Gentics Content.Node 5.3.26
The filepublisher will now fetch batches of pages instead of all pages at once. This will increase performance and reduce the memory footprint when writing files into the filesystem.
Add missing startPageId to folder returned from RestAPI
Changed the Node and Content Repository select field in “maintenance“ to not have “All” as first item selected automatically.
Fixed: A wrong error message which occured when trying to move a page into another folder where a page with the same filename already exists.
It now renames the file instead if printing an error message (in most cases).
Fixed file uploader not checking filesizes correctly (it always added ~600bytes to the actual filesize)
Fixed a bug where the Gentics ImageStore sometimes fails because of missing image mime type mappings.
Fixed: inconsistency in value table
Deleting a tag-part by importing a tag-type, or restoring a page version, possibly resulted in an inconsistency in the value table. The inconsistency was an entry in the value table that referenced a part that didn‘t exist.This change fixes the deletion of tag-parts, so that whenever a tag-part is deleted, all values will be removed from both the current and the versioned value tables.Additionally, the update procedure will remove all inconsistent values from both the current and the versioned value tables, to fix any existing inconsistency. Only unreachable values will be removed.
Fixed resolving of parts within the get method of custom part types.
Added timeout for UrlIncludeImp connection pool. In rare cases the urlinclude imp could create a deadlock situation when the connection pool is full and no connection is avialiable for pending include actions. In that case the urlincludeimp waited until a connection was freed. In rare cases the connections were never freed thus causing a deadlock situation.
Fixed a bug when publishing pages with timemanagement using the REST API: If page had a timemanagement set and was published using the REST API, it was published regardless of the current timeframe of the timemanagement. This is fixed now, timemanagement will now also be honoured when publishing pages using the REST API.
Fixed: scheduler task execution during winter-time
A scheduler task with a start date during summer-time was scheduled during winter-time at every minute of the hour leading up to the actual execution-time. This means that the task potentiall executed 60 times instead of only once.
Gentics Content.Node 5.3.24
Fixed missing CHANGELOG type (SQL) in system.CHANGELOG and some missing ‘;‘. Those issues caused a problem with database updates. The previously missing database update did not affect operation since it was just a regular performance optimisation.
Gentics Content.Node 5.3.23
Gentics Content.Node 5.3.22
Aloha Editor‘s gcn-plugin will now compare the construct id instead of the tagname when searching for magic link constructs.
The rest api will now return translated messages for copy and file upload actions.
Fixed an exception thrown when accessing the REST API method /CNPortletapp/rest/folder/getItems/... with Content-Type:text/xml. It has to be noted, that the REST API method /CNPortletapp/rest/folder/getItems/... currently is not fully supported when using Content-Type:text/xml. The response currently will not contain all available data (like for Content-Type:application/json).
Fixed a bug with $ attribute which would not be initialized correctly.
Fixed instant messages not showing new lines and htmlentities correctly and also sometimes not showing the message at all.
The gcn repository will now state an error message and log to the console, if an error occurs while querying the Gentics Content.Node backend for files and pages.
Fixed adding links with the gcn-linkbrowser plugin. Previously the highlight css was not removed when selecting an element with the link browser plugin.
Aloha Page Servlet will now also provide construct id via Aloha.plugins.gcn.blocks[].constructid for Gentics Content.Node blocks.
Fixed i18n file upload limit reached message. Instead of showing the full bytesize we‘ll now show human readable values.
Gentics Content.Node 5.3.20
Gentics Content.Node 5.3.19
Fixed: The REST API FolderResource calls to fetch items in folders recursively has been improved to use more efficient SQL statements.
Increased the timeout for AJAX calls to the REST API to be 60s (formerly 10s)
Fixed a css bug with editicons in Firefox, where icons would have an unwanted offset. Also added zero border with to images within tagicons to prevent them from being outlined when inside an anchor tag. Therefore the following css classes have been changed: “.GENTICS_block .aloha-editicons button” (added borders and background) and .GENTICS_block .aloha-editicons button img (added border 0px).
Gentics Content.Node 5.3.18
Manual Change
Removed handling of magic image blocks.
This affects the handling of gtxalohaimage tags. The inline image block handling and editing was replaced with the new imagemanipulation2 feature. This change is only required when the feature aloha010 is enabled.
Manual Change
The gtxalohapagelink tag-type was updated.
Please update the gtxalohapagelink tag-type according to this definition.This fixes a bug where additional whitespace is inserted around internal links.
The type of objects which are listed in the URL field of the link plugin, and in the repository-browser, can now be configured in the node.conf.For example, the default configuration of the URL field of the link plugin will list only pages:
The REST API FolderResource has a new method getItems to get a paged,sorted list of pages,images and files
The sidebar can now be disabled using the following setting: $ALOHA_SETTINGS['sidebar']['disabled'] = 'true';For more information please take a look at the aloha editor changelog.
The GCN repositories used by alohaeditor now provide metainformation to support better paging in the browser.
The table and commands plugin were added to the list of default aloha plugins. A guide on how to add additional plugins can be found here.
The Aloha Editor‘s format plugin functionality “removeFormat” may now be configured to remove more than the standard set of formattings. By default it will only remove the following html tags: ‘strong‘, ‘em‘, ‘b‘, ‘i‘, ‘cite‘, ‘q‘, ‘code‘, ‘abbr‘, ‘del‘, ‘sub‘, ‘sup‘. You can however provide a different set of tags to be removed by adding your configuration as an array to the format plugin‘s Aloha settings:
The Aloha Editor gcn plugin will now deliberately ignore magic links with a data attribute data-gcnignore=”true
The REST API calls to get objects in folders will now return numItems (total number of items) and hasMoreItems (true if more items are available), to support client side paging
Templates that don‘t have a doctype will get a default html5 doctype. The doctype will only be added when viewing the page in editmode. Preview and livemode are not affected. For more information please read this FAQ.
Publishing a page from the Aloha wiki-mode only saved the page, but didn‘t publish it.
The Repository Browser is now translated correctly.
The imagemanipulation2 will now display a messagebox whenever the user enters a imagesize that exceeds the given bounds.
Fixed: Clean-up of Aloha editables during initializationEarlier, the generic and the santize content-handler were used toclean-up an editable when it was initialized. Now, no clean-up will beperformed on initialization.In particular, the generic content-handler performed transformationslike turning a strong tag into a b tag, which was undesired.
When a page-import is performed, the user of all active sessions will be set to the user of the page-import.
The imagemanipulation2 will now automatically resize images to a size that does not exceeds the given bounds.
When using the Repository Browser in Aloha to get pages and files, the paging will now work correctly.
The customform_resolve_nodetags feature didn‘t work in the Portal.Node frontendIf the customform_resolve_nodetags feature was activated, and thetag-fill dialog was opened in the Portal.Node frontend (by clicking on atag) customform parts were rendered as the empty string.
The ribbon will now no longer toggle between visibe and invisible mode when entering the edit mode. The ribbon will now only be shown when using the realedit mode
Fixed a NPE in the REST-API when querying for pages with versioninfo=true.
When using the Repository Browser in Aloha to find pages, the sorting of folders was different than in the tree: folders starting with ‘[‘ were sorted first in the Repository Browser, while they are sorted last in the tree. This has been fixed now, the sorting should be identical now.
When using the DiffResource of the REST API to calculate diffs between given HTML codes, using either method diff/html or diff/source, the templates used to render differences are now restricted to accessing Object Properties. It is no longer possible to invoke Methods of objects.
Searching for files from the Aloha-Link-Plugin URL-attribute-field will find files that don‘t match the search text.The Bug only occurred if file-search was configured for the URL-attribute-field.
Fixed a css bug with editicons in Firefox, where icons would have an unwanted offset. Also added zero border with to images within tagicons to prevent them from being outlined when inside an anchor tag. Therefore the following css classes have been changed: “.GENTICS_block .aloha-editicons button” (added borders and background) and .GENTICS_block .aloha-editicons button img (added border 0px).
The #nodeViews container in the assistant frame was set to a fixed width.
Entering a width or height in the imagemanipulation2 image size fields sometimes led to a reduction of the image size. Values that exceed the bounds of the image will now be correctly reduced to the defined limits of the image manipulation2. The aspect ratio will be preserved correctly.
Some i18n translations were missing for the imagemanipulation2 feature. Those missing translations were added.
When using Aloha 0.20 for editing, the language for Aloha UI is now the the CMS UI language for the current user.
Fixed: the REST-API will now correctly apply filters when querying for files.
The default setting of the imagemanipulation2 contained an error that disabled the keep aspect ratio button.
Gentics Content.Node 5.3.15
Manual Change
Aloha Page Link TagType Changes
Please update the gtxalohapagelink tag-type according to this definition new parts are avaialbe, “title“ and “target”. The parts can be accessed by an editor either through the tagfill-dialogue or through the Aloha-Editor sidebar.
Enhanced UI: Icons for disabled tags are displayed with a translucent styleThe change was made for the tag-list of templates and pages, to more quickly identify disabled tags.
Viewing the differences between two version of a Page takes very longAn inefficient regex in the code that implements the DaisyDiff algorithm caused the Page that shows the differences to take a long time to load.
If the Tidy feature was used with the Live Editor, sometimes additional spaces were inserted into the content.
Its now possible to delete a contenttag with a new tag button within the edit view. The html structure of that tag icon container has changed. This will affect custom css that modify the tag icon position/behaviour.
Previously the pageimport didn‘t delete files/pages when importing using the import_diff setting.
SQLException during CRSync causes inconsistencyWhen a SQLException occurred during the attribute-prefetching phase of a CRSync, some attributes were not synced correctly.The inconsistency can be repaired by updating the objects in the source repository.The bug was fixed by aborting the CRSync should an Exception occur during the attribute-prefetching phase.
A OutOfMemory error did not release a database connection properly.
When pages are published no notification messages are sent.Notifications were only sent when a page was published from the publish-queue. Notifications were not sent when the user clicked on the page in the publish-queue, or navigated to the page, and published itoutside of the publish-queue page (through the page-menu for example).The new behaviour will always send notifications, no matter where the page is published or saved (put into revision), as long as the page is visible in the publish queue.
Templates that don‘t have a doctype will get a default html5 doctype. The doctype will only be added when viewing the page in editmode. Preview and livemode are not affected. For more information please read this FAQ.
Saving pages with the REST API will ignore selected optionsSaving the selection of single-select and multi-select part is now implemented.During this change, the ID, for options of single-select and multi-select parts, were changed to refer to an internal ID (called internally the “dsid”).
The topnav menu for the imagemanipulation2 view was fixed. Its now possible to access the object properties of the image.
Permissions on the root folder of a node are handled incorrectlyThere are usually two entries in the perm table for the root folder of a node: an entry with o_type = T_FOLDER and an entry with o_type = T_NODE (both with o_id =
The DaisyDiff algorithm is now only used for pages with the text/html mimetype
Gentics Content.Node 5.3.11
A velocity inline scope setting was turned off because it may cause too much memory consumption. If the following Velocity setting is activated, macros will be saved in the namespace for each tag instead of the global namespace. Velocity apparently doesn‘t clean up namespaces, which will cause too much memory consumption if there are many tags that use macros.
Added css class ‘gtx-diff‘ to CN‘s ins and del tags, so they can be distincted from normal html code.
Fixed bug in permission checking system (when trying to delete all languages of a page with no language set).
Fixed a bug in the purgelogs task that prevented the jobrun table to be cleaned.
Fixed bug where it does not check if contentset_id is 0 in the mini browser (it sometimes didn‘t show all pages in page selection tags).
Fixed error that occured when changing the template of multiple pages at once.
Fixed a bug that caused the filename extension to be appended to the filename on every save.
Fixed javascript error within the new imagemanipulation2 that occured on pageload.
Fixed isses with the publish queue. Now it is no longer impossible to select multiple users across multiple pages when assigning pages to to users in the publish queue.
Fixed possible NPE when performing the action “Change Template”. This NPE could further lead to DB locks remaining open.
Fixed a bug in the REST API when a page with an overview is loaded and subsequently saved. If no selectedItemIds element is provided for an overview in a tag, it will be assumed to be the same as an empty selectedItemIds element.
Fixed issue with aloha page links. Previously only pages from the node with folder_id 1 (GCN5 Demo); where displayed within the dropdown list.
Gentics Content.Node 5.3.5
Fixed the following issue: If the versiondiff (source-mode) processes a page where an opening angle bracket occurs in an HMTL comment or an HTML Tag, it will not be escaped, causing the result diff to break.
Gentics Content.Node 5.3.1
Manual Change
The Aloha Editor plugin API was changed
Aloha Editor 0.10 will no longer expose it‘s internal jQuery object through the $ and/or jQuery variables. You have to include your own version of jQuery if you relied on Aloha Editor‘s version prior to this update.# The “GENTICS_“ prefix for CSS class names has been replaced by “aloha-“. If you targeted those specific class names in your implementation those need to be updated.# The “GENTICS.Aloha“ namespace for Aloha Editor‘s JavaScript objects has been reduced to “Aloha” alone.*Please note:*# If you want to edit your pages using Aloha Editor a valid doctype has to be specified.# As the plugin system has been fully rewritten in Aloha Editor 0.10 plugins you wrote for 0.9.3 will not work with the new version. See our documentation on how to edit plugin settings.
Manual Change
Added new Version 0.10 of Aloha Editor to Gentics Content.Node
Added new Version 0.10 of Aloha Editor to Gentics Content.Node, which brings a load of new features like plugin bundles, dependency loading with requirejs and other improvements to your editing experience.
Please refer to or for additional and more detailed information.
Aloha Editor 0.10 may be activated by setting $FEATURE[“aloha010“] = true; and $FEATURE[“aloha”] = true; in your node.conf.
You may continue to use Aloha Editor 0.9.3 though without enabling the new feature.
Linking a template to a new folder will now check for templates with the same name in the target folder and abort with an error message.
The autoupdate dialog will now display the selected update policy which can be configured via the update_policy feature
Resolving node tags in custom-forms only worked in the tag-fill dialogueof content tags (pages). For template tags (templates) or tag-types, theentire custom-form was rendered as the empty string if thecustomform_resolve_nodetags feature was activated.Now, if the custom-form is rendered as part of the tag-fill dialogue fortemplate tags or tag-types, all will resolve to the emptystring. Special custom-form tags (e.g.
Aloha Editor package is no longer provided by Gentics Content.Node‘s integrated Apache webserver, as it has been moved to the CNPortletapp
Reduced z-index of resize handle for resizable lists. This prevents the handles shining through actions dropdown.
Added parameter “versioninfo” to REST API call /rest/page/load/ to get version information
The autoupdate dialog will now display the selected update policy which can be configured via the update_policy feature.
Please follow the steps that are described in our FAQ » "How do I enable the Gentics Profiler webapplication?" to enable the profiler webapp. Activation of the profiler is optional.
Fixed possible JS error when saving pages after changing an internal link to an external one using Aloha Editor
Fixed problems with template source view in IE6 and IE7
Fixed setting links to files using Aloha Editor: When pages are edited, that have links to files, the file information is correctly loaded and thus the link will be preserved
Fixed possibly misaligned top menu when switching multiple times between page preview (aloha mode) and taglist.
Fixed detection of deleted/moved/offline objects when publishing into ContentRepository: It was possible that object being deleted, moved or taken offline while a publish process was running, would not be removed from the contentrepository at all.
Fixed Import Errors when Importing from older Systems
Fixed language management: It is no longer possible to delete page languages, if pages with that language exist.
Fixed: when a Node had no languages assigned, and a user had the deletepermission on only some, but not all folders, and the user tried todelete a page on which he had permissions, he was incorrectly informedthat he didn‘t have any permissions.
Fixed a bug with Aloha Editor that prevents internal links from being created
Fixed possible deadlocks when publishing into contentrepositories that use Instant Publishing.