Mesh Requests

Gentics Portal | php has an advanced GraphQL loader and request builder feature built for Gentics Mesh


Example: How to make a GraphQL Request

GraphQL request can be made easily with the following example, assuming that it is in a controller’s method:

use Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\Mesh\Mesh;

class Controller

    public function example()
        // Basic Query starts with the request() factory method
        $response = Mesh::request()
            // This will load resources/graphql/myTemplate.graphql
            // Send request to Mesh

        // If you need an array, you can convert the response
        $responseArray = $response->toArray();

        // Return the response array as JSON
        return response()->json($responseArray);

Example: How to make a complex GraphQL Request

Sometimes you need to make much more complex requests, with parameters, variables, custom Mesh client, etc.

use Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\ErrorHandler\MeshClientErrorHandler;
use Gentics\Mesh\Client\MeshClient;
use Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\Mesh\Mesh;

class Controller

    public function example2()
        $myMeshClient = new MeshClient("http://custom-mesh-url:8080", [
            'handler' => app()->make(MeshClientErrorHandler::class)->createErrorHandlerStack()

        // Basic Query starts with the request() factory method
        $response = Mesh::request()
            // This will load resources/graphql/myTemplate2.graphql
            // Use a custom mesh client
            // Search and replaces keys to values in template
                '%myPlaceholder%' => 'replace_to_this'
            // (JSON) Variables to be set for the GraphQL query
                'myVar' => 'myValue'
            // Parameters to be sent to Mesh
                'version' => 'published'
            ->fetch(); // Send request to Mesh

        // If you need an array, you can convert the response
        $responseArray = $response->toArray();

        // Return the response array as JSON
        return response()->json($responseArray);

See Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\Mesh\GraphqlRequest for more options.

Example: Use custom GraphQLRequest class

Some queries will be reused multiple times, so it is worth to make a reusable class of it, to doing so, you need to extend the Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\Mesh\GraphqlRequest class

use Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\Mesh\GraphqlRequest;

 * Class MyCustomRequest
 * @method $this|MyCustomRequest setReturnAsArray(bool $value)
class MyCustomRequest extends GraphqlRequest
    protected $properties = [

    protected $returnAsArray;

    // Override template name, this means resources/graphql/loadCustom.graphql
    // If not specified, here, it can be overridden with properties on request
    // Or defaults to myCustomRequest (based on this class's name)
    protected $templateName = 'loadCustom';

    public function fetch()
        // You can use the response from the Base class to do whatever you want, then return
        $response = parent::fetch();

        // Based on the custom property it returns as array
        if ($this->returnAsArray && $response instanceof GraphqlResponse) {
            return $response->toArray();
        } else {
            return $response;


And you can use it as in the previous example, but passing your class to the request() method.

use Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\Mesh\Mesh;
use MyCustomRequest;

class Controller

    public function example3()
        // Use your own class, which extends the base functionality
        $response = Mesh::request(MyCustomRequest::class)

        // Return the response array as JSON
        return response()->json($response);

Example: Use custom GraphQLRequest class with caching

If you have cacheable queries you can use the WithCache trait, add a unique cache key prefix and identifier, expiry time and global configuration path.

use Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\Mesh\GraphqlRequest;
use Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\Mesh\Traits\WithCache;

 * Class MyCustomRequest2
class MyCustomRequest2 extends GraphqlRequest
    use WithCache;

    /** @var string The prefix to be used for the cacheKey */
    protected $cacheKeyPrefix = "mesh:graphql_mycustomreq:";
    /** @var int Default cache timeout in seconds */
    protected $cacheTimeDefault = 300;
    /** @var string Cache timeout configuration key */
    protected $cacheTimeConfigKey = "portal.cache.customRequest.cacheTime";

    /** Example: Use session id as unique identifier for the cache key */
    protected function getCacheIdentifier()
        return session()->getId();

Then you can still use fetch() to get the response (non-cached) or use fetchCached() to use cached data.

You can use the config/portal.php configuration to add the cache expiration time as the dot notation references.

Note: The fetch() never stores and uses cached data.

Use GraphQL response as a Collection

Collections is a fundamental of Laravel and it enhances arrays. To get a GraphQL response as a collection use the following syntax:

$response = Mesh::request(LoadContent::class)

It is possible to get just a piece of the response as collection:

$response = Mesh::request(LoadContent::class)

// Response has ['data']['folder']['pages']['elements'] keys
$folderCollection = $response->toCollection('data.folder.pages.elements');

Then handling data getting easier:

// Get all pages from response with 'contentpage' template
$contentPages = $folderCollection->where('fields.templateName', 'contentpage');

// Results as Array
$contentPagesArray = $contentPages->toArray();

// Results as JSON
$contentPagesArray = $contentPages->toJson();

Please read Laravel Collections documentation for more information.

Writing GraphQL files

The Gentics Portal | php GraphQL loader supports reusing fragments between different queries, so you can keep your GraphQL query templates clean. If you use a fragment in your query eg.: …​yourFragment the GraphQL loader checks if this fragment is available inside your query, and if not, it tries to load it from resources/graphql/fragments/yourFragment.graphql. That means, if you want to reuse fragments, you should write your partial files in the resources/graphql/fragments folder with the same name you want to use in the query.

The queries files are cached, so it will build a bundle of the fragments - if any of the fragments or the query get changed it will invalidates the cached bundle.

Non-blocking requests

When a GraphQL request contains a search request by default Mesh waits for ElasticSearch’s idle state. To avoid this, either Mesh need to be configured to disable the waitForIdle state or Gentics Portal | php can be configured to do so per request.

The configuration for Gentics Portal | php can be set in the portal.php configuration file:

    'meshNoWaitForIdle' => true,


Range request

Gentics Mesh support range request on binary files. You should change the allowed headers on requests and responses to enable this feature:

Request header:

  • Range

Response headers:

  • Accept-Ranges

  • Content-Length

  • Content-Range

  • Content-Type

  • Transfer-Encoding

These headers can be configured in the config/portal.php file:

'webrootHttpHeaderWhiteList' => [
    'request' => [
        // ...
        // ...
    'response' => [
        // ...
        // ...