Changes with Gentics Content.Node 5.35.21

Date: 04.08.2020

Bugfix SUP-9917 Link to this entry

Fixed time-management which was breaking in Nodes with only one Node language.

Bugfix SUP-9845 Link to this entry

The error message shown when moving of files or pages is not possible due to duplicate publish paths has been improved.

Bugfix SUP-9923 Link to this entry

The REST API documentation has been improved to state the fact that objects listed for devtool packages might have no local or global ID.

Bugfix SUP-9837 Link to this entry

Enabled always “create page“ button, even if there no templates linked. Now the right information for “link to templates” button is displayed.

Bugfix SUP-9892 Link to this entry

When the Activiti Engine fails to authenticate a request with the CMS, an appropriate error message will now be logged by the Activiti Server.

Bugfix SUP-9838 Link to this entry

Fixed the multithreaded publish process sometimes failing due to a deadlock in the DB when updating the dependencymap2.

Bugfix SUP-9867 Link to this entry

Login to the old UI could take a long time and lead to a timeout due to excessive session cleanup. The session cleanup has been optimized and will now be done in a background thread to not interfer with user logins.

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the Aloha Editor 1.4.58 – 12.11.2019

This Gentics Content.Node version includes the .Node Version 2.3.11