
Gentics Portal | php has some built-in helpers for navigation and breadcrumbs. However, these can be easily extended.

Add a single helper

Adding a new helper can be done with the Helper::add() method, which is based on Laravel macros:

// use Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\Helpers\Helper;
Helper::add('toLowerCase', function (string $string) {
    return strtolower($string);

Then the helper can be used by calling it as a static function on the Helper class:

echo Helper::toLowerCase('Test String'); // -> 'test string'

A helper can be used in Blade views too:

{{ Helper::toLowerCase('Test String') }}

The helpers should be defined in a ServiceProvider in the application to make it globally available. It is possible to add a Helper from a Controller’s action. The helper will be available once the action got called.

Helper names must be unique globally! None-unique helper names will cause an exception.

Add a helper class

It is possible to add a helper collection as a class. It must extend the BaseHelper class:

use Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\Helpers\BaseHelper;

class MyHelpers extends BaseHelper
    // Helper::lowerCase('String'); -> 'string'
    public function lowerCaseHelper (string $string)
        return strtolower($string);

    // Helper::upperCase('String'); -> 'STRING'
    public function upperCaseHelper (string $string)
        return strtoupper($string);

Then an instance should be created from this class in a ServiceProvider which adds all the helpers from the class.

The helper functions must end with Helper and must be public. Other functions will not be added to the helpers, but they can be used in the helper functions.

It is possible to change the Helper method name ending in the class and it is possible to add a prefix to the helper functions:

use Gentics\PortalPhp\Features\Helpers\BaseHelper;

class MyHelpers extends BaseHelper
    protected static $helperMethodSuffix = 'Utility';
    protected static $helperMacroPrefix = 'my';

    // Helper::myLowerCase('String'); -> 'string'
    public function lowerCaseUtility (string $string)
        return strtolower($string);

    // Helper::myUpperCase('String'); -> 'STRING'
    public function upperCaseUtility (string $string)
        return strtoupper($string);
Use prefixes to make the helper method names unique.