Gentics Content.Node Changelog Summary

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.52


Previously, when using the language menu while a page is opened, the CMS would under certain circumstances display a page of the wrong language or even an error message. Now, the page is always either displayed in the chosen language, or the language doesn‘t change if the selected language version of the current page does not exist and the user is not allowed to create it.

Bugfix SUP-515

Fixed wrong proxy prefix for Gentics-Imagestore-URLs in frontend editing.

Bugfix SUP-602

Fixed an Internal Error while importing a modified tagtype, if the type of a part in the tagtype had been modified.

Bugfix SUP-610

When fetching an object via the REST API in edit mode, tags that were inactive, but should become active when edited were marked as being “inactive“. When the fetched object was saved back (without any changes), the tags would be set to “inactive“. This has been changed, so that tags in that state will now be marked as being “active”, if the object is fetched in edit mode.

Bugfix SUP-595

When using a wastebin workflow for moving deleted folders into an archive node, deleting folders always failed with an error message. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-507

When publishing a node and its channels into the filesystem, and when localizing pages, the former inherited pages were sometimes not correctly removed from the filesystem of the channel. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-430

When an editor without publish permission tried to publish a page, all users of parent groups with publish permission were notified, even if the users were restricted to channels and were not allowed to see and publish the page in question. This has been fixed now: The node restriction is now considered when notifying users about pages to be published.

Bugfix SUP-656

When a page was saved with only changes in the content, the status of the page was not changed to “being edited”. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-448

Previously, when clicking pages in the history, the CMS would under certain circumstances not open the intended page, display an error message or in rare cases create a translation. Now, exactly the specified page will be opened, as listed in the history (same language version, same channel).

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.51

Enhancement SUP-519

When editing a page, the tool-tip of a tag now shows the tag keyword and the tagtype name instead of only the tag keyword.

Bugfix SUP-585

Fixed NullPointerException when comparing page versions in a master node with multichanneling.

Bugfix SUP-522

When opening a page in preview mode of aloha editor, the history entry created in the assistant frame showed the normal page icon, but would open the page in edit mode. This has been fixed now: only opening a page in edit mode will create a history entry showing the edit icon, that will open the page in edit mode again.

Bugfix SUP-566

A possible NullPointerException during the import has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-558

Sometimes, CSS settings of aloha editor plugins did not overwrite the core aloha editor CSS settings (due to a loading order problem), which could cause indeterministic layout problems. This has been fixed now, the core aloha editor CSS settings will now always be loaded before the plugin CSS settings, in order to allow the plugin CSS settings to overwrite the core settings.

Bugfix SUP-274

Errors that happen while rendering velocity tags will now contain more descriptive information in the server log. The name and ID of the page and tag will be logged now.

Bugfix SUP-605

When importing templates that contained tags, where the values had been changed, under special cirvumstances, the new values were not imported correctly. This has been fixed now.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.50

Documentation SUP-524

The documentation of the feature Copy Tags has been enhanced to include configuration settings, that are necessary for the feature to work.

Bugfix SUP-241

CAS: Fixed CAS-services not being accesible via HTTPS by adding a new $CAS_SSO[‘curlOptions‘] option that allows the configuration of CURL SSL. Read the “CAS – Central Authentication Service” page in the documentation for more information.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.49

Security SUP-323

Permissions: When a group had permissions on an object, and all permission were removed, the permission cache was not refreshed and the group still had the previous permissions. This only happened when all permissions to an object were removed.

Security SUP-323

The permissions of object properties are now also respected by the GCN Rest API when loading or saving objects.

Bugfix SUP-370

REST-API: When copying a contenttag, using page/newtag, the operation would fail for some content tags.

Bugfix SUP-187

When defining the tags in a template, it is now possible to save an updated list of tags without synchronizing the pages (by clicking the ‘Apply‘ button) or to save and synchronize the pages (by clicking the new ‘Apply and synchronize pages‘ button). Additionally, if errors occur (e.g. because some pages are currently locked by other users), the whole synchronization process does not fail (and has to be repeated), but all pages, that can be synchronized will be synchronized. If the action is triggered again (by clicking ‘Apply and synchronize pages‘ without actually changing the tag definitions, the remaining pages will be synchronized. Additionally, there is now an additional view (“Tagstate” via the template‘s top menu) that will show, how many pages are in sync or out of sync with the template regarding the editable tag definitions.

Bugfix SUP-456

When editing a page using Aloha Editor with Internet Explorer, and adding new links to the page, the click on “Save” in the assistant frame showed a message, informing the user that he was about to leave the page with unsaved changes. This has been fixed now. Additionally, when saving a page that contained new links, some additional AJAX calls to the backend were done (in the background), which caused saving to be slower than necessary. Those AJAX calls have been reduced to the necessary minimum.

Bugfix SUP-187

The algorithm to check whether a new page version must be created and to create the page version used many sql statements and therefore was inefficient. This algorithm has been changed now to be more efficient, especially when no page version must be created. This will affect actions like:

  • Locking the page for editing
  • Saving a page (with or without changes)
  • Publishing a page

Bugfix SUP-434

Fixed newly introduced error with bugfix SUP-434 in the previous hotfix. The overview wizard could start with page 1 even if the user already made all the selections on page 1.

Bugfix SUP-434

Overview tags in pages: When editing new overview tags in pages the wizard started wrongly with page 2 when no selection was made for the object type or the selection type in page 1. This has been fixed. The wizard will now start correctly with page one if any selection is possible and hasn‘t been made.

Bugfix SUP-187

The process of saving a page has been optimized to avoid unnecessary checks, if only content, but no metadata was changed.

Bugfix SUP-323

Fixed object properties not being deleted, when passing their name in the “delete” list of the Rest API method.

Bugfix SUP-479-SUP-488

Changed Contentrepository DB connection pool to be more resilient in cases of reset DB Connections.

Bugfix SUP-418

It is now possible to change the synchronization mechanism for objects, that need to be removed from a content repository also for non-multichannelling aware contentrepository from the default differential synchronization to a full synchronization. Using the full synchronization is slower than the differential approach but is less error prone.

Bugfix SUP-401

When editing a page with Aloha Editor, the following editing actions would lead to unexpected behaviour:

  • Remove a tag from an editable, where the tag itself contains an editable
  • Create a new tag of the same type in the editable in a way, that the new tag would get the same name as the one deleted before
  • Open the tagfill dialog to fill some data into the new tag
  • Close the tagfill dialog with the “Ok” button
  • Reopen the tagfill dialog of the new tag

Following these steps, the tagfill dialog would now be empty (not showing the data entered before). This problem has been fixed now, so that editing pages in the way described above will work as expected.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.48

Bugfix SUP-309

Some problems with copying or importing templates in the backend have been fixed:

  • When a template was copied into a folder of a node (not a channel), it was internally marked as belonging to a channel. This could subsequently lead to erros during the publish process.
  • When templates that were incorrectly bound to a channel were exported and imported into another system,
    they were incorrectly bound to a channel on the target system as well.
  • When a template was copied into the same folder in a channel, it was copied into the master instead.

This update will also correct incorrectly bound templates in the database.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.47

Bugfix SUP-307

Copying a tagmap entry between contentrepositories would fail unconditionally.

Bugfix SUP-278

Comparing Page Versions did not work correctly with Pages in localized Folders. This has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-361-SUP-364

Connections from the database connection pool are now tested before being used.

Bugfix SUP-226

Fixed a NullpointerException when importing a page that could occur under rare circumstances.

Bugfix SUP-302

Fixed positioning of context menus in IE with RTL (Right-To-Left) pages. This fixes the calculation of the scroll position for Internet Explorer.

Bugfix SUP-56

Multiple bugs fixed in page publishing:

  • page.languages now only returns online pages during publishing.
  • References to non-published language variants would be added in the content repository. Now, only online language variants get references in the content repository.
  • References to deleted pages would not get removed from the content repository. The fix adds dependencies for referenced pages. Affected pages must be re-published for the problem to be solved.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.46

Bugfix SUP-279

When uploading a file with a duplicate filename to a folder in a channel, the file was not automatically renamed. This has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-297

In some cases an error could occur when accessing the CMS directly after an update has been applied. The error occurred because some mandatory tasks for i18n support were not completed.
This i18n support task was redesigned in order to avoid such problems in the future.

Bugfix SUP-285

Fixed accidentally cutting off a filename extension when uploading a new file. If the user changes the filename when uploading a new file in the CMS and the new filename has no filename extension, then the original filename extension of the input file is attached to the new filename.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.45

Documentation SUP-170

When a tagtype contains an velocity tagpart that is editable it could lead to side effects. Improved the documentation, so that making a velocity tagpart editable is now discouraged, as it is also not supported.

Bugfix SUP-174

Implemented a workaround for the Internet Explorer 10 and 11 frame rendering issues with different document modes. GCN will force a redraw of content frames from now on in order to prevent issues with empty pages. Also fixed the upper page frame in the “translate to” page sometimes being invisible or too small.

Bugfix SUP-137

Sometimes, the tree shown to select the target folder for copying pages was rendered incompletely. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix SUP-243

The failure behaviour and logging of the publish process has been improved, in cases where committing the content repository transactions at the end of the publish process fails.

Bugfix SUP-46

When the localized copy of a page was taken offline, instant publishing would replace the page with the inherited page, instead of completely removing it from the content repository. Only the next regular publish run would correct this and remove the page from the content repository. This has been fixed now, so that instant publishing will correctly remove the page.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.44

Bugfix SUP-98

Page variants: When creating a variant of a page that has a language associated and at least one localization, multiple page variants with the same language would be created in the same channel and folder.

Bugfix SUP-42

When a contentrepository was imported, the foreignlink attribute rule of an already existing tagmap entry would not be overwritten, if it was changed. This has been fixed now.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.43

Bugfix SUP-164

Fixed possible NPE when checking data in contentrepositories

Bugfix SUP-73

When multiple requests to translate a given page into a specific language were sent at the same time (or in a way that a new request was sent before the previous request returned), it was possible that multiple language variants in the requested language were created for the same page. Only one of the language variants was visible in the backend, but possibly both were published. This has been fixed now. Translating pages will now be synchronized (per page), so that multiple parallel requests will only create a single language variant, which will be returned by all of those requests.

Bugfix SUP-59

Fixed documentation of AuthenticationResource to describe the proper parameters for the validate method.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.42

Bugfix SUP-88

Fixed possible NPE when saving pages containing empty overviews

Bugfix SUP-78

When moving folder structures within master nodes of multichannelling environments, all channel local objects in that structure were pushed to the master node as well. This has been changed now. Objects within moved folder structures will now only be moved between channels, if this is necessary to maintain channel integrity.

  • Folder A is moved from the master node to a channel (of the same master node).
  • Page B in Folder A, which belonged to the master node is also moved to the channel (because it cannot belong to the master, when the folder does not belong to the master).
  • Page C in Folder A, which belonged to the channel is not moved (already belongs to the target channel).
  • Page D in Folder A, which belonged to a subchannel is also not moved, because it does not violate the channel integrity.

Bugfix RT58697

Recursively setting permissions or setting object properties might take longer and run into a timeout. In such cases, it was not perfectly clear to the user, what happened and if the requested action was successfully performed. The processes have been changed now, so that if setting the permissions or the object properties recursively takes longer than some seconds, it will be sent to the background. The user will get a message that the process is continued in the background and will get an instant message when the process is completed.

Bugfix RT58739

Running the purgeversions could possibly remove a page version, even if the content was still used by another page variant, if the page variants were not in sync. This could lead to pages being published completely empty. This has been fixed now. If any pages having page variants lack their published page version and are therefore published completely empty, they must be published again to correct the page version.

Bugfix RT58618

When an object is not changed during an import, because the local copy is identical to the imported version, the import details list will now show ‘unchanged‘ instead of ‘ignored‘ as import action. Additionally, the import details list will now also show conflicts, that existed during the import and the individual conflict setting for the imported objects.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.41

Bugfix RT58735

Fixed accidentally cutting off a filename extension. If a filename is changed in the CMS in the file properties and the new filename has no filename extension, then the previous filename extension (if any) is attached to the new filename.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.40

Bugfix RT58617

Changing a datasource with an import failed to dirt dependent objects. This has been fixed now. If the import changes entries of a datasource, dependent objects will be dirted.

Bugfix RT58672

The memory consumption of the timetrigger script (used for time based workflows) has been reduced.

Bugfix RT58651

The assignment of languages to nodes was imported with the language, but not with the node:

  • if only the language was imported (without nodes), the node assignment was modified to match the assignment of the source system
  • if only the node was imported (without languages), the language assignment was not modified
  • if a new node was imported, that had a new language assigned, the language was not assigned to the node

The behaviour has been changed now, so that the language assignment is changed, when the node is imported.

Bugfix RT58713

Fixed curl printing debug output to error.log when the PHP curl extension is enabled.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.39

Bugfix RT58302

Moving folder structures between channels did not work as expected. Objects contained in the moved folder structure possibly were not moved between the channels. This could result in inconsistent data, where inherited objects were located in local folders. This has been fixed now. Additionally, some additional checks for possible naming conflicts will be done, when moving folder structures between nodes. When moving large folder structures takes longer than some seconds, the move operation will now be continued in the background. The user will get a notification (via instant message), when the folder structure has been moved.

Bugfix RT58592

Fixed a bug in the import system with folders that got moved to another node. When a folder that is in the import file, already exists on the target system, but has been moved to another node on the source system, the node information for some folders would be inconsistent in the database in some cases. This caused some folders to not show up anymore in the tree because their parent folder couldn‘t be opened anymore. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58663

The version of the library commons-dbcp has been updated from 1.2.1 to 1.2.2 which includes a fix for This bug caused database connections to content repositories, that were fetched from the pool and died (e.g. because the server was not reachable any more) not being returned into the pool. This subsequently caused the pool to exhaust and the publish process to fail, until the tomcat was restarted.

Bugfix RT58544

When editing a page with Aloha Editor in Internet Explorer (up to version 10 or in IE7 Mode), saving the page by clicking “Save” in the main menu, the user got a warning about leaving the page with unsaved changes. This has been fixed now, saving the page from the main menu will now work without the additional warning.

Bugfix RT58676

When creating a folder, the role permissions were not inherited from the parent folder. This has been fixed.

Bugfix RT58649

GenticsImagestore: Resizing failed sometimes when resizing an image without a proper file name extension. This has been fixed.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.38

Enhancement RT58648

Replaced logos in Gentics Content.Node to fit to the new Gentics CD.

Bugfix RT58610

When a custom context path is configured like documented in the Guides, the thumbnails of images in the minibrowser were not rendered, because the URLs were wrong. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58685

Page tags: Removed message in the tooltip stating that the tag is not editable in the page, even though it is editable.

Bugfix RT58687

Rest API: Fixed MySQL deadlock problem that can happen when calling methods in PermResource that change object permissions parallelly (eg.: in threads).

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.37

Apache/Tomcat AJP connector: mod_jk has been replaced by mod_proxy_ajp in the GCN package.
The installation guide for GCN has been updated. If you want to switch to mod_proxy_ajp now, you just have to replace the file “/Node/etc/apache/apache-vhost-include.conf” with the one from the latest GCN package, disable mod_jk, enable mod_proxy & mod_proxy_ajp and restart your apache.

Bugfix RT58659

Changes to group memberships didn‘t update cached user objects, so the changes wouldn‘t show up in the user/me REST-call. This has been fixed.

Bugfix RT58575

In some cases a jmage.log file would be created in the root directory of the java process. A bugfix has been applied to the jmage library in order to prevent such files from being created.

Bugfix RT58657

Under some circumstances a defective object (e.g. a folder) would be stored in the cache which would prevent it from being listed or otherwise found in the context of multichannelling.

Bugfix RT58620

In rare cases, importing a new template could fail with an “Internal error”, because the folder, where the template was originally created did not exist any more. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix KB2086

The handling of datasource part types (single selection, multiselect, ...) during export and import has been improved to correctly preserve the selection in tags even in rare situations, where the internal id of datasource entries might be different between the source and target system.
It is important to note, that for the improved behaviour both the source and target system must be updated.

Bugfix RT58556

In some implementations, when editing a page in a channel with frontend editing, an SGB could occur when opening the tagfill dialog, if the user had edit permissions restricted to that channel due to incorrect checking of permissions. This has been fixed now, the edit permissions in the tagfill dialog will now always be checked for the page‘s channel.

Bugfix RT58538

When a page contains an image and the user has no page/image/file viewing permissions but only permissions for viewing the folder of the image, the user was not shown any useful error message. Instead the admin got an error log message. Now the user gets an error message indicating that he has no page/image/file viewing permissions in the folder of the image in the page, so that he can contact an group administrator to add the permissions. When editing the page, the user could change the image to another image in the folder that he has no page/image/file viewing permissions. Listing pages and images without said permissions was also possible via the REST-Api. This has been fixed so that the user cannot list images of a folder he has no permission to.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.36

Bugfix RT58613

Sanitize filename feature: Fixed the hint message being shown, even if the feature is properly configured. Fixed handling of filenames containing dots. Fixed sanitizing of the filename extension.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.35

Bugfix RT58613

Sanitize filename feature: Removed wrong hint text.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.34

Bugfix RT58613

Some bugs in the sanitize name feature have been fixed:

  • When changing the standard configuration the form validation when creating a page or editing the page properties was wrong and a wrong error message was shown. Now this form validation is turned off for all custom configurations.
  • When creating a page, the page filename was truncated to the maximum filename length only BEFORE the sanitizing. Due to the character replacement in the sanitizing the filename could get longer. When translating a page the new filename was cut correctly, resulting in a different filename length.
  • When creating a page with a page filename that exceeds the maximum filename length, the language abbreviation could be deleted from the filename.
  • When translating a page with a page filename that exceeds the maximum filename length, the filename could be wrongly truncated if the filename contains a dot “.”.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.33

Bugfix RT58589

When creating folders over the REST API, the inheritable object tags from the mother folder were not automatically set for the new created folder. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58599

Some errors, that occurred while rendering the tree will be logged now.

Bugfix RT58574

Editing pages with Aloha Editor: When using the method addDeleteButton() to add delete buttons to blocks, that contain nested blocks, the delete button was also attached to the nested blocks. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58572

When content repositories, that have instant publishing enabled are not available, this might affect the whole system. With some new configuration options, it is possible to have instant publishing temporarily disabled in case of availability problems. See Instant Publishing in the Guides for details.

Bugfix RT58589

Creating new folders in the backend sometimes produced an SGB due to duplicate object tags. The folder was created in the DB, but caches were not properly cleared, which caused some problems afterwards. This has been fixed now, duplicate object tags will be ignored now.

Bugfix RT58599

The tree used to select the target folders when copying pages internally used too many requests to the REST API. This has been fixed now, which will reduce the render times for the tree.

Bugfix RT58570

In some situations, dirting of folders upon changed object properties might not work, because a new object tag object had been created since the folder was last published. Storing of dependencies has been improved to be insensitive against such situations. It is important to note, that this change will only affect objects, that are republished after this update.

Bugfix RT58561

Some issues of export and import of channel structures have been fixed.
For these fixes, it is important that both the source and target system are update to the newest version of GCN, before doing the export and import.

  • When importing a master node together with at least one channel, that contained at least one localized folder, into a system, where neither of the nodes already existed, it could happen, that the import failed with an “Internal error“.
  • When exporting a master with channel and subchannel, it could happen that the this channel structure was not imported correctly.
  • When resolving a conflict with behaviour “copy“, some parts of the new created object possibly had the same global IDs as the
    imported object, which could lead to “Internal errors“ in subsequent imports.
  • When resolving a conflict with behaviour “copy” and then doing another import of the same bundle, the conflict
    would not be detected again, which could lead to unwanted overwriting of the local object.

Bugfix RT58596

When publishing into a non MCCR content repository and not using multithreaded publishing, the motherid of an object sometimes would not be updated after the object had been moved to another folder. This has been fixed now.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.32

Bugfix RT58560

When a page is modified and republished during a publish process that published this page, it could happen that not all dependencies of the republished page were correctly dirted. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58067

The import of pages will now give more explicit error messages (in the server log) when the process fails due to data inconsistencies.

Bugfix RT58564

Fixed a SGB error that occured in some cases, when trying to upload a new file in the tag fill dialog.

Bugfix RT58557

In the previous bugfix RT58305, a background job that deletes broken content tags was added. However when a broken tag was found it caused the Tomcat to wrongly block the startup due to a not logged error. The error handling of background jobs has also been improved.

Bugfix RT58566

Saving the tag definitions of a template possibly takes some time, because it could affect many pages. This could lead to a timeout in the request, which resulted in an SGB, although the process of saving the tag definition was successful. This has been changed now, so that if saving the tag definitions takes longer, the process will be taken to the background and the user will get a notification, when saving is complete.

Bugfix RT58573

When generating a filename from the page name, the result was empty, if the name contained only whitespace characters. Also, a filename that begins with a dot could cause problems. This has been fixed, so that in both cases the filename will begin with “1” instead.
The ‘sanitize names‘ feature now allows the configuration of the standard replacement character. Also the list of allowed characters can be extended. See: Sanitize names

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.31


SSL Security Advisory
The POODLE attack (PaddingOracleOnDowngradedLegacyEncryption) allows to steal “secure” HTTP cookies when SSL 3.0 is being used. We strongly recommend disabling SSL 3.0 support in your apache webserver configuration and if needed to update the openssl library once a fix for this issue has been released.
The SSL support for the Gentics Content.Node 5.15.x (Tegal) package installer has been removed. New package installations should use the latest version of GCN.

Bugfix RT58544

When an editor using Aloha Editor on Internet Explorer tried to leave the edited page (e.g. by clicking into the tree) with unsaved changes, a confirm message was shown, whether the changes should be saved before leaving the page. However, saving never worked, regardless of whether “OK“ or “Cancel” was clicked. Since it is not possible to save the page in an asynchronous call when leaving the page (the browser just would not issue the asynchronous save request), the behaviour when just leaving the page with unsaved changes has now been unified for all browsers: The user will get a notification message, explaining that unsaved changes would be lost when leaving the page.

Bugfix RT58531

When an editor without permission to publish a page tried to publish a page that was missing some mandatory tags, the page would be put into the queue nevertheless. This is incorrect, the check for missing mandatory tags has to be done before putting the page into the queue. The behaviour has been changed now, so that it is not possible to put a page into the queue, if it is missing mandatory tags.

Bugfix RT58539

When creating pages from within the todo tool, the language was not correctly set, if the Node, the user had visited last, did not have that language activated. This has been fixed now, the language will now be checked against the languages of the Node, where the page is created.

Bugfix RT58554

GenticsImageStore: A previous bugfix could cause the colors of a resized image to be wrong. The bugfix has been updated in order to prevent such wrong colors.

Bugfix RT58537

Image Manipulation: The error “include imagemanipulation2 not found.” which showed up in the error log but had no functional consequence was fixed.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.30

Manual Change

Aloha Link tagtype: A previous manual update of the tagtype “Aloha Link” caused a misbehaviour when adding a link.

Breaks were inserted before and after links when saving a page. To perform the manual change please update the tagfill of the tagtype “Aloha Link“ (keyword: “gtxalohapagelink”) to match the code in the Aloha Page Link Tag Description.

Documentation RT58520

Enhanced the documentation of how to migrate GCN to the new package with system distribution Apache.

Bugfix RT58509

When setting the page language to a different language the language of the localized versions of the page was not updated. This has been fixed.

Bugfix RT58526

When editing with Aloha Editor and an editable is activated that has a block element (like a table or tag) as first and/or last element, an empty paragraph needs to be inserted at the very start and/or end of the editable in order to provide a landing place for the cursor. When using Internet Explorer in IE7 mode, this did not work properly. Sometimes no paragraph was added, sometimes it contained a superfluous break element and thus had two lines. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58528

When publishing a page out of the Real Edit Mode using Aloha Editor failed (e.g. due to missing mandatory fields), no message was shown to the editor. This has been fixed now: a message will be shown to the editor and the page will stay in edit mode.

Bugfix RT58517

When using the Repository Browser in IE7 (or in a more recent version of Internet Explorer in IE7 mode), resizing the window and/or the Repository Browser could completely crash the browser. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58523

When rendering other tags with the velocity directory #gtx_edit() never rendered the tags in edit mode. This has been fixed now, the directory #gtx_edit() now also works for other tags.

Bugfix RT58516

When editing template properties, the file upload field always reported an error (“A file needs to be selected”) although selecting a file is not necessary. The changes made for the template were saved anyway. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58525

When setting an object property for a localized folder in a channel and applying the change to all subfolders, the change also affected subfolders in the master channel. This has been fixed. Now, if an object-property-change is applied to all subfolders of a localized folder, then only localized subfolders in the same channel will be affected by the change.

Bugfix RT58521

REST API: Deleting a page would not work if it has missing contenttags or contenttags with missing values. The delete call would also report success on the delete operation in this case.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.29

Optional Manual Change

Implementation of the tagtype for the FileLink plugin maybe has to be updated

The Setup Guide of the Gentics Content.Node FileLink plugin did not explicitly state, that the part text of the tagtype must be inline editable. The documentation has been updated. If this plugin is used, the tagtype implementation must be changed accordingly.

Bugfix RT58492

In rare cases the publish process could fail with an error like “ERROR: com.gentics.api.lib.exception.NodeException: Action WRITE_CR was initiated for object 10002.4711.99 twice” due to conflicting entries in the publish queue. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58503

Sorting the items listed in the repository browser by name did not work and has been fixed now.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.28

Bugfix RT58490

When migrating existing projects to Aloha Editor, live editable tagtypes that use a part like Text, Text/HTML or Text/HTML (long) (which will replace newlines to br-Tags while rendering) would add superfluous br-Tags every time a page is edited with Aloha Editor. Changing the part to HTML would not change the stored content and newlines stored in the contents would no longer be transformed into br-Tags.
For this reason, the behavior of saving contents into such parts has been changed to strip all contained newlines. In this way, the editables can still be used with Aloha Editor without any further migration necessary.
It is mandatory to activate the feature aloha_annotate_editables for this to work. See the Aloha Editor Migration Guide for details.

Bugfix RT58468

GenticsImageStore: Fixed the GenticsImageStore not being able to resize .gif images. Instead of the resized image, the original image was returned. This bug was introduced with GCN 5.15.34 / 5.16.20 / 5.17.7.

Bugfix RT58430

Some additional log entries were added to better log, when a template is modified. Also locking and unlocking pages will now be logged separately with new log actions “Lock“ and “Unlock”.

Bugfix RT58489

When changing the tagtype of a template tag, that is editable in pages, not all caches where cleared correctly after the tags in the pages were changed. This could cause subsequent errors. E.g. when editing a page afterwards, it could happen, that the page was stored with the original tagtype. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58412

Construct Editing: Modifying any construct property including description, keyname, parts caused all pages to be republished that utilized tags that were created using the construct. Only modifications to parts will now cause republishing of pages. Modifying all other properties including keyname and description will no longer cause publishing of pages.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.27

Bugfix RT58456

Page Translate: In some cases a page property dialog with empty fields and no confirm button was shown when a user tried to translate a page. Additional permission checks were added in order to prevent this bug. The error messages now also contain information about the missing permissions.

Bugfix RT58456

Translation permissions: A message will now be displayed when the translator has not enough permissions to translate a page in a different language. Previously the action was just silently aborted.

Bugfix RT58418

When pages, images or files cannot be moved due to naming conflicts, the error messages will now explicitly contain the names of the conflicting objects and their folders. Additionally, if the conflict arises in a channel (but not in the master node), the channel name will be contained in the error messages. Error messages will now be shown in a browser alert message, so they cannot be easily missed.

Bugfix RT58467

When disabling the IE7 Standards Mode, and editing pages using the old Live Editor, some incorrect CSS setting caused rendering problems for editable areas. The borders around editables containing multiple lines of content were not rendered correctly and the tag icon changed it‘s position when activating the editable. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58447

When changing the name of a folder, without changing the publish directory, no check for duplicate publish paths will be done. Therefore, changing only the name is still possible, even if duplicate publish paths already exist.

Bugfix RT58451

When editing a page using aloha editor in “real editor“ mode, saving the page (using the “Save“ button in the ribbon), saved the page, but did not create a new version. When clicking the “Cancel“ button in the ribbon afterwards, the last saved version of the page is restored, which is unexpected behaviour. This has been fixed now, when using the “Save“ button in the ribbon to save the page, a new version will now be created and clicking “Cancel” afterwards will no longer undo the changes, which were saved before.

Bugfix RT58263

The update process has been changed to change the group of the PHP files to node_public, if the user node is member of that group. This fixes permission problems on systems that still use the second HTTP server for XNL modules.

Bugfix RT58334

Page list: In some cases the top menu search menu was not being displayed. Additional role permission checks have been added in order to correctly determine the visibility of this menu entry.

Bugfix RT58443

The gallery view was affected by the paging setting, but did not show the paging controls. Also the placement of the images in the gallery was wrong. This has been fixed now, the gallery will now show all images and will not use paging.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.26

Bugfix RT58256

Unnecessary output of WARN messages like “WARN TagPartType not filled, but is still rendered. (TagPartType is null, data inconsistency – invalid link to tag {tagClass:class com.gentics.contentnode.object.ContentTag} {tagId:0} {valueId:47110815})” in the publish log will be omitted now.

Bugfix RT58408

Loading images (path /folder/getFiles/{folderId}) or items (path /folder/getItems/{folderId}) using the Java REST API client failed with some deserialization errors. This has been fixed now. The result for the calls to /folder/getFiles/{folderId} and /folder/getItems/{folderId} will contain an additional property (@class) for each file or item, that specifies the Class to be used for deserialization in the Java REST API client.

Bugfix RT58424

Translating pages in the backend or with the REST-API wouldn‘t work when group channel restrictions were in use.

Bugfix RT58434

When a published page was republished without any changes, a log entry like “Create Major Version (updated version 9.0 to 9.0)” was written which suggested that a new version should have been created. In fact, when republishing an already published page without any changes will not create a new version and such log entries are incorrect and will not be written any more.

Bugfix RT58139

When uploading a new image/file and then directly clicking the file, editing it‘s object properties did not work (produced an SGB). This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58388

The Time Management during a publish process will now be done earlier (before the initialization of the publish process) in it‘s own transaction. This fixes problems, where pages, that are published with “publish at” are possibly not published with the correct contents.

Bugfix RT58448

When starting a Tagtype Migration process, a new background Thread is created, which is never removed. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58436-RT58436

Fixed and unified page filename handling for creation and translation, which incorrectly replaced some valid characters.

Bugfix RT58422

When using a PostProcessor in a tagtype migration for a template, the template was not migrated although the job finished with success. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58312

In rare cases, the application server for Gentics Content.Node would not start properly due to an unexpectedly terminated initialization job, which the startup routine failed to detect. This has been fixed now. If an initialization job terminates, an exception will be logged and the application server will start normally.

Bugfix RT58437

When uploading new files or changing files, the uniqueness check for the filename (with publish directory) was not done case insensitively. This could cause creation of files for which the publish path only differed in case. This subsequently could cause problems in the frontend. The uniqueness check has been fixed now to be case insensitive.

Bugfix RM13889

Fixed that the “Quickjump” didn‘t work anymore on the start page of Gentics Content.Node.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.25

Bugfix RT58441

The background job for synchronizing published versions of page variants sometimes causes an Exception on tomcat startup. This has been fixed.


A PHP error within the autoupdate changelog mechanism was fixed. Previously this error could cause the changelog mechanism to abort the update process.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.24

Bugfix RT58432

When modifying the html of a tag in a callback to “tag.rendered” (using the Gentics Content.Node Javascript API), the modified html was ignored. This has been fixed now. When modifying the html of a tag, it is necessary to note, that at least the root tag of the original html must be left untouched.

Bugfix RT58371

When editing an overview for the first time after a new login, the list of selected entries will disappear after clicking back and next in the overview wizard. This has been fixed.

Bugfix RT58384

Sometimes importing a Page with an Overview that already exists on the system does not update the overview settings. This has been fixed.

Bugfix RT58386

When a page was localized in a channel, the properties “languageset“ and “pagevariants“ were triggered for all language or page variants of the page in the master node and for all channels. This probably caused too many pages dirted, which subsequently caused too large publish processes. This has been fixed now, dirting of “languageset“ and “pagevariants” will now be done channel specific were possible.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.23

Bugfix RT58383

Guides: Enhanced the FAQ page on how to enable the profiler.

Bugfix RT58403

Fixed users being able to take inherited pages offline, even when they don‘t have access to the master node.

Bugfix RM14192

Channel sync: Fix javascript error occuring when pressing the buttons “Push to master“ or “Remove localization“. Error message: ”Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘focus‘ of undefined

Bugfix RT58305

When restoring a page version, tags where the tagtype has been deleted in the meanwhile also got restored. When trying to load this page afterwards the user would get an error message. The problem has been fixed by not restoring such tags anymore.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.22

Bugfix RT58362

When translating a page, the generated filename was not consistent with the generated filename of the original page.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.21

Bugfix RT54802

With Firefox the menu list in the template preview is displayed always with two columns instead of one. This has been fixed.


An issue within the REST API was fixed which could lead to stalling mysql server connections. Ultimately this issue could result in ‘Too many connections‘ errors.

Bugfix RT58365

The main Gentics Content.Node connection pool can now be configured using the following settings: The default max_connections limits for MySQL 5.5/5.6 is 151. We suggest to use 80% of the server connection limit for the gcn connection pool. You can check the connection limit by logging in your MySQL server and execute the following command:
   show variables like 'max_connections'; 
The pool_whenExhaustedAction setting can have the following values:
  • BLOCK: The connection pool will no longer hand out connections when the limit was reached (Suggested action)
  • GROW: The connection pool will continue growing even if the limit has been reached. (Current default action)
  • FAIL: The connection pool will throw exceptions when the limit was reached.
   $SETTINGS["pool_size_max"] = 120;   $SETTINGS["pool_whenExhaustedAction"] = "BLOCK"; 

Bugfix RT58327

Various issues in the scheduler task event view were fixed:

  • Previously it was possible to select a task event dependency which would cause a closed dependency cycle. Additional checks were added to disalow a task event select which would lead to this condition.
  • The translations within the task view property dialog were fixed and improved.
  • A bug was fixed which would cause parent dependencies for the task event not to show up within the task event dependency selection dropdown.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.20

Bugfix RT58211

GenticsImageStore: On some occasions, when resizing a JPEG image with sRGB colorspace the resulting image has wrong colors. This has been fixed.

Bugfix RT58298

Sometimes, when a successful multithreaded publish process was finalized, errors like “An already closed connction got into the pool.” would be logged (as FATAL errors), which did not indicate any real errors. The finalizing algorithm has been changed to avoid those error messages.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.19

Documentation RT58295

Added missing documentation to the PermResource, the resource for reading and writing permissions in the REST Api. Previously it was unclear how to get the folder and role permissions and how to read the permission bit strings in the response. This has been fixed.

Bugfix RT58285

The handling of “internal” datasources datasources that belong to a specific tag that has a part of type "Datasource" during Import/Export has been fixed. They will no longer be treated as individual objects, but as tag content. The changes in detail are:

  • Internal datasources will no longer be excluded, even if datasources are excluded generally. Internal datasources must always be exported within the tags that contain them.
  • Internal datasources will no longer be shown in the export overview or detail list.
  • Internal datasources will no longer be shown in the conflict view.
  • Internal datasources will no longer be shown in the import overview or detail list.

Bugfix RT58319

Tagtype fill: When editing a tagtype that has a “Select (multiple)“-part in the “Fill“ dialog, a broken error message appeared when saving the properties with “OK“. This happened on systems where GCN runs with PHP 5.3 or higher and has been fixed now. Error message: “A tag name contains invalid characters: Line: 1 Tag:”.

Bugfix RT58243

In some cases, due to incorrect tagmap data, the content repository synchronization during the publish process would detect changes in the content repository structure every time. This caused “changing” the structure on every publish run, which did not actually change anything, but just took some unnecessary time. This has been fixed now, the content repository structure will now only be modified if really necessary.

Bugfix RT58328

If a content file has no file extension, then the meta attribute file.extension returned the file name instead of an empty string. This has been fixed.

Bugfix RT58324

Pages that were published into a multichannelling aware contentrepository during a regular publish process did not get the correct updatetimestamp set. As a result, caches were not cleared by syncchecking. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58278

When a file was dirted and then deleted during the next publish run, the publish run possibly failed, when the file should be published into a Content Repository where the attribute binarycontent was a filesystem attribute. This has been fixed now, the behavior in such cases will now be the same as when the attribute binarycontent is no filesystem attribute.

Bugfix RT58320

When deleting tagtype parts a SGB error was thrown. This error occurred since GCN 5.16.0 and has now been fixed. The error only occured on systems that have been migrated to the new package structure with distribution Apache and PHP CURL support.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.18

Manual Change

Aloha Link Plugin: Links were not escaped correctly when inserted with the aloha link plugin.

With this manual change you can place special characters in a link and it will be escaped according to html standards. To do the manual change please update the tagfill of the tagtype “Aloha Link“ (keyword: “gtxalohapagelink”) to match the code in the Aloha Page Link Tag Description.

Documentation RT58220

Some incorrect and unclear parts of the documentation of the Migration Tool have been improved: The documentation now states, that the Migration Tool is available for object property definitions, not for Tagtypes. Also the unclear german translation of the description of the checkbox to “apply a migration to all pages using the same template as this page” has been corrected.

Bugfix RT58260

The database connections for Content Repositories did no use connection pools. This caused many reconnects to the Content Repository databases when instant publishing is used. This has been changed now. Database connections to Content Repository databases will now be pooled (with very conservative settings). This means that connections will be kept alive and can be reused after the publish process is finished.

Bugfix RT58250

Sorting the Queue by Node caused an SGB, which has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58243

The output generated by the function “Check data” for Content Repositories will now contain some detailed information about why objects are not supposed to be contained in the checked Content Repository.

Bugfix RT58296

When creating a page with non-ASCII characters in its name in the backend, the automatically created filename would sometimes be empty.

Bugfix RT58207

For users that are restricted to channels, sometimes the context menu in the folder tree was not shown for inherited folders in the channel due to an incorrect permission check. This occurred right after the login, before the user entered a specific node by clicking onto a folder in the folder tree. After entering a node and refreshing the folder tree, the context menu was shown correctly for all folders. This has been fixed now, the context menu will now be correct right from the start.

Bugfix RT58271

Doubleclicking on the duplicate button when doing image manipulation could create two duplicates with the same file name. This has been fixed.

Bugfix RT58279

When pages were moved to other folders, they were left in the “locked“ state, even if they were not locked before. Also when pages were copied, the copy was “locked”. Both issues have been fixed now, moving or copying pages will not lock them.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.17

Security RT58241

The Apache Tomcat will automatically be updated to version 6.0.41 in order to secure various vulnerabilities.

Bugfix RT58275

Some inperformant SQL queries that were used while versioning pages could cause long database locks. Those SQL queries have been fixed now.

Bugfix KB1726

Dirting: Previously, when opening the properties of a folder and clicking “OK” without changing any values, all objects depending on this folder have been dirted and re-published. From now on this will only happen when one of the values changes.

Bugfix RT58216

When using the copy_tags feature to copy & paste tags from one page into another, the new inserted tags would not get the edit buttons right away. It was necessary to save and reopen the page in edit mode to get the edit buttons for the copied tag. This has been fixed now, copied tags will immediately get the edit buttons.

Bugfix RT58131

Fixed webapp startup issues: When triggered, the safety check for mappedglobalidsequence would prevent the detection of a new license key. In some configurations, the startup safety checks would not output any error message. Now, there‘s additional logging as well as output to stderr, in case something prevents the startup of the webapp. The webapp will now refuse to startup if no globalprefix is set and no valid license can be found.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.16

Bugfix RT58213

When a page was scheduled to be published at a certain time in the future, and was then processed by a publish run with multithreaded publishing, the publishtimestamp that was written into the Content Repository was not the one from the publish process but from the time, the editor scheduled the publishing. This has been fixed now, the publishtimestamp written into the Content Repository will now be correct.

Bugfix RT58217

When creating page variants on a system using multichannelling, variants created in nodes (not channels) were also marked as belonging to a channel. This caused the “synchronisation” of page variants to fail: When a variant is modified and published, a new version containing the new content is supposed to be created for all page variants, which did not happen in these cases. This has been fixed now. The update will also correct the incorrect channel setting of the page variants. Missing page versions will be added and affected pages will be scheduled to be republished in the next publish run.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.15

Bugfix RT58192

The quickjump did not work as expected when using multichannelling: inherited pages in channels were not found and pages in master nodes were shown as result, even if the user was restricted see pages in channels only. Both issues have been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58209

Publishing to content repositories: Updatetimestamps are now created from wallclock time instead of from transaction time. This will mitigate portal cache consistency issues when instant publishing is used during a publish run.

Bugfix RT58227

Fixed too strict permission check that would hide the “OK” button when editing a user. This way changing a user‘s group assignments directly from the user‘s edit view was not possible any more.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.14

Bugfix RT58204

Deleting a node could sometimes lead to database inconsistencies (leaving a node entry without its root folder). Those database inconsistencies would subsequently cause publish failures. The process of deleting nodes has been modified, so that no database inconsistencies can occur, even if the process itself is interrupted or fails.

Bugfix RT58156

Implementations using the Datasource PartType did not work as expected. Dirting of dependent objects did not work, when tags containing a Datasource PartType were changed and doing imports of tags with Datasource PartTypes could cause Internal Errors. These errors have been fixed now. Possibly incorrect references to datasources in the database will automatically be corrected during the next initialization of Gentics Content.Node.

Bugfix RT58198

The language shown in the page properties dialog was not the page‘s language, but the currently selected content language. This has been fixed now. The page‘s language will be shown now. If the page has no language set, the field will be empty.

Bugfix RT58202

Localizing folders in a deep folder structure failed with an Exception. The Exception was thrown when the folder property “Directory” was more than 64 characters long. This has been fixed. Now folder paths can be 255 characters long.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.13

Manual Change

Aloha Link Plugin: Links were not escaped correctly when inserted with the aloha link plugin.

With this manual change you can place special characters in a link and it will be escaped according to html standards. To do the manual change please update the tagfill of the tagtype “Aloha Link“ (keyword: “gtxalohapagelink”) to match the code in the Aloha Page Link Tag Description.

Bugfix RT58159

Fixed multiple issues with roles: Group permission dialog would not display the assigned role count. Roles would not be assigned recursively to child objects in the Group permission dialog. All roles except one would be ignored most of the time if multiple roles are assigned to an object.

Bugfix RT58179

Setting permissions on custom tree entries did not work as expected and has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58187

When using Roles to grant permissions on languages to users, the “translate“ role was not sufficient to create language variants of existing pages. This has been fixed now, users with the “translate“ role for a specific language are allowed to create translations (language variants of existing pages), whereas creation of new pages still requires the “create“ role (or the “create” group permission).

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.12

Bugfix RT58117

Pasting a link didn‘t mark it as Aloha Page link. This has been fixed.

Bugfix RT57383

Using an apostrophe in a folder name would lead to a javascript error in the folder listings. Also, javascript escape sequences were interpreted by mistake. This has been fixed.

Bugfix RT58165

It is no longer possible to store files (or images) with empty filename using the properties dialog, the imagemanipulation2 or the REST API.

Bugfix RT57729

Importing an object property definition containing an overview sometimes failed with an “Internal error”, because the export contained an invalid reference. This has been fixed now. New exports of object property definitions containing overviews can now be successfully imported.


A javascript error in the webdav (folder open) dialog was fixed. Internet Explorer 11 does no longer support opening of webdav folders. Instead webdav folders have to be opened manually now. The infotext in the webdav dialog was adapted.

Bugfix RT58146

Some actions on tagtypes, like adding or removing a part did not change the editor and edittime of the construct itself. This has been changed now. Also log entries will now be added on all actions of constructs.

Bugfix RT58176

2dotool integration: “Request translation” would log out the user immediately.

Bugfix RT58089

Fixed the GCN JS API to enable it to recover after a JavaScript exception occurs with no ‘error-encountered‘ handler registered to.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.11

Bugfix RT58054

When attributes in a multichannelling aware ContentRepository were made ‘optimized‘ manually, but the entries in table contentattribute were not removed, this could cause the problem that the value could not be changed, if the quick column was set to NULL, but the value in contentattribute was the correct one.

Bugfix RT58124

When a tagtype is deleted, that was used by an object property, this could cause excessive dirting (delaying the publish process for a long time), even in the object property was not used by a large number of objects. This has been optimized now, deleting a tagtype will only cause a dirt event, if the tag that used the tagtype was enabled.

Bugfix RT58001

Image Manipulation 2: Fixed manipulating images not working on certain systems with a webserver proxy that filters URL‘s for security and doesn‘t allow full URLs to be passed as URL parameter.

Bugfix RT57825

Tagfill popup (Internet Explorer): fix automatic scroll to the bottom of the popup when editing a Tagfill.

Bugfix RT58124

When exporting an object that can have object tags (folder, template, page, image or file), only enabled object tags will be exported. This fixes the problem, that object property definitions need to be exported together with objects, although the object tag has never been used (filled) for the object.

Bugfix RT58084

If removing pages or files during an incremental page import lasted longer than 5 seconds, an error was logged in the import log, and possibly not all removed files or pages were deleted in the CMS. This has been fixed now by increasing the timeout to a reasonable high number of seconds.

Bugfix RT58148

When opening the todo tool, the user was automatically logged out. This has been fixed now, the todo tool can now be used normally.

Bugfix RT58132

When deleting a tagtype or object property definition takes longer than 5 seconds, the user will now be informed, that the process is continued in the background. When deleting object property definitions, dirting for deleted object tags will only be done for enabled object tags.

Bugfix RT55699

quickjump: if a page exists but is not visible to a user and the user searches for the page name in the quickjump box, the system will try to access the page and an error message is shown. This has been changed to a “Page not found” message.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.10

Bugfix RT58086

If a page is moved to another node and taken offline before the next publishrun, then it will not be removed correctly from the source node. This has been fixed.

Bugfix RT57949

Multichanneling: The order functionality within the list views (folders, files, pages, templates) did not work correctly when ordering the column “Master”. This issue is now resolved.

Bugfix RT58063

A file descriptor leak has been discovered in the scheduler that could potentially eat up all available file descriptors for scheduled processes. This fix removes a leaked file descriptor of a lock file.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.9

Bugfix RT58095

contentfile-auto-offline: Previously, when a page contained an Image-URL for an Image in the same contentrepository, the target image file was not taken online automatically. This has been fixed.

Bugfix RT58104

An error was log when loading an inexistent php file (‘get_folder_tree.func.php‘). This error has been fixed.

Bugfix RT57635

Fixed an issue where pages couldn‘t be listed in the backend if you only had permissions for a specific language using a role and the language had not yet been set.

Bugfix RT58053

Gentics Content.Node tree-view: When there were too many open folders, an error occurred so the tree-view was not loaded.

Bugfix RT58140

A bug in the page version restore was fixed. In some cases a version restore could create a new mappedglobalid record which conflicted with the existing one. This duplicate record could lead to import/export problems. In some cases an import of a page which would overwrite a page tag would recreate the tag without a value. The duplicate mappedglobalid records will automatically be purged. Please note that the purge process may a take while depending on your mappedglobalid size.

Bugfix RT57635

Fixed an issue where role permissions were sometimes not loaded correctly and users had too little or too many permissions. Also, existing role permissions sometimes wouldn‘t show in the role editor and be deleted on save even if not modified.

Bugfix kb1568

Gentics Image Store: Resizing an image produced an exception so the image did not resize and instead the original image was returned. This has been fixed.

Bugfix RT58072

Multichanneling: When editing the value of a part type URL and the file/image is inside a localized folder, the displayed path name was wrong.

Bugfix RT56639

Tagtype migration: When doing a migration on an object property definition in the Administration, there somtimes occured a SGB error or a white page was shown. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT57635

Fixed a NPE when trying to read role permissions from the database that have no permissions set for files.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.8

Bugfix RT58073

GenticsImageStore: jpeg resizing quality setting is not ignored when cropping.
When the jpeg resizing quality was set in the node configuration, it was ignored when cropping an image. This error has been fixed.

Bugfix RT58016

Validation feature: Fixed that some page properties and page tags/object properties weren‘t validated in the Rest API page/save request. This only affects GCN systems where the validation feature is enabled.

Bugfix RT58049

When uploading a file, the temporary file of the File-Upload-Manipulator was never deleted. This has been fixed.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.7

Bugfix RT57997

Previously, a rollback of a Contentrepository transaction of a publish run could result in a hangup of the publish process. This has been fixed now.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.6

Enhancement RT58071

Improved the documentation for the Navigation Part Type

Bugfix RT57999

Publishing: File names with ‘)‘ and ‘]‘ didn‘t work with the Gentics Image Store.

Bugfix RT578055

GCN JS API / REST-API: Fixed page.preview() not working for pages in channels.
A new request parameter “nodeId” has been added to the RestAPI preview method. There was an error when calling the GCN JS API function ‘preview‘ in a local folder of a channel. This error has been fixed.

Bugfix RT58067

An import would previously under certain circumstances delete a freshly imported value from a contenttag. These values are now imported correctly.

Bugfix RT58030

When setting a startpage for a folder in the folder object properties a log entry is written. This log entry is missing, when doing the same via the context menu in the page list of a folder. Now both actions will produce the same log entry.

Bugfix RT58036

linkBrowser: only channel nodes from the master node are displayed in the link Browser.
Before the fix, all channel nodes were displayed in the Link Browser. Now only the channel nodes derived from the master node of the actual page are displayed in the navigation tree of the link Browser.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.5

Bugfix RT58031

The ‘Web adresse‘ regular expression now accepts ‘https://‘ URLs and network-path reference URLs (‘//‘).
When creating a new part type and selecting ‘Web adresse‘ as regular expression only ‘http‘ URLs were accepted. With this fix, ‘https‘ URLs are also accepted.

Bugfix RT58034

Occasionally, in Wiki-Edit-Mode, when clicking “edit” in the Real-Editor an error message was shown instead of the editing mask.

Bugfix RT58007

Previously, Navigation parts would use and count pages that were not not yet published or already taken offline. They have been fixed to only use and count pages that are actually online.

Bugfix RT57902

During import, objects with translatable names or descriptions (Tagtypes, Parts,...) previously would have empty names or descriptions replaced by non-empty strings of other translations. Now, empty names or descriptions can be imported normally.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.4

Information related to the Heartbleed openSSL security vulnerability
The libSSL version 0.9.8 which was included in older Gentics Content.Node installation packages does not contain the Transport Layer Security (TLS) heartbleed extension. It is therefore not affected by the Heartbleed security bug. The latest Gentics Content.Node installation package (5.16.x) does not contain any thirdparty binary libraries.

Bugfix RT57986

Multiple bugs concerning overviews have been fixed: An overview would be dirted if a matching object was added in a channel. A recursive overview of images would not be dirted if an image was added in a subfolder of a selected folder. An overview would not render objects created in the same channel, if there were no other dependencies of the page in that channel (as compared to the parent channel).

Bugfix RT57893

Improved robustness of publish process A race condition that allowed the publish process to run multiple times in parallel has been removed. A potential deadlock in error handling during the initialisation phase of the publish process has been removed.

Bugfix RT57976

When defining velocity macros in tag implementations, the macros were globally available and would be overwritten by macros defined in other tags but with the same name. This resulted in unexpected and random behavior if multiple macros with the same name were defined. The scope of inline defined macros has been changed to be local to the template, like documented in the Gentics Content.Node Guides.

Bugfix RT57765

Copying nodes: Fixed copying nodes with the user interface not correctly working. When copying a node, the copy would not appear in the users tree or node list because the permission cache was not refreshed.

Bugfix RT57923

Email sending: Fixed GCN not setting the “Return-Path“ in some cases when “$MAILRETURNPATH” is specified in the configuration. This happened for example when someone took pages back into revision in the publish queue.

Bugfix RT57985

When only a tagmap entry was modified for a ContentRepository, but no data was changed, the subsequent call to CRSync or MCCRSync would not synchronize this changed tagmap entry to the target CR. This has been fixed now, CRSync and MCCRSync will always synchronize modified tagmap entries, even if no actual data was changed.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.3

Bugfix RT57977

File properties: Fixed a Javascript error that occured when opening the minibrowser and then clicking “ok“.
The Javascript error that was thrown: “TypeError: f.f_filename is undefined”.

Bugfix RT57922

Fixed wrong permission checking when assigning/unlinking nodes from a CR in the administration. Previously the following permissions where checked:

  • ContentRepository: Edit
  • Nodes: Create new node
  • Node: Display

Now the following permissions are checked:

  • ContentRepository: Edit
  • Node: Edit

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.2

Bugfix RT57796

Overview tags in pages: When editing new overview tags in pages the wizard starts with page 1 correctly. Previously it started with page 2 if any changes were made to the page.

Bugfix RT57984

When importing pages containing overviews over images, where the images have been selected manually, the references to the images were not set correctly, which resulted in empty overviews. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT54176

When importing a new node with a new object property definition, that is restricted to the node, the restriction was not set correctly. On the target system, the object property definition was available to all nodes. This has been fixed now.


An internal shutdown method for Gentics Content.Node has been fixed. Previously the shutdown command did not close the MySQL connection pool.

Bugfix RT57874

The way, older publish logs are archived was inefficient and has been improved. Before this fix, having many publish logs (e.g. because the publish process runs very often) which were very large could cause the archiving to take a very long time (up to several hours).

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.1

Security RT57919

Login mask: Fixed that the login is possible for LDAP-users that don‘t have a password set.

Enhancement RT57948

It is now possible to use the meta attribute “inherited” in implementations. For details, see the List of meta attributes in the Gentics Content.Node Guides.


Internal connections that use the IPv6 loopback interface are now also whitelisted by default. Previously IPv6 connections that used ‘::1‘ were not accepted by default.

Documentation RT57920

The documentation of the feature “cr_filesystem_attributes” has been enhanced to clarify that it is mandatory to repair the ContentRepository structures after switching on the feature, even if no filesystem attribute is used yet.

Bugfix RT57966

When rendering a channel local page for editing without specifying a nodeId, this failed because the page could not be loaded from the master channel. Now, the channel of the page will implicitly set and rendering will work as expected. This also affected frontend editing using Gentics Portal.Node Java, which did not work for channel specific pages.

Bugfix RT57921

Time management will now also be done in nodes, that have publishing disabled. Pages affected from time management will be set offline or online due to time management, but those changes will still not be published as long as publishing is disabled for the node. This will enable time management in situations, where pages from nodes with publishing disabled are inherited into channels that have publishing enabled. Additionally, time management is more efficient now, which reduces the publishing time for every publish process.

Bugfix RT57940

Editing folder permissions: the page for viewing and editing the folder permissions was not displayed if the multichannelling feature was not activated.

Bugfix RT57955

Certain inconsistencies in the database files that exist in a folder but are bound to a channel, in which the file cannot be visible, because the folder is not visible in that channel could cause a NullPointerException during the publish process while checking online files. This has been fixed now, such files will be treated as “non existent” in the folder‘s node and will be taken offline.

Bugfix RT57856

When cancelling a page while editing it in Aloha Editor or using the REST API, the global ID of the page might change, which would cause unexpected behavior when the page was exported to another system, since the page would then have different global IDs on the systems and could not be overwritten by a subsequent export. This has been fixed now, the global IDs of pages will no longer change when cancelling editing. Pages that are already affected by changed global IDs need to manually be modified if necessary.

Bugfix RT57892

The process of resizing images during a publish process with the GenticsImageStore has been modified to be more stable. Before this fix, images were fetched from the cache or resized (if not found in the cache) while subsequently reading data from the database. When many images needed to be resized this could take a long time and could cause the open database statement to run into a timeout. In these cases, the publish process would fail. Now, the database statement to get the information, which images are resized using the GenticsImageStore is processed before the actual image resizing takes place. Resizing the images may still take long, but will not cause a timeout in the database any more, so the likeliness of publish failures is reduced.

Bugfix RT57916

Folder creation: A rare error has been fixed that occured when creating a folder. During the creation of the folder an SGB error occured and a “tag_duplicate“-error was logged. This happened when the mother folder had an object property set, that was created inside another object property. When an object property definition was added to folders afterwards, with the same keyword and “inheration” enabled, the tag duplication (for inherited tags) while creating a folder didn‘t work properly.

Bugfix RT57919

LDAP Login: Fixed that the LDAP login is not working on certain LDAP server configurations, when using the setting $LDAP_LOGIN_FIELDS[“dontuse_uniquememberattribute“] = true; in the GCN configuration. The problem only occured with LDAP servers that use the field “uid“ or others for the unique user identifier, instead of “cn”.

Bugfix RT57820

Text area for the number of online users is wider so that it stays on a single line.
If the text representing the number of users inline was like ‘999 Benutzer online‘, the text was broken in two lines ‘14 Benutzer‘ and ‘online‘. Just by making bigger the area, the text stays in one line.

Bugfix RT57950

The error handling for publishing into contentrepositories with multithreaded publishing has been improved.

Bugfix RT57915

When a page variant of an inherited page was created in a channel local folder, the master page could not be edited any more. Additionally, loading the master page over the REST API in the scope of the master with page variants attached resulted in an error. These errors have been fixed now.

Bugfix RT57918

File upload: Fixed image recognition for JPG images not correctly working in rare cases. Previously those images would not be recognized as image and the mimetype would be “application/octet-stream”. Now they are correctly recognized as images.

Bugfix RT57957

On a rollback of a publishrun with instant publishing enabled, Gentics Content.Node would previously leave already published objects in the content repository, but delete their filesystem attributes. This behaviour has been corrected so that only the filesystem attributes of actually rolled back objects are deleted.

Bugfix RT57950

When using the new feature “resumable_publish_process” and publishing into non MCCR Content Repositories, the publish process could hang. This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT57803

Fixed a content repository consistency issue: If you moved a file between two nodes that publish to the same content repository, that has instant publishing enabled, it would get deleted from the contentrepository on the next publish run.

Gentics Content.Node 5.16.0

New Aloha Editor features: Aloha Editor now supports definitionlists. The format plugin has been extended to be able to remove a wider range of formattings. The list plugin now allows to apply classes to lists from a list of pre-rendered style definitions. The headerid plugin now allows you to use a translation table to transform headers into ids.

Manual Change

Gentics Portal.Node 2 removed

Gentics Portal.Node 2, which has been deprecated years ago, was now removed from the Gentics Content.Node codebase. Please remove the $LOAD_MODULE[“portal”] setting from your node.conf.

Manual Change

This changeset may require a manual change to your implementation.

The version of jQuery UI that is used by the repository browser in the tagfill dialog has been upgraded from 1.8.1 to 1.9.1 . This has been done in order to fix a bug that prevented the minibrowser‘s left and right panels from being resizable in IE9 when $FEATURE[“disableIE7StandardsMode“] is set to “true”. The jQuery UI that is used in the tag fill is not supported as offical API by Gentics Content.Node . If any implemenation made use of it, those implementations may be affected by this change.

Manual Change

The flag-icons plugin is not shipped anymore and must be removed from the Aloha configuration in node.conf.

Optional Manual Change

Distribution binary support

With this release you no longer have to use the included package Apache webserver, package PHP binaries and various utility binaries. The distribution tools, distribution Apache webserver and distribution PHP installation can be used instead. Thus support for distribution Apache webserver and PHP has been added to Gentics Content.Node.
The optional changes include:

  • Removal of various binary tools in the /Node/bin directory. (eg.: rsync, lftp, curl, wget..)
  • Removal of various binary libraries in /Node/lib
  • Removal pf Apache Webserver binaries
  • Removal of PHP binaries
  • Removal pf MySQL binaries
  • Updated node.conf structure

Note that the migrated package installation will no longer support the public apache site configuration thus legacy XNL Functions that make use of the public apache will no longer work. Additionally it is mandatory to migrate to the system MySQL Server when this manual change is being applied.
Please read the configuration and migration guide which is applicable for the latest distributions of SUSE Enterprise Linux, Redhat Enterprise Linux and Debian Linux. Do the package migration after updating Gentics Content.Node to 5.14.* with the Autoupdate.
This optional change will not remove any files automatically.

Optional Manual Change

Multichannelling ContentRepository changes

Optimized attributes of multichannelling aware content repositories are not stored in the table contentattribute any more. Since the data for optimized attributes is stored in quick columns of the table contentmap, the additionaly storage in the table contentattribute was redundant an unnecessary. Reducing the number of entries in the table contentattribute will reduce the memory consumption of the database and will improve the overall performance.
When publishing into multichannelling aware content repositories, it is important to use the recent version of Gentics Portal.Node (>= 4.5.0) or the Gentics Content.Connector for reading from this content repository, so that optimized attributes will be read correctly.

Feature KB1211

Link-plugin: Link attribute ‘hreflang‘ can be edited for external links. For internal links, the hreflang is set to the default language of the page.

Feature kb1064

Filenames in Gentics Content.Node will now be sanitized using a character transcription table that can be customized. The Aloha Editor headerids Plugin will also make use of this table to generate html ids from the header text content.


Pages, folders and files now have a new meta attribute “ismaster”, which tells, whether the object is a master object, or a localized copy. See the Gentics Content.Node Guides for details about the available meta attributes.

Enhancement KB1094

The new feature “resumable_publish_process” allows to resume publish processes that were cancelled or failed due to errors. See the the Gentics Content.Node Documentation for details.


When boolean meta attributes are published as content repository attributes of type “Integer“, “true“ will now be published as 1 and “false“ will be published as 0. Before this fix, boolean meta attributes had to be manually converted when publishing as “Integer” attributes.

Enhancement RM12019

Added a new feature disable_instant_delete. It can be activated per node and will prevent instant publishing from deleting objects.

Enhancement KB1210

The new Gentics Content.Node FileLink Plugin allows to implement a tagtype, that is used to render links to files with additional (not editable) information. See the Gentics Content.Node Guides for a detailed documentation.


When migrating a project from Live Editor to Aloha Editor, Table Tags will now be automatically migrated to inline editable tables. Additionally, it is possible to migrate other tagtypes to be edited inline with Aloha Editor as well. For a full description, please see the Aloha Editor Migration Guide in the Gentics Content.Node Guides.

Enhancement KB1210

Two new velocity directives #gtx_render and #gtx_edit can be used to render other tags or parts in velocity tags. See the ”Gentics Content.Node Guides+: for details.

Enhancement KB1276

It is now possible to synchronize groups with restrictions to nodes when using SSO login with the REST API. See the Gentics Content.Node Guides for more details.

Enhancement KB1094

The start screen will now also show information about folders and files that need to be published. During a running publish process, the numbers show the remaining folders and files.

Enhancement KB1212

The content maintenance now contains a new tool to reload the configuration. See the chapter about content maintenance in the guides for details.

Enhancement KB1067

Publishlogs now provide more fine grained information during the INITIALIZING and DIRTQUEUE phases of the publish process.


The number of necessary SQL statements to publish objects into a multichannelling aware contentrepository has been reduced to optimize performance.


The behaviour of the multithreaded publish process regarding writing pages into Content Repositories can now be configured. It is now possible to set the group size and queue limit for the job queues that are processed in separate threads. See the Gentics Content.Node Guides for details about the multithreaded publish process.

Enhancement KB1094

The performance of multithreaded publishing has been improved by reducing the number of SQL statements necessary to load the dependencies of pages and to load the data of the pages.
See the Gentics Content.Node Guides for details on multithreaded publishing.


/Node/bin/ was updated in order to enable compatibility with standard linux distribution binaries.

Enhancement RT55266

Removed unsupported context menu entries “in page changeable“ and “not in page changeable” from folder and template object property dialogs.

Enhancement RT57008

When publishing into ContentRepositories using MS SQL Server, the newest Microsoft JDBC driver 4.0 is now supported.

Bugfix RT57711

Selecting a item using the link browser, when targetregex has not be configured, caused the target attribute of the active anchor element to unexpectedly be overwritten to “framename”. This behavior has been fixed so that the target attribute will only change if targetregex is configured and matches the specified regular expression.

Bugfix KB1064

Sanitizing allows white spaces in filenames
White spaces were replaced by underscores (‘_‘) in filenames. With this fix, sanitizing allows white spaces for filenames.