Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.16.15

Date: 02.07.2014

Bugfix RT58192

The quickjump did not work as expected when using multichannelling: inherited pages in channels were not found and pages in master nodes were shown as result, even if the user was restricted see pages in channels only. Both issues have been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58209

Publishing to content repositories: Updatetimestamps are now created from wallclock time instead of from transaction time. This will mitigate portal cache consistency issues when instant publishing is used during a publish run.

Bugfix RT58227

Fixed too strict permission check that would hide the “OK” button when editing a user. This way changing a user‘s group assignments directly from the user‘s edit view was not possible any more.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.25.11 – 02.07.2014