Gentics Content.Connector Changelog Summary

Gentics Content.Connector 2.2.10

Bugfix SUP-7992

Updated some dependencies in order to fix security vulnerabilities:

  • pdfbox to 2.0.15
  • c3p0 to
  • httpclient to 4.5.9
  • xalan to 2.7.2
  • velocity-tools to 1.4
  • node to 2.3.8

Gentics Content.Connector 2.2.9

Bugfix SUP-7578

Updated dependency to node-lib.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.2.8

Gentics Content.Connector 2.2.7

Bugfix SUP-6797

Updated Apache PDFBox version to 2.0.11 to prevent OutOfMemory errors.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.2.6

Bugfix SUP-4077

Updated dependency to node-lib.
This fixes a problem with background sync checking of datasource using persistent caches.

Bugfix SUP-6718

Update the Apache Tika, Apache POI, Apache Pdfbox and Apache Commons Compress dependencies to the newest versions.

Bugfix SUP-6717

Fixed missing log output for Java-Erros (such as “NoClassDefFoundError”) thrown inside of IndexJobs.

Bugfix SUP-6561

Updated dependency to node-lib.
This solves an issue where images did not get the correct filename when being resized by Gentics Image Store.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.2.5


Isolate the Velocity-runtime for the contentconnector. The contentconnector will now use
the new-able VelocityEngine class internally instead of the Velocity class singleton.
This ensures that the configuration of the Velocity engine in the contentconnector will
not interfere with that of other libraries or frameworks which use (and configure) the
singleton model.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.2.4

Enhancement SUP-3060

Add new LDAPRequestProcessor. This RequestProcessor can be used to access LDAP entries
via the Gentics ContentConnector. For usage in the Lucene indexer see the file in the config-sample.


The node version has been updated to 2.3.1. This node version includes a fix for multithreaded access of
caches for contentobjects.
Also the version of the trove library has been updated to 2.1.0.


The NavigationCacheRequestProcessor has been fixed to get the navigation synchronously,
if it is not found in the cache, instead of returning null.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.2.3


The dependencies have been cleaned again to avoid some more errors
due to conflicting libraries.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.2.2


The dependencies have been cleaned to avoid various errors
due to conflicting libraries.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.2.1


The node version has been increased to 2.1.2. This node version does not use quartz for scheduling of
datasource related background jobs. Due to a version conflict of quartz, sometimes the background jobs were
not scheduled (without any error message), and clearing the caches due to changes in the contentrepository did not work.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.2.0


Updated the dependencies org.apache.poi and org.apache.tika to their latest versions in order to fix the security vulnerabilities CVE-2014–3529 and CVE-2016–5000


The delimiter used in the transformer SimpleMVString to join values can now be configured.
The previous static delimiter, a whitespace, is now the default delimiter.
The use of stopwords can now be toggled in CustomPatternAnalyzer. Stopwords are enabled by default.