Manual Change
Removed handling of magic image blocks.
This affects the handling of gtxalohaimage tags. The inline image block handling and editing was replaced with the new imagemanipulation2 feature. This change is only required when the feature aloha010 is enabled.
Manual Change
The gtxalohapagelink tag-type was updated.
Please update the gtxalohapagelink tag-type according to this definition.This fixes a bug where additional whitespace is inserted around internal links.
The type of objects which are listed in the URL field of the link plugin, and in the repository-browser, can now be configured in the node.conf.For example, the default configuration of the URL field of the link plugin will list only pages:
The REST API FolderResource has a new method getItems to get a paged,sorted list of pages,images and files
The sidebar can now be disabled using the following setting: $ALOHA_SETTINGS['sidebar']['disabled'] = 'true';For more information please take a look at the aloha editor changelog.
The GCN repositories used by alohaeditor now provide metainformation to support better paging in the browser.
The table and commands plugin were added to the list of default aloha plugins. A guide on how to add additional plugins can be found here.
The Aloha Editor‘s format plugin functionality “removeFormat” may now be configured to remove more than the standard set of formattings. By default it will only remove the following html tags: ‘strong‘, ‘em‘, ‘b‘, ‘i‘, ‘cite‘, ‘q‘, ‘code‘, ‘abbr‘, ‘del‘, ‘sub‘, ‘sup‘. You can however provide a different set of tags to be removed by adding your configuration as an array to the format plugin‘s Aloha settings:
The Aloha Editor gcn plugin will now deliberately ignore magic links with a data attribute data-gcnignore=”true
The REST API calls to get objects in folders will now return numItems (total number of items) and hasMoreItems (true if more items are available), to support client side paging
Templates that don‘t have a doctype will get a default html5 doctype. The doctype will only be added when viewing the page in editmode. Preview and livemode are not affected. For more information please read this FAQ.
Publishing a page from the Aloha wiki-mode only saved the page, but didn‘t publish it.
The Repository Browser is now translated correctly.
The imagemanipulation2 will now display a messagebox whenever the user enters a imagesize that exceeds the given bounds.
Fixed: Clean-up of Aloha editables during initializationEarlier, the generic and the santize content-handler were used toclean-up an editable when it was initialized. Now, no clean-up will beperformed on initialization.In particular, the generic content-handler performed transformationslike turning a strong tag into a b tag, which was undesired.
When a page-import is performed, the user of all active sessions will be set to the user of the page-import.
The imagemanipulation2 will now automatically resize images to a size that does not exceeds the given bounds.
When using the Repository Browser in Aloha to get pages and files, the paging will now work correctly.
The customform_resolve_nodetags feature didn‘t work in the Portal.Node frontendIf the customform_resolve_nodetags feature was activated, and thetag-fill dialog was opened in the Portal.Node frontend (by clicking on atag) customform parts were rendered as the empty string.
The ribbon will now no longer toggle between visibe and invisible mode when entering the edit mode. The ribbon will now only be shown when using the realedit mode
Fixed a NPE in the REST-API when querying for pages with versioninfo=true.
When using the Repository Browser in Aloha to find pages, the sorting of folders was different than in the tree: folders starting with ‘[‘ were sorted first in the Repository Browser, while they are sorted last in the tree. This has been fixed now, the sorting should be identical now.
When using the DiffResource of the REST API to calculate diffs between given HTML codes, using either method diff/html or diff/source, the templates used to render differences are now restricted to accessing Object Properties. It is no longer possible to invoke Methods of objects.
Searching for files from the Aloha-Link-Plugin URL-attribute-field will find files that don‘t match the search text.The Bug only occurred if file-search was configured for the URL-attribute-field.
Fixed a css bug with editicons in Firefox, where icons would have an unwanted offset. Also added zero border with to images within tagicons to prevent them from being outlined when inside an anchor tag. Therefore the following css classes have been changed: “.GENTICS_block .aloha-editicons button” (added borders and background) and .GENTICS_block .aloha-editicons button img (added border 0px).
The #nodeViews container in the assistant frame was set to a fixed width.
Entering a width or height in the imagemanipulation2 image size fields sometimes led to a reduction of the image size. Values that exceed the bounds of the image will now be correctly reduced to the defined limits of the image manipulation2. The aspect ratio will be preserved correctly.
Some i18n translations were missing for the imagemanipulation2 feature. Those missing translations were added.
When using Aloha 0.20 for editing, the language for Aloha UI is now the the CMS UI language for the current user.
Fixed: the REST-API will now correctly apply filters when querying for files.
The default setting of the imagemanipulation2 contained an error that disabled the keep aspect ratio button.
This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 0.20 Beta release (2011) – -