Gentics Content.Node Changelog Summary

Gentics Content.Node 5.1.6

Manual Change

Changes for updating Aloha Link plugin

Fixed Aloha Link plugin. It is now possible to set links to internal files. To enable linking of files the Aloha Link tagtype has to be adapted. See » Aloha Link plugin support FAQ


The sizcache and sizset attributes that appeared when using the liveditor will be now be removed automatically.


Now templates that have only one linked folder can only be unlinked if there are no pages that reference this template. This fix was introduced to fix a bug that caused templates that were included within an export file to be hidden from the user.


Added cleanup of sizset sizcache attributes that were set by sizzle and not removed when using internet explorer with aloha editor.


Now only pages that have the contenttype ‘text/html‘ can be edited with aloha. For other pages the editing will automatically fallback to the oldstyle editing.


The tagname header within the tag edit dialog will now no longer be omitted if the feature tagfill_light is activated. Otherwise the tagname can be viewed by examining the head title. (Mouseover titel)


Fixed deletion of imports: Do not show objects, which were ignored (or copied) in the last import in the list of objects to be deleted.


Fixed an issue within the import that caused imports to fail due to wrong permission check of constructs.


Fixes error when using the “Assign for revision” functionality. This error was introduced when the changes made in Content Node 4 were merged into Content Node 5. In both branches identical do numbers were used for different features.


Fixed a bug that caused autoupdate to ignore the doupdate parameter. The autoupdate executed the update even if the feature was disabled via the autoupdate menu. Updates that include manual changes were not and will not be applied automatically.


Removed duplicate dependency that caused ClassNotFound exceptions and therefore stalled the background job tasks.


Fixed adding of language extension to filename when updating with an empty filename and Feature “contentgroup3_pagefilename” is set.

Gentics Content.Node 5.1.4


Performance enhancement and fixed timeout for Live-Editor page-save.The performance enhancement concerns pages with many live-editabletags. Tests showed, that saving a page with 260 live-editable tags took35 seconds originally, which was reduced to 6 seconds if the page hadchanges, or 3 seconds if the page had no changes. The timeout-fix was made so that no timeout will occur, if saving a pageshould take longer than 30 seconds.


Added render messages to the Aloha settings, such that they will be logged in Aloha, when the page is rendered. The log level can be configured by setting it to in


Fixed assistant frame. Aloha will now also add history entries to the assistant frame.


Fixed an error (SGB) that occurs if the validation the feature is turned on and a tag is edited in the context of Gentics Portal.Node / Aloha.


Fixed ProxyServlet Exception (invalid uri / invalid query) which occurred when performing an edit operation on a content tag from Gentics Portal.Node in Aloha mode.


Fixed bug in overviews over pages, which were selected and ordered individually, that prevented correct rendering of pages.


Fixed Rendering of Velocity Parts: Velocity must not be rendered in edit mode. That means that if a Tag is rendered e.g. like $ or a Part is rendered via $ it will NOT be editable. If Tags/Parts must be editable inside Tags that render Velocity, the Notation must be used (like in the pre-Aloha Era).


Fixed item-list column resizing in IE When certain columns in an item-list, such as the one for the name of apage, were wider than the base column width, the column was firstrendered with the correct (wider) size, but collapsed immediately to thebase column width when the mouse was moved to hover over the item-list.


Fixed Bug that prevented overviews to be republished when a page was published using time management and multithreaded publishing was used.


Fixed UI issue within the tagtype edit view. If a part is defined as liveeditable the editable checkbox will be enabled as well now.


Fixed NoClassDefFoundError during validation of style attributes.


Removed versioned publishing, which does not work reliable.

Gentics Content.Node 5.1.3

Manual Change

The JDK was updated

Please perform this step before performing the update of Gentics Content.Node.
This change can be omitted it the installation already uses JDK 1.6.0_14.
Examine the symlink /Node/java to check which jdk version is currently in use.Version 1.6.0_01 became incompatible with Gentics Content Node due tothe JAXB Library version bundled with the JDK.
To update the JDK version to 1.6.0_14, please download theupdate script and execute it as a shell script.
The script will ask for the Node folder (defaults to “/Node”) andwhether to use the 64bit version of the JDK (the default will be autodetected).


Added property .istag for objects to determine whether they are tags.


Fixed rendering of pages that render information of other pages (like overviews, links to other pages, page-tags, ...):
If the other page was modified but not yet published, the first page would publish the current data, but not the published data of the other page.
This behavior has been fixed now: When a page is published and renders information of other pages, it will always get the published version of the other page.


Fixed issues with page list when flapping the tree – the page list will now reclaim all available space


Fixed problem with custom streams which would not be displayed.


Fixes CRSync NoClassDefFound RuntimeProfiler Exception
The ProfilerServlet has a dependency on HttpServlet.
The servlet-api isonly on the classpath, if the RuntimeProfiler is used in the context of a webapp.
A workaround is to specify the servlet-api.jar in the classpath of theCRSync command line.

Gentics Content.Node 5.1.2

Manual Change

The PHP APC cache module must be enabled.

Append the following settings to the /Node/etc/php/php.ini file. [APC]extension=apc.soapc.enabled=1apc.shm_size=128Mapc.ttl=7200apc.user_ttl=7200apc.max_file_size=16MAfterwards, please restart Apache as root: /Node/bin/nodectl restart apache

Manual Change

(when updating from 5.0.0 or older)

If you attempt to update from Gentics Content.Node 5.0.0 or older, a special patch needs to be applied. Extract the patch file which can be downloaded (gcn5_update_patch.tgz) in /Node/.node:cd /Node/.nodewget [URL_TO_gcn5_update_patch.tgz]tar xzf gcn5_update_patch.tgz// ! Delete file or change permissions otherwise the replacement of .node can't be executed by the auto update !rm gcn5_update_patch.tgzIf you attempt to update without the patch, Gentics Content.Node won‘t recognize the latest update file as a valid update package and the update process will fail.


Improved various permission checks and change password mechanism


Adds XSS checks for tagfill/page_save and folder/page/node/file properties. Also adds the “policy” field for TagParts.


Improved security checks for serving images & files from the backend


Performance Improvement: getCurrentTIme() is not called anymore if the RuntimeProfiler is not enabled


Performance Improvement: parttypes are now cached, thus increasing render performance


Performance Improvement: The communication between PHP and the Java backend now happens via the native PHP Streaming API


Automatic update mechanism adapted for new Gentics Content.Node 5 package structure


Performance Improvement: Refactored the newline to html-break transformation of text part types. Some edge-cases of the old behaviour have been fixed. This change improves render-performance of pages in edit, preview and publish mode noticeably


Performance Improvement: added indices for id and contenttag_id to the ds_nodeversion table for improved performance


Performance Improvement: improved IE6 JavaScript performance by ceaning up jQuery itemlist handlers


Setting the page language will now trigger a dirtevent for all language variants.


Performance Improvement: disabled output buffer for user images


Performance Improvement: improved response times for viewing and editing pages


Feature “tagfill2” is not supported anymore – the dialog will fallback to the standard tagfill dialog.


Made isEditMode() and isPreviewMode() available for editing with Aloha.


Performance Improvement: content files are now served with a fingerprint instead of the current timestamp, so that the browser-cache is used more effectively


New Feature: “no_userlist_on_startpage” hides user list on startpage for faster loading


New changelog mechanism (unique change ids instead of build dates)


Switched deletion of publish directories to pure Java, so that no processes are forked anymore.


Performance Improvement: diff between page versions will now be handled in Java, thus increasing the performance


Gentics Content.Node velocity configuration is now available to the JavaParser.


Improved publish workflows and the page queue, which will now directly lead you to the page preview.


Added LSB Tags for nodectl script to allow usage of dependency boot system.


Fixed a problem that caused invalid page editor assignments.


Fixed page-save errors if the same aloha link tag occurs more than once in a page.


Fixed incorrect prompts on clicking the cancel button in the switch template dialog.


Fixed incorrect information in publish log about pages being written to disk even if publishing to the filesystem is disabled.


Fixes JCS configuration. The cache stopped working after Gentics Portal Node was removed. This was because the system property that configured the location for the cache.ccf file did not get set by the portal node configuration setup code.


Fixes consistency check during a CRSync. The contentstatus table could not be created with a customized name.


Fixed a timing problem when deleting or taking pages offline while the publish process started.


Fixed errors in CR browser and tagmap list


Fixed possible NPE for objects without NodeObject representations like construct categories.


Fixed XNL Function registry.


Fixed a problem with IE which didn‘t always show the resizable in itemlist columns.


Fixed dependency calculations when rendering pages within other pages.


Deletion of tagtypes is now decoupled from the browser-request, so that an aborted browser-request doesn‘t leave tags in the system, that have references to the deleted tagtype


Fixed error when uploading a new file or image.


Fixed encoding bugs with user name.