Gentics Content.Node 5.35.36
Bugfix SUP-11033 Link to this entry
The behaviour of importing pages has been fixed:
- Pages, which were published and modified when exported, will now not be (re)published during the import,
because the export only contains the modified version of the page, which must not be published. If the page is imported as new page, it will be offline after the import. If the page already existed on the target system, it will remain in its previous online state, but will be modified with the imported version. - Pages, which were planned and modified when exported, will now not be (re)planned. The behviour is similar to
pages, which were published and modified when exported.
Please see the Guides for further details.
Bugfix SUP-10749 Link to this entry
When calling the REST Endpoint /page/cancel/[id] for a page, the page was always set to be “modified“ if the last page versions was not the published version. This happened e.g. when closing the edit view of the page in the new UI and has been fixed. After a call to /page/cancel/[id], the “modified” status will now only be set, if the page is different from the last published version.
Bugfix SUP-11079 Link to this entry
Messages where no sender email could be determined caused a NullPointerException
when the Inbox to eMail feature was enabled. This has been fixed, and additionally the configured return path will be used as a fallback if there is no sender email address.
Note that no email will be sent, when neither the senders email address nor the return path are available.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.35
Bugfix SUP-10914 Link to this entry
When checking the permissions for a datasource over the REST API, the permissions where not always returned correctly, if the feature datasource_perm was not activated. This has been fixed now, when the feature datasource_perm is not activated, the returned permissions for a single datasource will now be identical to the permissions for the datasource administration.
Bugfix SUP-10915 Link to this entry
When creating a user in the new Admin UI the password was not set. This has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-10921 Link to this entry
Calling a Custom Proxy endpoint with (property encoded) non-ASCII characters in either the query parameters or the path caused an internal error, which has been fixed.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.34
Security SUP-10815 Link to this entry
Fixed some XSS Vulnerabilities in the old UI.
Enhancement SUP-10860 Link to this entry
Allow ContentRepository connection urls with up to 1024 characters length. Before this change only 256 characters were possible.
Bugfix SUP-10772 Link to this entry
The Scheduler can now be configured to use Java for eMail sending. This allows to use a common configuration for mail host/port or authentication for the scheduler and the “inbox_to_email” feature. See Scheduler eMail Notification and eMail Sending for details.
Bugfix SUP-10716 Link to this entry
Logging of Apache and Tomcat running in the GCMS docker container has been improved. Both processes will now log to stdout and stderr, so that log entries can be collected from the container.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.33
Bugfix SUP-10880 Link to this entry
When using a Mesh Preview URL to render pages in edit mode, some tags where not editable. This has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-10840 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: The issue with saving the page instead of deleting the image when clicking on `delete image` button was fixed.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.32
Bugfix SUP-10848 Link to this entry
When using the feature attribute_dirting and publishing into a Mesh ContentRepository with a roles property and a default role set, the publish process would incorrectly set the permissions on objects to the default role, if the objects were dirted due to modified dependencies. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-9720 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: In case a folder is created with an already used name, an error is shown. Previously, the folder would have been created with an automatically changed name.
Bugfix SUP-10816 Link to this entry
When publishing a page with a tagmap entry resolving a tag from the template, the tag was rendered in the scope of the template and therefore would resolve “nested” tags incorrectly. This has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-10487 Link to this entry
Administration User Interface: Fixes the problem for newly created groups to hide the subgroup chevron icon.
Bugfix SUP-9155 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Hides alert center for users that do not have access to the link checker tool.
Bugfix Link to this entry
The autoupdate functionality, which was broken in the previous version, has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-9208 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: The language selector in the item list now shows language names as configured in the backend instead of relying on client-side translation files.
Bugfix SUP-9033 Link to this entry
Administration User Interface: The problem that changing the pagination for groups also changes the pagination for subgroups and vice versa was fixed.
Bugfix SUP-10697 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: After switching to another node in the repository browser, it now shows the correct currently available languages.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.31
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.30
Security sup-10760 Link to this entry
A vulnerability, which allowed remote code execution has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-10485 Link to this entry
Admin User Interface: In Group Management Module the usability of Content Permission and Admin Permission tree lists is improved by highlighting a row on hover. Additionally, opening the edit permissions modal on row click is now possible.
Bugfix SUP-10561 Link to this entry
The dependency on .Node has been updated to 2.3.17. This improves poor performance of SQL Statements which are necessary to load a page containing lots of tags for editing.
Bugfix SUP-10630 Link to this entry
Admin User Interface: In entity details form the Save button was not disabled if form state was invalid. With this fix the disabled property of the Save button works as expected.
Bugfix SUP-10591 Link to this entry
When fetching objects in implementations (e.g. using velocity), objects in the wastebin would also be returned during instant publishing. The normal publish run never returned objects in the wastebin. Instant publishing has been fixed now to also ignore objects in the wastebin.
Bugfix SUP-10561 Link to this entry
This update adds a database index for improved perfomance of filename uniqueness checks when pages or files are saved.
Bugfix SUP-10185 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: In order to navigate to Administration User Interface application by pushing the “Administration” icon in the Custom Tools menu, new browser tab opened with URL /.Node/adminui/ . With this fix the Administration User Interface application will be opened via the standardized URL /admin/ .
Bugfix SUP-10399 Link to this entry
LinkChecker: The checking algorithm has been improved
- For some response codes (400, 404, 405, 409) on HEAD requests, the LinkChecker will now check again with a GET request
- Response code 429 (Too Many Requests) will now cause the target host to be blocked from further requests for some time
- callto:, tel: and skype: links will no longer be checked
- In the LinkChecker Custom Tool, it is now possible to filter pages by their online status (all pages, online pages or offline pages)
Bugfix SUP-9059 Link to this entry
Admin UI: The modal that allows new users to be created will now become scrollable if its content is too large for its size.
Bugfix SUP-9900 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: New Tag Editor is now closes when changing between edited pages.
Bugfix SUP-9946 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Improved User Experience by handling Old Tag Editor Enter key pressing correctly, so the form is now saved by the Editor User Interface as intended.
Bugfix SUP-10573 Link to this entry
Incorrect error handling cause the CMS log (gentics.log) to be flooded with error messages, when the connection to the database was lost. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-10610 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Fixes the mandatory validation of the Text/HTML typed fields and an edge-case with the text inputs of the Tag Editor.
Bugfix SUP-10443 Link to this entry
When using inline defined velocity macros, sometimes those macros could not be resolved any more (which caused the macro call to be rendered instead). This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-10607 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Fixes problem that caused some language variants to be greyed out although they existed
Bugfix SUP-10680 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Feature “autocomplete_folder_path” did not get enabled in user interface despite being configured as activated. With this fix, the settings are correctly requested and stored.
Bugfix SUP-10516 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Prevents changing non-editable Object Properties.
Bugfix SUP-8638 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: When editing a page and the repository browser is needed, it is opened with the language of the page selected. Up until now, the active language of the folder content was used.
Bugfix SUP-10546 Link to this entry
When uploading files with very long names in parallel, the filename uniqueness check possibly failed to detect duplicates, if the original filenames were different, but were identical after being truncated. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-10702 Link to this entry
When the last visible language variant of a page is deleted, all invisible language variants (which are language variants in languages, which are not enabled for the node) will also be deleted.
Bugfix SUP-10246 Link to this entry
Admin User Interface: In Groups Management Module in case the current user has permission to see groups descending from different parent groups, the Groups tree view did show only one root parent group tree. With this fix, the group trees of all of the user‘s root parent groups will be displayed correctly.
Bugfix SUP-10654 Link to this entry
It was not possible to set permissions for some special types (like customtools) over the REST API. This also affected setting the permissions using the Administration User Interface and has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-8983 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: when the user makes a search for a page ID the page immediately opens, the folder list navigates conveniently to the folder and the page is also highlighted in the page list also if pagination is used.
Bugfix SUP-9741 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Fixes bug that caused the wrong available languages to be shown after switching between nodes.
Bugfix SUP-9740 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Now shows the start page icon independently of the chosen page language. If a page or one of its language variants was selected as start page of a folder, the start page icon is now correctly displayed.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.29
Enhancement GPU-3 Link to this entry
Mail Sender allows now usage of TLS-secured connections, as well as username/password authentication.
Bugfix SUP-10575 Link to this entry
The dependency on .Node has been updated to 2.3.16. This improves the performance for writing objects into a ContentRepository of type “CR”.
Bugfix SUP-8985 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: When a tag property references one or more nodes or items (e.g. files, images, folders, pages, tags) in the tag editor, it is now indicated in case selected nodes or items do not exist anymore.
Bugfix SUP-9312 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: When failing on updating items (e. g. folders), multiple error notifications were displayed, some of those redundant and/or not human-readable and thereby confusing. With this fix confusing notifications won‘t be displayed anymore.
Bugfix SUP-10563 Link to this entry
The changelog script was still executed even if the connection to the database was not available in the beginning, and the contents of the changelog_applied
table could not be loaded. This has been fixed, and the script will now abort when the it cannot be determined whether a changelog entry has already been applied or not.
Bugfix SUP-10552 Link to this entry
Administration User Interface: Improved Tree List performance and User Experience by showing the current background task.
Bugfix SUP-10509 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Fixed the problem with showing wrong number of displayed pages in header of item-list.
Bugfix SUP-10503 Link to this entry
Storing the dependencies in the database has been optimized to safe disk space.
Bugfix SUP-10506 Link to this entry
Publishing of object properties of specific folders (e.g. the root folder of the node) with a tagmap entry always used the object property of the current folder instead. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-10494 Link to this entry
When using the features Attribute Dirting and Mesh ContentRepository files were not correctly dirted, when the name of the file was changed without changing the binary contents. This caused the fileName of the field “binarycontent“ being still old, while the field “name” contained the new filename.
Because the issue was caused by incorrectly stored dependency, it is necessary to republish all files, which are published into a Mesh Content.Repository in order to recalculate the dependencies.
Bugfix SUP-10451 Link to this entry
Admin User Interface: Make content for CreateUser modal vertically scrollable to avoid invisible buttons.
Bugfix SUP-10503 Link to this entry
The data format of stored dependencies has been modified to consume less space in the database. This also fixes publishing errors caused by “Data too long for column ‘dep_prop‘ at row 1”.
Bugfix SUP-10567 Link to this entry
An incorrect permission check for users with permissions restricted to channels in the GenticsImageStore has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-10458 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: The startpage property of folders appeared, once set, not to be removable and still displayed after removal except the application would be reloaded. With this fix startpage indication is displayed consistently.
Bugfix SUP-10547 Link to this entry
Creating or deleting groups over the REST API did not clear the internal permission cache, which caused incorrect permission checks. This has been fixed now.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.28
Bugfix SUP-10390 Link to this entry
When using the features Attribute Dirting and Multichannelling in combination and the master node published into a Content.Repository, whereas the channel did not, dirting of specific attributes in the master did not always work as expected. This has been fixed now. Because the issue was related to incorrectly stored dependencies it might be necessary to republish objects using the Content Maintenance.
Bugfix SUP-10326 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: In page properties in tab “General“ input “Template“ confusingly displayed “No template linked”. With this fix, appropriate text handling linked templates and associated user permissions is displayed.
Bugfix SUP-9812 Link to this entry
Editor/Administration User Interface: When using SSO with Keycloak, activating the feature keycloak_signout clicking the “Logout” button will now also end the user‘s session in Keycloak.
Bugfix SUP-10435 Link to this entry
The initialization procedure of the CMS has been optimized to better support reloading of the web application (without restarting Tomcat).
Bugfix SUP-10190 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: A bug in the file name suggestion in the page properties form has been fixed that caused file name suggestions to not be used.
Bugfix SUP-10258 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: To configure links to internal objects or to configure overview lists using the Repository Browser it was not possible to select from a different content language than the current one. The now improved version of the Repository Browser features the same functionality as the Item list including switching content language. Also, selecting a page translation is possible by conveniently just clicking the language icon.
Bugfix SUP-10332 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Automatically select the newly uploaded file when configuring a tag part with file or image input.
Bugfix SUP-10307 Link to this entry
Admin User Interface: Hide pagination controls if there is only one page.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.27
Optional Manual Change
The GenticsImageStore requests have been optimized for performance and better hosting context-independence. In non-docker environments, the file /Node/etc/apache/apache-vhost-include.conf
needs to be adapted:
RewriteRule ^/GenticsImageStore(.*)$ /CNPortletapp/GenticsImageStore$1 [R]must be replaced with the line
ProxyPass /GenticsImageStore ajp://localhost:42889/CNPortletapp/GenticsImageStore retry=0
Bugfix SUP-10327 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: A styling issue caused a horizontal scrollbar to appear in the when editing certain tags. Styling is now more robust – no scrollbar will be visible.
Bugfix SUP-10314 Link to this entry
The included MariaDB Connector/J has been updated to 2.7.0. The dependency on .Node has been updated to 2.3.15.
Bugfix SUP-10387 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Fixed an error in a modal that appears after clicking “Publish“ on a page which has time management configured on a previous version. In case “Keep ‘publish at‘ state” is chosen, the time management will now apply to the newest version (and not remain configured on a previous one).
Bugfix SUP-9906 Link to this entry
Link Checker Plugin: broken URLs like ‘http:host‘ or ‘http:////host‘ are no longer considered valid.
Bugfix SUP-10339 Link to this entry
The configured Client Timeouts (see Guides) will now also be used when sending requests to the Portals for rendering page previews.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.26
Bugfix SUP-10194 Link to this entry
Improperly detected MIME type of an uploaded file is fixed.
Bugfix SUP-10204 Link to this entry
When making a copy of a tagtype the URL for the external Component Editor and some other attributes of the tagtype as well as the tagtype parts were missing in the new copy. This has been fixed.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.25
Optional Manual Change
When the database connection pool was configured to be blocking, as suggested in the Guides, it is strongly recommended to also set the new setting pool_maxWait
to a positive timeout (in ms) in order to avoid possible deadlocks in the CMS, which would set the CMS in an unusable state.
Bugfix SUP-10222 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Fixed publish warning modal when timemanagement is active. Added “published time” in page-state-contextmenu. Added ‘published at‘ detail chip in item-row.
Bugfix SUP-9098 Link to this entry
Administration User Interface: The selected user interface language was not detected and stored properly. This lead to some users, seeing the default language “english”. This has been fixed now. Once a user selects a language this will be stored for this user.
Bugfix SUP-10163 Link to this entry
When trying to connect (publish, check or repair) to a Mesh Contentrepository with a user with insufficient permissions a rather cryptic Java error message was shown. The error message now contains an unauthorized access info.
Bugfix SUP-10048 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Users are now able to choose wether to replace an existing file or create a new file, when uploading a file to a folder where a file with the same name already exists via the Tag Editor. This behavior is now similar to the upload process from the item list view.
Bugfix SUP-10214 Link to this entry
When publishing tags containing XNL-Syntax into a Content.Repository with a tagmap entry (other than “content”), the XNL-Syntax was not evaluated, but rendered literally. This has been fixed now, XNL will now be evaluated.
Bugfix SUP-10098 Link to this entry
When deleting a localized copy of an object without using the wastebin, the master object was not updated correctly in the elasticsearch index, which caused subsequent searches for the master object in the channel to not find the object. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-10168 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Fix Masonry Grid not re-layouting when items‘ sizes change
Bugfix SUP-10138 Link to this entry
Administration User Interface and Editor User Interface: We added an option to skip Keycloak single sign on.
The single sign on process will be skipped and users will be forwarded to the login form when the url parameter `skip-sso` is present. Example: `https://yourcmshost.tld/editor/?skip-sso`
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.24
Bugfix SUP-10060 Link to this entry
Publishing pages using a template that contained “embedded” object tags with the feature Publish Cache enabled failed with a NullPointerException, which has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-10089 Link to this entry
Checking or repairing a Content.Repository over the REST API or UI could take a while, and could cause the request to run into a timeout. A new query parameter “wait” has been added to the REST API Endpoints to continue checking/repairing in the background after the given wait period.
Bugfix SUP-10083 Link to this entry
When activating the feature Devtools with insufficient permissions on the folder /Node/node/content/packages, the GCMS failed to start with a NullPointerException. This has been fixed, the GCMS will now log an error and devtool packages will not be available in such situations.
Bugfix SUP-10033 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: It is now possible to start downloads from within a Custom Tool. – Previously this was prohibited in some browsers due to misconfigured security settings regarding iframes.
Bugfix SUP-9985 Link to this entry
It is now possible to configure the location of the license.key file for the GCMS container with the environment variable LICENSEKEY_PATH. See the Guides for details.
Bugfix SUP-10088 Link to this entry
The unnecessary ERROR messages “Error while registering class for tablename objtag: found two incompatible classes class com.gentics.contentnode.object.ObjectTagDefinition and class com.gentics.contentnode.object.ObjectTag” will no longer be shown during startup of the GCMS.
Bugfix SUP-10141 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: Fixed permission handling in item-list which prevented editing search results.
Bugfix SUP-10041 Link to this entry
When the PHP installation for the CMS had error_reporting turned on for E_WARNINGS, and display_errors also turned on, the CMS failed to start successfully. A fix has been made for this, but it is also recommended to turn off displaying of errors.
Bugfix SUP-10013 Link to this entry
The new node setting “Allow insecure connections” for Mesh preview URLs can now be set to ignore SSL problems (like self signed certificates or wrong hostnames) for preview and edit mode.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.23
Bugfix SUP-10054 Link to this entry
Using the REST Endpoint /page/search
to search pages by live URL without setting a nodeId would possibly return not the correct page in multichannelling environments. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-10043 Link to this entry
Setting features for a node using the REST API or the old UI failed, if not all “per-node” features were globally activated. This has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-9944 Link to this entry
Fixed TagEditor Overview Maximum number of items input field, which did not save entered value.
Bugfix SUP-10052 Link to this entry
When loading objects using the REST API for a channel, the response did not contain object tags of properties, which were restricted to the master node. This also caused the object properties to not be shown in the new UI and has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-10045 Link to this entry
Taking a page offline over the REST API with the flag “allLang” set to true failed with a NullPointerException, if the page did not have a language. This has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-10027 Link to this entry
When objects and their folder were put into the wastebin and then imported into different folders, the import failed with an internal error, which has been fixed.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.22
Bugfix SUP-8294 Link to this entry
Renaming of pages failed, if the requested filename was used by the last published version of another page, even if the other page was offline. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-9185 Link to this entry
Fixed page edit function of search result pages.
Bugfix SUP-9288 Link to this entry
When publishing a channel structure into a Mesh Content.Repository, the publish process would fail after renaming the master node. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-9896 Link to this entry
The visibility of white-on-transparent images in the list and in the image preview has been improved by adding a checkered background.
Bugfix SUP-9940 Link to this entry
Checking the permission of a custom tool over the REST API did not work, when the type 90001 was used. It was only possible to check with the type ‘customtool‘ (which is the preferred way). This has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-9972 Link to this entry
The old UI for devtool packages did not work for packages which contained “special” characters like spaces and has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-9996 Link to this entry
When loading objects using the REST API, the response contained object tags, which were created before and then restricted to other nodes. This also caused the object properties to be shown in the new UI. The behaviour has been changed now, so that restricted object properties will only be shown in nodes, where they are allowed.
Bugfix SUP-9840 Link to this entry
Removing Aloha Editor plugins with the “extended” configuration syntax described in the Guides caused an error while rendering pages of the specified node. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-9960 Link to this entry
Some debug logging for the portal preview requests has been added.
Bugfix SUP-9863 Link to this entry
Permission checks on the /user and /group endpoints were too restrictive (required view permission on “Content.Admin”). This also caused permission errors when using the Admin UI User or Group module. The permission checks have been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-9972 Link to this entry
The REST API Endpoints /devtools/packages/[packagename]/fs2cms and /devtools/packages/[packagename]/cms2fs for synchronizing a package from or to the CMS will return with error code 500 instead of 200, if synchronization fails e.g. due to parsing errors or filesystem restrictions.
Bugfix SUP-9848 Link to this entry
The language of the Task Management tool was always German – disregarding the users actually selected UI langauge. This has been fixed now.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.21
Bugfix SUP-9917 Link to this entry
Fixed time-management which was breaking in Nodes with only one Node language.
Bugfix SUP-9845 Link to this entry
The error message shown when moving of files or pages is not possible due to duplicate publish paths has been improved.
Bugfix SUP-9923 Link to this entry
The REST API documentation has been improved to state the fact that objects listed for devtool packages might have no local or global ID.
Bugfix SUP-9837 Link to this entry
Enabled always “create page“ button, even if there no templates linked. Now the right information for “link to templates” button is displayed.
Bugfix SUP-9892 Link to this entry
When the Activiti Engine fails to authenticate a request with the CMS, an appropriate error message will now be logged by the Activiti Server.
Bugfix SUP-9838 Link to this entry
Fixed the multithreaded publish process sometimes failing due to a deadlock in the DB when updating the dependencymap2.
Bugfix SUP-9867 Link to this entry
Login to the old UI could take a long time and lead to a timeout due to excessive session cleanup. The session cleanup has been optimized and will now be done in a background thread to not interfer with user logins.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.20
Bugfix SUP-7100 Link to this entry
Scheduler Tasks with variables were not executed correctly, if one of the variable values contained the ‘=‘ character. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-9718 Link to this entry
When opening an image for editing in the old UI, sometimes the preview of the image was not shown and the image could not be resized or cropped. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-8984 Link to this entry
Features, which are bound to the license key (like “link_checker“) were exposed to the REST API and shown in the UI (for activating for a node), even if the license was not sufficient for the feature. This has been fixed now, if a feature is activated in the configuration, but the license key insufficient, the feature will be treated as “not activated” in every respect, but a warning will be shown in the server log.
Bugfix SUP-7201 Link to this entry
It is no longer possible to remove a template from a Node, if the template would not be linked to any folder.
Bugfix SUP-7664 Link to this entry
Using the GIS Directive on an SVG image with render mode fpsmart cause a rendering error, which has been fixed now. The GIS Directive will now create a “normal” resizing URL, but it is important to note, that SVG images cannot be resized using the GIS.
Bugfix SUP-9857 Link to this entry
Fixed page translation modal not prefilling page description field. If description exists in source page variant, description will get prefilled with source description.
Bugfix SUP-8475 Link to this entry
If images were fetched in the CMS using the GIS and the user had no permission to view the image, the response (containing the message about missing permission) was possibly cached by the browser. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-7890 Link to this entry
Some synchronization issues with channel local templates or templates having localized copies in devtool packages have been fixed.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.19
Bugfix SUP-9809 Link to this entry
The wastebin view of pages in the old UI did not show icons for deleted language variants. This has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-9800 Link to this entry
Listing objects in a devtool package caused an internal error, if one of the objects did not have a globalId set in the file. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-9705 Link to this entry
Fixed a bug in the task management tool where Activiti process definitions could show up as duplicates.
Bugfix SUP-9708 Link to this entry
Fixed a bug in the task management tool where the button to add tasks was shown even when there were no tasks/process definitions to add.
Bugfix SUP-9732 Link to this entry
Fix possible Error in Keycloak Filter
Bugfix SUP-9635 Link to this entry
When searching for logs in the administration tool the logs in the search result could have an offset if the system time of the database did not match the system time of the CMS. This has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-9752 Link to this entry
Implemented folder directory auto completion.
Bugfix SUP-9739 Link to this entry
Fixed language translations in content language selector in item list header.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.18
Bugfix SUP-9469 Link to this entry
Linking or unlinking templates to or from folders using the REST API required the template to be locked and could take longer than expected. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-9716 Link to this entry
The initial setup routine for new GCMS installations failed to set the initial password for user “node”. This has been fixed now. See the Guides for additional information.
Bugfix SUP-9703 Link to this entry
When using the feature “folderfullpath” for displaying the full path of linked internal pages in the tagfill dialog, the shown path was possibly incorrect in multichannelling environments. This issue had no effect on the published objects and was fixed now.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.17
Bugfix SUP-9472 Link to this entry
Fixed wording of success message when replacing a file.
Bugfix SUP-9063 Link to this entry
Fix inconsistency between Admin UI and Editor UI regarding the order of buttons in the unsaved changes dialog.
Bugfix SUP-9402 Link to this entry
Fixed an issue where the name of the editor locking a page was shown as “undefined undefined”.
Bugfix SUP-9676 Link to this entry
When using the feature Copy & Paste for Tags and not allowing an anchor to be root element of a block, copy & paste for links will now work.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.16
Bugfix SUP-9644 Link to this entry
Fix a possible infinite loop error on the Editor UI‘s List view.
Bugfix SUP-9610 Link to this entry
The custom proxy will now allow requests without extra path and not ending with a slash.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.15
Optional Manual Change
With a previous update Tomcat was updated to version 7.0.100. The newer tomcat version also makes files written to the filesystem not world readable by default. This could have impact if you need read rights for others for files written to the filesystem with filesystem publishing or if you use the filesystem attributes feature. To make files readable for all you can edit /Node/etc/
and add the correct umask export UMASK="0022"
Bugfix SUP-9508 Link to this entry
When use the Live Preview of pages with the feature “devtools” enabled, every opened Live Preview could block a thread in Tomcat for some time, even if the Live Preview was closed or refreshed. This could cause performance problems in the CMS due to missing request handlers. This has been fixed now, if the Live Preview window is closed or refreshed, the used thread in Tomcat will immediately be freed.
Bugfix SUP-9567 Link to this entry
Fixed Live URL detection in order for Elastic Search to work fine.
Bugfix SUP-9098 Link to this entry
Updated the state of the backendLanguage for the EditorUI.
Bugfix SUP-9580 Link to this entry
Fixed Time Management modal causing strange effects on newly created pages by displaying a Confirm Changes modal before.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.14
Bugfix SUP-8551 Link to this entry
Fixed node selector styles.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.13
Bugfix SUP-9415 Link to this entry
Publishing of channels into different ContentRepositories than the master node produced some errors and has been fixed.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.12
Manual Change
When applying this update, the packaged Tomcat will be updated to version 7.0.100 which contains important security and bug fixes. It is mandatory to add the parameters secretRequired="false" address="localhost"
to the AJP connector in file /Node/tomcat/conf/server.xml
before the update is applied. See the Guides for details. Be aware: The newer tomcat version also makes files written to the filesystem not world readable by default. This could have impact if you need read rights for others for files written to the filesystem with filesystem publishing or if you use the filesystem attributes feature. To make files readable for all you can edit /Node/etc/
and add the correct umask export UMASK="0022"
. You can delete the old Tomcat directories after updating.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.11
Using MariaDB 10.4 is currently not supported. See Gentics CMS Compatibility List for the list of supported versions of MariaDB.
Link to this entry
Bugfix SUP-9003 Link to this entry
Improved Aloha Editor table plugin cell formatting buttons styling.
Bugfix SUP-9313 Link to this entry
Fixed Time Management Modal to be able to work with different page language variants.
Bugfix GTXPE-614 Link to this entry
Writing to a Mesh Content.Repository during a publish process will now be synchronized with instant publishing into the same Mesh Content.Repository. Additionally, a rare race condition, which could lead to a never stopping publish process when publishing into a Mesh Content.Repository was fixed.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.10
Bugfix SUP-7308 Link to this entry
Fixed a bug that showed wrong live urls when using the Gentics Mesh content repository with the project per node setting disabled.
Bugfix SUP-7308 Link to this entry
The publish process failed when only a channel was assigned to a Mesh ContentRepository (with project per node enabled). This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-7308 Link to this entry
Assigning nodes to content repositories over the REST API will now do the same conflict tests like when assigning using the UI.
Bugfix SUP-9249 Link to this entry
Rendering of links to objects, which are published into a Mesh Content.Repository always rendered Mesh Links, regardless of whether the source object was also published into the same Mesh Content.Repository, or not, which caused incorrectly rendered links in some cases. The link rendering has been changed to only render Mesh Links, when the source and target object will be published into the same Mesh Project. All other cases will render static links (including the host name of the target node).
Bugfix SUP-9267 Link to this entry
Getting the permissions on a node or folder by using the context menu entry “Permissions” in the old UI failed with an SGB, which has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-9169 Link to this entry
File and image properties are now immediately updated when an item is replaced.
Bugfix SUP-7715 Link to this entry
Synchronizing a construct from a devtool package into the CMS failed, if the type of a part was changed from a non-text based type to a text based type. This has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-9140 Link to this entry
Object properties for images are immediately shown when an image is uploaded.
Bugfix SUP-9072 Link to this entry
In rare cases, the REST API would return untranslated error messages. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-9064 Link to this entry
When publishing pages into a Mesh Content.Repository, the tagmap entry “content” could not be used to publish something different than the rendered page. If the tagname was e.g. changed to the name of a specific tag, instant publishing would render that tag but the regular publish process would overwrite the field with the rendered page content.
This has been fixed now.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.9
Bugfix GTXPE-676 Link to this entry
The REST API Endpoint /perm/{perm}/{type}/{id}
has been more consistent to support numerical and alphabetical object types.
Some REST API Endpoints for getting object lists have been extended to optionally return the permissions of the current user on the returned items.
Bugfix SUP-9235 Link to this entry
When publishing into a Mesh Content.Repository, the CMS would detect irrelevant differences between the schemas in Mesh and the expected schemas. This caused unnecessary schema updates with following schema migrations. In some cases, the changes could not be applied, causing the schema updates to be done on every publish process.
The mechanism to find differences in the schema definitions has been fixed to ignore irrelevant changes.
Bugfix SUP-9066 Link to this entry
Fixed delete modal to display buttons correctly when zooming in IE.
Bugfix SUP-9104 Link to this entry
Gentics CMS Administration User Interface: Fixed a memory leak when opening an entity in the detail view.
Bugfix SUP-9111 Link to this entry
The Link Checker execution could fail when processing erroneous links with a large number of characters after a colon. This has been fixed.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.8
Bugfix SUP-9052 Link to this entry
The performance of rendering navigations with the NavigationPartType has been improved.
Bugfix SUP-9052 Link to this entry
When publishing pages containing a navigation part type and having the feature publish_cache enabled, sometimes parts of the navigation could be missing due to a NullPointerException. This has been fixed now.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.7
Optional Manual Change
The implementation of the Aloha Page Link Tag should be changed to address the security suggestion that links to external pages with target=“_blank“ should always have the attribute rel=“noopener noreferrer” set for phishing protection. Please refer to our standard implementation and update your link tag implementation accordingly.
Link to this entry
Bugfix SUP-8755 Link to this entry
Gentics CMS Administration User Interface: Improved the display of loading indicators.
Bugfix SUP-9026 Link to this entry
Gentics CMS Administration User Interface: Fixed the display of tree/list toggle buttons.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.6
Bugfix SUP-8989 Link to this entry
Disabled paging for Elastic Search queries. Paging will be re-enabled after navigating or clearing search.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.5
Bugfix SUP-8864 Link to this entry
Fixed loading of the active folder language from the User Settings.
Bugfix SUP-8863 Link to this entry
Fixed a wrong translation of a string in the Link Checker.
Bugfix SUP-8944 Link to this entry
Fixed an issue that happened when an in-use Start Page was deleted from the folder and it caused an error message and an empty list of the pages.
Bugfix SUP-8988 Link to this entry
Fixed a bug that caused node root folders that were marked as favorites to be removed from the favorites list immediately or on reload.
Bugfix SUP-8901 Link to this entry
Gentics CMS Administration User Interface:
- if user has no admin permissions user gets redirected to a page explaining the problem
- fixed routing related to forbidden entity details
- fixed collapsed columns of detail lists
Bugfix SUP-8911 Link to this entry
Fixed an issue when Link Checker feature is not enabled but the UI tried to fetch data from.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.4
Bugfix SUP-8775 Link to this entry
Gentics CMS Administration User Interface: Group names were treated as having to be globally unique by the UI when creating a new group, even though the REST API requires only groups with the same parent to have distinct names. This has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-8955 Link to this entry
When publishing into a Mesh ContentRepository using Mesh Version >= 0.36.4, pages taken offline with time management were not removed from the Mesh CR, if they used languages other than english. This has been fixed now. The next publish run after the GCMS update will remove pages which were affected by this bug.
Bugfix SUP-8908 Link to this entry
Fixed an error in combined-properties editor that prevented the save button from being enabled in IE11.
Bugfix GTXPE-731 Link to this entry
- Modified Trable styles to be consistent with List styles
- Hid toggle tree views buttons if not applicable
Bugfix GTXPE-8952 Link to this entry
- links are now filterable using the right input select below search bar by status : ‘invalid‘ | ‘unchecked‘ | ‘valid‘ (‘invalid‘ is default)
Bugfix SUP-8920 Link to this entry
Fixed scrolling of object properties when using the new tag editor.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.3
Bugfix SUP-8882 Link to this entry
AdminUI: Fixed some icons in the permissions tree.
Bugfix SUP-8874 Link to this entry
Fixed labels in permissions trees.
Bugfix SUP-8878 Link to this entry
Providing a user interface to change administrative features of Gentics CMS which is fast and efficient to use is no small thing. To refelect to this scope we will no longer refer to the Admin UI with an abbreviation. It shall be know from now on as the “Gentics CMS Administration User Interface”. We did change the label on the login screen.
Bugfix GTXPE-751 Link to this entry
The Gentics CMS Linkchecker sidbar panel will now only be displayed when editing a page.
Bugfix SUP-8469 Link to this entry
The URL generated by the gis_directive for the resize mode “fpsmart“ has been fixed to contain the mode “smart”. Also documentation for Using Focal Point with GenticsImageStore has been added.
Bugfix SUP-8867 Link to this entry
Changing the assignment of templates to folders over the REST API required edit permission on the template, which was inconsistent to the behaviour of the old UI, where view permission on the template is sufficient. The permission check in the REST API has been changed to require view permission on the template.
Bugfix SUP-8871 Link to this entry
Admin UI: Renamed the German translation “Operationen“ to “Betrieb“ in the Dashboard and renamed the “Assign Group to Users“ Button in Group Management to “Assign User to Groups”.
Bugfix GTXPE-692 Link to this entry
AdminUI: Added missing German translations.
Bugfix SUP-8786 Link to this entry
When sanitizing file/folder names, the whitespace character was not replaced properly, this has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-8789 Link to this entry
Users that are restricted to a certain channel and have no permissions on the master node could not create files or images from an URL source (from an image provider URL for example). This has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-8865 Link to this entry
Fixed an incorrect permission check, which prevented users from editing tagmap entries of contentrepositories.
Bugfix SUP-8787 Link to this entry
Show language variants label for delete dialog only for pages.
Bugfix GTXPE-553 Link to this entry
Added missing default styles for tags for custom tag editors and custom tag property editors.
Bugfix SUP-8876 Link to this entry
Admin UI: Discard on changes modal now provides a save button Fixed tree list scroll contained max-height on smaller screens. Fixed dashboard icon Maintenance Mode Improved app brand styling
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.2
Admin UI: Repositioned and grouped toggle button for switching between list and tree view.
Link to this entryManual Change
Added missing changelogs with manual changes to 5.35.0 for the new editor UI and the admin UI. Please make sure you have applied all manual changes mentioned in the changelog for 5.35.0
Link to this entry
Bugfix GTXPE-694 Link to this entry
AdminUI: Prevented autofill when creating a new user.
Bugfix SUP-8814 Link to this entry
Starting the CMS failed, if any configuration used a key longer than 1024 characters. This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-8816 Link to this entry
When specific custom configuration settings for the Velocity Engine were used, the initialization of the Velocity Engine failed, which caused subsequent render errors for pages using velocity. Parsing the configuration settings for the Velocity Engine has been fixed for those cases and the startup process has been modified so that Tomcat will not even start when the Velocity Engine cannot be initialized.
Bugfix SUP-8817 Link to this entry
It was not possible to edit more than 50 object properties in the new UI. Only the first 50 object properties were shown in the list. This has been fixed now.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.1
Admin UI: The root group is now expanded by default in the groups tree view.
Link to this entryChanges the status label “planned” for pages to be more precise. It now conveys whether the page is planned for publishing or for being taken offline.
Link to this entryAdmin UI: For groups the list view is now displayed by default.
Link to this entryLinkchecker Custom Tool: Removed the “Refresh” button, because the links are checked again on the next scheduled run.
Link to this entryCorrected various German translations.
Link to this entryFixed various styling issues.
Link to this entryOptional Manual Change
On some installations, we noticed that on Redhat 7.7 systems, the genticscms.service
CMS systemd startup script produced errors when starting the cms. This happened because the specified pid file belongs to a diffent user (node) which is not allowed, at least on newer Redhat systems. If your system is affected you need to adapt the genticscms.service
startup script by adding the line User=node
in the [Service]
section and reload systemd with systemctl daemon-reload
Bugfix SUP-8678 Link to this entry
When inline editable parts are included into the template of a Velocity tag using the node-Notation, the special VTL characters # and $ will now be escaped (using the escape tool of the velocitytools imp). This ensures that content entered into the inline editable parts will not be interpreted as Velocity code, but will be rendered “as is”.
Note, that using node-Notation in Velocity templates is discouraged, consult the Guides for details.
Bugfix SUP-8793 Link to this entry
Fixed sanitation of page filename.
Bugfix SUP-8808 Link to this entry
Due to an incorrect permission check, viewing or editing templates did not work in the old UI and has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-8748 Link to this entry
Fixed the issue with not exact width and height for images after size changes.
Bugfix GTXPE-724 Link to this entry
Admin UI: Fixed updating of groups tree after modifying a group or creating a new subgroup.
Bugfix GTXPE-725 Link to this entry
Admin UI: Fixed a bug that caused the Groups -> Subgroups tab not to load.
Bugfix SUP-8725 Link to this entry
Fixed the linking of pages in German publish queue messages.
Bugfix SUP-8804 Link to this entry
Parsing the configuration failed for settings that used none-alphanumeric characters (like *). This has been fixed now.
Bugfix SUP-8531 Link to this entry
Sorting objects over the REST API was inconsistent regarding case sensitivity. This has been changed, so that all endpoints will sort in a case insensitive way now.
Bugfix SUP-8778 Link to this entry
Fixed mobile styles for problem center icon in top navigation.
Bugfix SUP-8782 Link to this entry
When the Link Checker is globally activated, but not for any Node, the scheduler job will now show an appropriate message instead of just having empty output.
Gentics Content.Node 5.35.0
Manual Change
Added a new Admin user interface available at http://your-cms-host.tld/admin. Some new symlinks have to be added manually by executing the following commands:
Link to this entry # Execute as user "node" (sudo -u node -s):
ln -s /Node/.node/adminui /Node/var/httpd/htdocs/admin
ln -s /Node/.node/ui /Node/var/httpd/htdocs/editor
mkdir -p /Node/var/httpd/htdocs/tools
ln -s /Node/.node/link-checker /Node/var/httpd/htdocs/tools/link-checker
ln -s /Node/.node/task-management /Node/var/httpd/htdocs/tools/task-management
ln -s /Node/.node/adminui /Node/var/httpd/htdocs/.Node/adminui
ln -s /Node/.node/link-checker /Node/var/httpd/htdocs/.Node/link-checker
Manual Change
Added the new feature “use_default_new_ui” which allows controlling whether the new UI will be loaded instead of the old UI. This requires you to change the index.php file manually. Please follow the steps in the feature documentation.
Link to this entryOptional Manual Change
The default replacement character has been changed from “_“ to “-“ now, because “-“ is more search engine friendly. You can switch back to “_” as replacement character if you need it. Please read the sanitizing file names feature documentation for more information on this.
Link to this entry
Enhancement GTXPE-280 Link to this entry
For users having the folder permission ‘link‘ all folder context menus now have the item ‘Link to templates‘ which will open a modal with all available templates of current node and those linked to the current folder. This modal is also available from within the create-page modal by clicking a link below the template selection.
Enhancement GTXPE-608 Link to this entry
The node specific configuration settings
can now be configured by local nodeID, global node ID or node name.
Enhancement GTXPE-610 Link to this entry
Gentics CMS interface URLs are now shorter and it is possible to set the New UI as the default.
Enhancement GTXPE-450 Link to this entry
The Gentics CMS Linkchecker arrived.
It is fully integrated in Aloha Editor and will highlight broken links in your pages. Additionally we added a helpful overview of all broken links on a page in the sidebar.
Learn how to activate this feature in the Gentics CMS Linkchecker guide.
Enhancement Link to this entry
Some tree entries in the old UI have been renamed:
- Content.Node => Node Management
- System Maintenance => Maintenance Mode (Systemwartung => Wartungsmodus)
- Maintenance => Content Maintenance (Wartung => Content Wartung)
Enhancement GTXPE-445 Link to this entry
Added the “@gentics/cms-rest-clients-angular” npm package with an Angular service for the most commonly used REST APIs in the GCMS UI and similar applications. This package is available over the APA-IT Artifactory npm repository.
Enhancement GTXPE-443 Link to this entry
Added the “@gentics/cms-models” npm package with TypeScript interfaces for the most commonly used model types in the GCMS UI and similar applications. This package is available over the APA-IT Artifactory npm repository.
Enhancement GTXPE-624 Link to this entry
Use simpler names for date related detail chips in the item list of the new UI. “System creation/edit date“ refers to the dates set by the CMS (not explicitly changeable by the user through the page properties). “Creation/Edit date” refers to the custom creation/edit dates with the system dates used as a fallback if no custom dates are set.
Enhancement GTXPE-395 Link to this entry
The new feature live_urls_per_node
is an alternative for the feature live_urls
that allows activating live URLs per node. See the guides for details.
Enhancement GTXPE-590 Link to this entry
When creating a folder the modal dialogue now has input validation for fields ‘name‘ and ‘directory‘. The input ‘name‘ field validation disallows its value to duplicate a folder name within current folder. The input field ‘directory‘ behaviour has dependencies:
1. if current node has feature ‘pub_dir_segment‘ FALSE
- duplicate value within current folder allowed
- character slash allowed
- prefilled with parent directory if set
2. if current node has feature ‘pub_dir_segment‘ TRUE and if content repository type NOT Mesh
- duplicate value within current folder disallowed
- character slash disallowed
- prefilled with parent directory if set
3. if current node has feature ‘pub_dir_segment‘ TRUE and if content repository type IS Mesh
- duplicate value within current folder disallowed
- character slash disallowed
- not prefilled with parent directory if set
Enhancement GTXPE-210 Link to this entry
When a page is created, automatically suggest a file name based on the page name.
When creating or editing a page, automatically sanitize the file name.
Enhancement GTXPE-560 Link to this entry
Add description popups to object properties in the combined properties editor of the new UI.
Enhancement GTXPE-570 Link to this entry
The REST Resources /CNPortletapp/rest/group
and /CNPortletapp/rest/perm
have been extended to provide complete information about permission settings for a group and for the current user. See the REST API documentation for details.
Enhancement GTXPE-164 Link to this entry
The new REST Endpoint /CNPortletapp/rest/page/suggest/filename
will suggest a (sanitized) filename to be used for a page with given meta-data. See Rest API documentation for details.
Enhancement GTXPE-480 Link to this entry
The GCMS configuration will now be read from the Java process in YAML format, instead of Java properties format.
Enhancement SUP-5421 Link to this entry
Removed the video tag type and related files because they were based on flash.
Enhancement SUP-5855 Link to this entry
When a new page was created, special characters in the automatically generated filename were automatically replaced by the configured standard sanitize replacement character. The default is “-“. If there were multiple special characters to be replaced this could lead to multiple replacement characters in the filename.
Example filename:
- original: “Infos [Important].pdf“
- sanitized: “Infos — Important-.pdf“
This has been enhanced so that multiple special characters will only be replaced by one replacement character:
- new sanitized: “Infos-Important-.pdf”
Replacement of all characters can be configured as explained in the sanitizing file names feature documentation
Enhancement GTXPE-598 Link to this entry
Improve planned status labels to have 2 versions: to publish and to take offline.
Enhancement GTXPE-393 Link to this entry
Rendering pages in the CMS with a Mesh Preview URL has been extended, so that tags, which are included into editables, that are rendered in the Portal will now also be rendered correctly in edit mode.
Enhancement GTXPE-388 Link to this entry
UI: If a folder has a start page its now displayed under the folder‘s title and provides shortcut menu to this start page.
Enhancement GTXPE-256 Link to this entry
Add method for opening the repository browser to the GCMSUI object.
Enhancement SUP-7663 Link to this entry
Add a publish action to the “Page Saved” notification in the content frame.
Enhancement GTXPE-208 Link to this entry
Change delete actions behavior to always ask for confirmation and show undo option when wastebin is available.
Enhancement GTXPE-510 Link to this entry
Provide GcmsUiServices (Repository Browser and Image Editor) to Custom TagEditors.
Enhancement GTXPE-477 Link to this entry
The REST API for templates has been extended.
Enhancement GTXPE-461 Link to this entry
Add additional details to page versions history modal.
Enhancement Link to this entry
This update adds a new template type “Generic“, that does not enforce the page filenames to have an extension and will set the mimetype of pages to “application/octet-stream“.
Note: Templates that use the type “Generic” cannot be imported into GCMS installations using older versions, that do not support this type.