and parse JSON data
        $rawData = json_decode(Arr::get($jsonData, implode('.', ['fields', $this->fieldName]), ''));

        if (!empty($rawData)) {
            $mapper = new JsonMapper();
            $redirects = $mapper->mapArray($rawData, [], Redirect::class);

            array_map(function (Redirect $item) use (&$redirectsMap) {
                $redirectsMap[$item->getOldUrl()] = $item;
            }, $redirects);

        return $redirectsMap;

Then you just have to specify that new helper class in your configuration.


'redirects' => [
     // ...
     // Helper class to process the custom redirects map
     'helperClass' => App\Redirect\CustomRedirectHelper::class,

     // Helper settings to pass
     'helperConfig' => [
         'fieldName' => 'addredirecttag',
     // ...