Gentics Content.Connector Changelog Summary

Gentics Content.Connector 2.0.12


Updated the dependency node to 2.0.45 in order to fix the initialization of the JSC caches not being synchronized. This caused exceptions like a NPE.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.0.11


The contentconnector-csv module was added to the contentconnector-servlet sample.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.0.10


Implemented a CSV request processor that reads a CSV file (with file path, delimiter and escape characters defined in a properties file)

Gentics Content.Connector 2.0.9


When using a collector in the result of a query with result type JSON, a ClassCastException was thrown, which has been fixed now.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.0.8


Due to a race condition in the initializtion of the JCS cache in the content-connector, the PortalCache for the node-lib was intialized before the cache in the content-connector. Due to this bug the JCS cache was not intialized correctly for some request-processors. This has been fixed: the content-connector now uses the node-lib‘s JCS-wrapper (the PortalCache) instead of JCS directly. Switching to PortalCache ensurse that the same cache is used for all objects and that JCS is initialized only once.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.0.7


Fixed bug when using autocomplete feature with stopwords.
Now uppercase searchTerms get automatically converted to lowercase
and if the searchTerm is an stopword the result will be empty.


Fixed rarely occurring bug when using CRRecencyBoostingQuery and having elements with big timestamps


Changed the loglevel of the "Data could not be found" message from
ERROR to INFO since a request for non-existent data is not a serious
error in content connector itself.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.0.6


When fetching search results containing facets and using the XmlContentRepository (type=xml) an error was thrown
because the facets results where not parsed correctly to the XML-Response. This has been fixed.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.0.5


Add relevant facetconfig mapping to config-sample to ensure working facet search with sample-config. Print warn message if facet search is enabled and no mapping is configured.


The version of the node-lib dependency has been raised to 2.0.31 (for various bugfixes).

Gentics Content.Connector 2.0.4


Fixed a Java 7 compatibility issue which first occurred in version 2.0.3.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.0.3


Add possibility to define multiple database handles for one datasource.
A Round-Robin algorithm is used to choose a handle.
If one handle is not available it will be removed temporarily from pool
For configuration see:


Search queries containing the characters ‘&‘, ‘|‘ or ‘~‘ returned unexpected results when
using the CRQueryParser and inherited classes because those characters where always
replaced with ‘AND‘, ‘OR‘ and ‘NOT‘. This has been fixed: if those characters are
escaped (using backslash ‘\‘) they won‘t be replaced anymore.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.0.2


Sometimes an indexing job failed with “ this IndexReader is closed”.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.0.1


CustomPatternAnalyzer would stop working after processing the first string.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.0.0


Dependency management: The portalnode-lib dependency was removed from the Gentics Content.Connector

  • The ITemplateManager interface was moved to node-lib and will be available starting from version 2.0.13.
  • The ITemplateManager interface in node-lib was updated. The render method will no longer throw CRException. Instead a normal Exception will be thrown.
  • The PortalNodeTemplateManager class was moved to portalnode-lib and can still be used when manually adding the portalnode-lib dependency.
  • The PluggableActionCaller class was moved to portalnode-lib.
  • The PortalNodeInteractor class is no longer interfacing directly with portalnode. Instead the PortalConnectorFactory class is used for datasource creation.
  • Various portalnode-lib dependencies were removed in various pom.xml files.