
Gentics Portal | php sitemaps are generated automatically for every publicly available resource. In this article you will learn how to configure and extend this functionality.

Setup Gentics Mesh permissions

The default Gentics Mesh setup does not provide permissions for anonymous users to generate a sitemap. You should give permissions to your Project and the Node(s) and its children you want to make available for everyone.

No authentication at all

If you are not using any authentication, you can set Gentics Portal | php to always use Gentics Mesh with administrator tokens, in that case you don’t have to configure permissions in Gentics Mesh.

Extended Gentics Mesh fields for sitemap

The sitemap feature respects the editdate and noindex fields of elements.

  • editdate This data specifies the lastmod property in the sitemap

  • noindex If this property is true, then the element will not be listed in the sitemap. Any other value keeps the element in the list.

Change the sitemap template

To change the default sitemap template first you have to publish the defaultviews to your project:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=views --provider='Spatie\Sitemap\SitemapServiceProvider'

After that, you can edit the templates in your resources/views/vendor/laravel-sitemap/ folder.

Maybe its a good idea to remove the changefreq and priority if you do not need these properties, also check Google’s specifications on that and adopt according to this.