Data Types


type description
AbstractItemResponse Abstract item response
AbstractListResponse Abstract list response
AbstractModel Abstract base class for REST Model implementations that have a global Id
ActionLogEntry Model of an entry in the action log
ActionLogEntryList Response containing a list of action log entries
ActionLogType Model of the type of logged objects
ActionLogTypeList Response containing a list of logged object types
ActionModel Model of a logged action
ActionModelList Response containing a list of logged actions
AuthenticationResponse Authentication Result
AutocompleteItem Item that is returned to autocomplete calls
BreadcrumbItem Model for breadcrumbs items
BulkLinkUpdateRequest The REST request connection a set of input linkable entities to the selected targets, in bulk.
CRElasticsearchModel Model of the Elasticsearch specific configuration for Mesh CRs
CmpCompatibility Compatibility level for used CMP components in a node.
CmpVersionInfo Model class for CMP version information.
Construct Construct
ConstructCategory Construct Category
ConstructCategoryListResponse Response containing a list of construct categoriess
ConstructCategoryLoadResponse Class representing the construct category load response.
ConstructInPackage Construct in a package.
If the object does not have a (local) ID, this means that the object was not synchronized to the CMS.
It is also possible, that the global ID of the object is null, if it is not set in the gentics_structure.json file.
Objects without global ID in the filesystem can be imported into the CMS, but will never be "in sync", because they cannot be identified without global ID.
ConstructList Response containing a list of constructs
ConstructListResponse Response containing a list of constructs
ConstructLoadResponse Class representing the construct load response.
ContentLanguage Rest Model of a content language
ContentLanguageResponse Response containing a single content language
ContentMaintenanceAction Maintenance actions
ContentMaintenanceActionRequest REST Model of a content maintenance action request
ContentMaintenanceType Types of objects, which can be handled with maintenance actions
ContentNodeItem ContentNodeItem which can be a Page, File, Image or Folder
ContentRepositoryFragmentEntryListResponse Response containing a list of ContentRepository Fragment Entries
ContentRepositoryFragmentEntryModel Model of an entry in a ContentRepository Fragment
ContentRepositoryFragmentEntryResponse Response containing a ContentRepository Fragment Entry
ContentRepositoryFragmentInPackage ContentRepository Fragment in a package.
If the object does not have a (local) ID, this means that the object was not synchronized to the CMS.
It is also possible, that the global ID of the object is null, if it is not set in the gentics_structure.json file.
Objects without global ID in the filesystem can be imported into the CMS, but will never be "in sync", because they cannot be identified without global ID.
ContentRepositoryFragmentListResponse Response containing a list of ContentRepository Fragments
ContentRepositoryFragmentModel Model of a ContentRepository Fragment
ContentRepositoryFragmentResponse Response containing a ContentRepository Fragment
ContentRepositoryInPackage Content Repository in a package.
If the object does not have a (local) ID, this means that the object was not synchronized to the CMS.
It is also possible, that the global ID of the object is null, if it is not set in the gentics_structure.json file.
Objects without global ID in the filesystem can be imported into the CMS, but will never be "in sync", because they cannot be identified without global ID.
ContentRepositoryListResponse Response containing a list of ContentRepositories
ContentRepositoryModel ContentRepository
ContentRepositoryResponse Response containing a ContentRepository
ContentTagCreateRequest Request to create a content tag in a page
CreatedTag Created tag
CustomTool Model of a custom tool
DaisyDiffRequest Class representing a daisyDiff request sent to DiffResource. Encapsulates request data.
Datasource REST Model of a datasource
DatasourceEntryListResponse Response containing a list of datasource entries
DatasourceEntryModel REST Model of a datasource entry
DatasourceEntryResponse Response containing a datasource entry
DatasourceInPackage Datasource in a package.
If the object does not have a (local) ID, this means that the object was not synchronized to the CMS.
It is also possible, that the global ID of the object is null, if it is not set in the gentics_structure.json file.
Objects without global ID in the filesystem can be imported into the CMS, but will never be "in sync", because they cannot be identified without global ID.
DatasourceLoadResponse Response for a datasource load request.
DatasourceType Datasource types
DiffRequest Class representing a diff request sent to DiffResource. Encapsulates request data.
DiffResponse Class representing the response to a diff request sent to DiffResource.
DirtQueueEntry REST Model of a dirt queue entry
DirtQueueEntryList REST Model containing a list of dirt queue entries
DirtQueueSummaryEntry REST Model of an entry in the dirt queue summary
DirtQueueSummaryResponse REST Model containing a list of dirt queue summary entries
Editable Class for instances of editables
Editor Editor of a node
EditorControlStyle Possible modes for displaying construct edit actions.
ErrorLogEntry Model of a logged error
ErrorLogEntryList Response containing a list of logged errors
ExecutionListResponse Response containing a list of execution information.
ExecutionModel Model for a scheduler exection.
ExecutionResponse Response containing information about a scheduler execution.
ExportSelectionRequest Request containing the objects selected for export
ExportSelectionResponse Response containing the list of subselected folders
FUMResponseStatus FUM Response status values
FUMResult FUM Result Model
FUMStatus Possible response stati for the FUM
FUMStatusResponse Response model for request to finish postponed FUM action
FeatureList Response containing a list of node features
FeatureModelList Response containing a list of node specific features
FeatureResponse Response containing information about a feature
File File object, represents a File in GCN
FileCopyRequest Request to copy a file
FileCreateRequest Request to create a file from a URL
FileListResponse Response for file and image list requests.
FileLoadResponse Response object for responses containing a File
FilePrivileges Model for file privileges
FileSaveRequest Request to save a file
FileUploadResponse Generic response containing the response code and response messages (no additional objects)
FileUsageListResponse Response for a file/image usage request.
Folder Folder object, representing a Folder in GCN
FolderCreateRequest Request object for a request to create a folder
FolderExternalLinksResponse REST Model external links response. It contains the pages with external links.
FolderListRequest Request object for a request to list folders
FolderListResponse Response for a folder list request.
FolderLoadResponse Generic response containing the response code and response messages (no additional objects)
FolderMoveRequest Request object for a request to move a folder
FolderObjectCountResponse Response containing object counts in folders
FolderPublishDirSanitizeRequest Request to sanitize a folder publish directory
FolderPublishDirSanitizeResponse Response containing a sanitized folder publish directory
FolderSaveRequest Request object for a request to save a folder
FolderUsageListResponse Response for a folder usage request.
FoundFilesListResponse Response for a file list request
GenericResponse Generic response containing the response code and response messages (no additional objects)
Group Group information in REST calls
GroupList Model of a group list
GroupLoadResponse Response containing a single group
GroupsPermBitsResponse Response containing permission and role bits
GroupsResponse Response for the request to get the groups
HashPasswordRequest Hash password request
HashPasswordResponse Response to a login request
IdSetRequest Request containing a list of IDs
Image Image object, represents an Image in GCN
ImageListResponse Response for file and image list requests.
ImageLoadResponse Response object for responses containing an Image
ImageRotate Possible directions for rotating images
ImageRotateRequest Request to rotate an image
ImageSaveRequest Request to save an image
IntervalUnit Interval units for schedules.
ItemListResponse Response for a item list request
ItemType Types of items to be fetched with method
ItemVersion REST Model of an Item Version
JobStatus Model of the status of a scheduler job
JobsResponse Response containing a list of Scheduler Jobs
LanguageList Model of language list
LanguageListResponse Response for a language list request
LanguagePrivileges Privileges set on a specific language
LanguageResponse Response containing the current session language
Latest Inner class to encapsulate the information about the latest version of the language variant
LegacyFileListResponse Response for a page list request
LegacyFolderListResponse Base for responses containing staging status of elements
LegacyPageListResponse Response for a page list request
LinkRequest Request object for linking a template to folders or unlinking a template from folders
ListType Enumeration of the type of objects in the overview
LoginRequest Login Request containing the user credentials
LoginResponse Response to a login request
MaintenanceModeRequest Rest Model of the request to set/unset the maintenance mode
MaintenanceResponse Response containing maintenance information
MarkupLanguage Markup language object
MarkupLanguageListResponse Response containing a list of markup languages
MatchPasswordRequest Match password request
MeshRolesRequest Request to set Mesh roles for a Mesh CR
MeshRolesResponse Response containing a list of Mesh role names
Message Represents a message that can be displayed in the MessageLine.
MessageSendRequest Request to send messages to users/groups
MessagesReadRequest Request to set messages to be read
MetaEditable Class for instances of meta editables
MigrationGetLogResponse Response to request to retrieve log for a tag type migration
MigrationGetLogsResponse Response to request to retrieve all logs for tag type migration
MigrationJobEntry A migration job entry contains information about an executed migration job. Infomation like the job status and the count of objects that have been handled are stored in MigrationJobEntry objects.
MigrationJobItemsResponse Response to requests for fetching jobitems. A MigrationJobItemsResponse object contains a list of objects that have been handled by the migration job.
MigrationJobLogEntryItem Class that represents a migration job item within the database log
MigrationPartMapping The tagtype migration part mapping model
MigrationPartsResponse Response to request to load parts for a given tag
MigrationPostProcessor Model for a TagTypeMigrationPostProcessor
MigrationPreProcessor Model for a TagTypeMigrationPreProcessor
MigrationReinvokeRequest Tag Type Migration Reinvoke Request. This request can be used to reinvoke a migration job.
MigrationResponse The MigrationResponse is returned when a migration job is invoked or reinvoked. It contains the jobId and message information.
MigrationStatusResponse Response to request to check status of tag type migration
MigrationTagsRequest Request object for a request to retrieve tag types for tag migration
MigrationTagsResponse Response to request to load tags for a list of objects
MultiFileLoadResponse Response containing information about multiple files.
MultiFolderLoadRequest Request to load multiple folders.
MultiFolderLoadResponse Response containing information about multiple folders.
MultiFolderMoveRequest Request to move multiple folders
MultiImageLoadResponse Response containing information about multiple images.
MultiLinkRequest Request object for linking multiple templates to or unlink multiple templates from folders
MultiObjectLoadRequest Request to load multiple objects. This request can be used to load files and images and acts as a base for MultiFolderLoadRequest and MultiPageLoadRequest.
MultiObjectMoveRequest Request object for moving multiple objects
MultiPageLoadRequest Request to load multiple pages.
MultiPageLoadResponse Response containing information about multiple pages.
MultiPagePublishRequest Request for publishing many pages
MultiPubqueueApproveRequest Request to approve multiple pages in queue
MultiTagCreateRequest Request to create tags
MultiTagCreateResponse Response containing data about the created tags
Node REST Model for a Node
NodeCopyRequest Request to copy a node
NodeFeature Features that can be activated per node
NodeFeatureModel Model of a node specific feature
NodeFeatureRequest Request for activating, deactivating or setting node features
NodeFeatureResponse Response containing the activated features
NodeIdObjectId Object containing nodeId and objectId of an object selected for an overview
NodeList Model of a node list
NodeLoadResponse Response to a request to load a single node
NodeRestrictionResponse Response containing node restrictions of user-group assignments
NodeSaveRequest Request for creating a new node.
NodeSettingsResponse Response to a request for loading node specific settings.
ObjectCount Object counts for the publish info
ObjectMoveRequest Request object for moving a single object
ObjectProperty REST Model of an object property definition
ObjectPropertyCategory Rest Model for object property categories
ObjectPropertyCategoryListResponse Response containing a list of object property categories
ObjectPropertyCategoryLoadResponse Response for an object property category load request.
ObjectPropertyInPackage Object property definition in a package.
If the object does not have a (local) ID, this means that the object was not synchronized to the CMS.
It is also possible, that the global ID of the object is null, if it is not set in the gentics_structure.json file.
Objects without global ID in the filesystem can be imported into the CMS, but will never be "in sync", because they cannot be identified without global ID.
ObjectPropertyListResponse Response containing a list of object properties
ObjectPropertyLoadResponse Response for an object property load request.
OrderBy Enumeration for the 'order by' setting
OrderDirection Enumeration for the order directions
Overview Overview object, representing an overview in GCN
OverviewSetting Model for overview settings
Package Package
PackageListResponse Response containing a list of packages
Page Page object representing a page in GCN
PageCopyRequest Request for a batch copy call
PageCopyResponse Response for a page copy request
PageCopyResultInfo The page copy result info contains information about each copy action that has taken place during a page copy call. When a page is copied to multiple folders multiple objects of this class will be added to the page copy response.
PageCreateRequest Page create request
PageExternalLink This class contains the external links of a page.
PageFilenameSuggestRequest Request object for suggesting a filename
PageFilenameSuggestResponse Response containing the suggested fileName
PageIdSetRequest Request containing a list of page IDs and a flag for whether all language variants of the specified pages shall be affected
PageLanguageCode Enum for different language code modes.
PageListResponse Response for page list requests.
PageLoadResponse Response for a page load request.
PageOfflineRequest Request for taking a page offline
PagePreviewRequest Request for preview of a page
PagePreviewResponse Response for a page preview request
PagePrivileges Model for page privileges
PagePublishRequest Request for publishing a page
PageRenderResponse Response for request to render a page
PageSaveRequest Request used for saving a page. If not set otherwise, a new version will be created (if necessary) and the page will remain locked for the user.
PageUsageListResponse Response for a page usage request.
PageVersion REST Model of a Page Version
PagedConstructInPackageListResponse Paged list of constructs in packages
PagedConstructListResponse Paged list of constructs
PagedContentRepositoryFragmentInPackageListResponse Paged list of ContentRepository Fragments in packages
PagedContentRepositoryInPackageListResponse Paged list of ContentRepositories in packages
PagedDatasourceInPackageListResponse Paged list of datasources in packages
PagedDatasourceListResponse Paged list of datasources
PagedFolderListResponse Response containing a list of folders
PagedObjectPropertyInPackageListResponse Paged list of object property definitions in packages
PagedObjectPropertyListResponse Paged list of object properties
PagedTemplateInPackageListResponse Paged list of templates in packages
PagedTemplateListResponse Paged list of templates
Part Rest Model for parts
PasswordType Possible values for how the password is set
PermBitsResponse Response containing permission and role bits
PermResponse Response containing the permission flag for a specific permission request
PermType Enumeration of all available permission types.
Permission Permissions
PermissionsMap Permissions map
PolicyGroupResponse The policies in the group can be assumed to be in the same order defined in the policy map.
PossiblePartMappingsResponse Response for possible part type mapping requests
Privilege Enumeration for privileges (permissions)
PrivilegeMap Privilege Map containing privilege information (in general and language specific)
PrivilegesResponse Privileges response
Property Property object, representing a property of a Tag (a part of a tag in GCN)
PublishInfoResponse Response containing information about the current or last publish process
PublishLogDto Data Transfer Object (DTO) for publish log entries.
PublishQueueCounts REST Model for object counts
PublishQueueResponse Response containing the publish queue counts for nodes
PublishableContentItem Base class for publishable objects
QueuedTimeManagement Queued TimeManagement
ReferencedFilesListResponse Response for a list of referenced files or images
ReferencedPagesListResponse Response for a list of referenced pages
RegexModel Model for Regex definition
ResponseCode Response codes that are returned to the client as answers for requests.
ResponseInfo Response information that contains a response code and a response message.

The response message should not be internationalized. If you want to provide a user friendly message use the message object instead.
RoleItem Role item
RoleListResponse Response containing a list of roles
RoleModel Model for a role
RolePermResponse Response containing role permissions
RolePermissions Role permissions
RolePermissionsModel Model for role permissions
RoleResponse Response containing a role
ScheduleData Definition when a schedule should be executed.
ScheduleFollow Definition for follow up execution.
ScheduleInterval Interval definition for ScheduleData.
ScheduleListResponse Response containing a list of schedules
ScheduleModel Model for a scheduler schedule.
ScheduleResponse Response containing a scheduler schedule
ScheduleStatus The current status of a schedule.
ScheduleType Types of schedules
SchedulerExecutorStatus The status of the scheduler executor.
SchedulerStatus Possible status values of the scheduler
SchedulerStatusResponse Scheduler status
SelectOption SelectOption object representing a datasource value in GCN
SelectSetting Model for select settings
SelectType Enumeration of the selection type
SetLanguageRequest Request to set the session language
SetPermsRequest Request to set permission bits
StagingResponse Base for responses containing staging status of elements
StagingStatus Content staging package status for an entity.
StartpageRequest Request to set a folder startpage
Status Possible Check Status values
SuspendRequest Request to suspend the scheduler
SyncInfo Synchronization information for devtools sync
Tag Class for instances of tags
Tag Tag object representing a contenttag in the GCN
TagCreateRequest Tag create request
TagCreateResponse Resonse for a tag create request
TagList Model of a tag list
TagListResponse Response with a list of tags
TagStatus REST Model for that status of a single template tag
TagStatusResponse Response containing the tag status for a template
TagTypeMigrationMapping Tag Type Migration mapping object
TagTypeMigrationRequest Tag Type Migration Request
TagmapEntryConsistencyResponse Response containing a list of inconsistencies
TagmapEntryInconsistencyModel Model of a tagmap inconsistency
TagmapEntryListResponse Response containing a list of ContentRepository Entries
TagmapEntryResponse Response containing a tagmap entry
TargetFolder Target folder object for a page copy call. A folder is identified by its id and the channelId. You can omit the channelId when you want to copy to master folders.
TaskListResponse Response containing a list of tasks
TaskModel REST Model of a Scheduler Task
TaskResponse Response containing an item
Template Template object representing a template in GCN
TemplateCopyRequest Request to create a copy of a template
TemplateCreateRequest Request to create a new template
TemplateInNode Template in a node
TemplateInNodeResponse Response containing a list of templates assigned to nodes
TemplateInPackage Template in a package.
If the object does not have a (local) ID, this means that the object was not synchronized to the CMS.
It is also possible, that the global ID of the object is null, if it is not set in the gentics_structure.json file.
Objects without global ID in the filesystem can be imported into the CMS, but will never be "in sync", because they cannot be identified without global ID.
TemplateListResponse Response for a template list request
TemplateLoadResponse Response for a template load request.
TemplateMigrationMapping This class is a model for a template migration mapping.
TemplateMigrationNonEditableTagMapping Class that represents a mapping for a non editable template tag. This mapping is used for the template migration
TemplateSaveRequest Request for saving a template
TemplateTag Tag object representing a templaetag in the GCN
TemplateUsageListResponse Response for a page usage response (templates).
TimeManagement Time Management of pages
ToolsResponse Response containing the custom tools to display in the UI
TotalUsageResponse Usage response which contains the total count info for the queried element/s.
TranslationStatus Class encapsulating the synchronization information of page translations
Type Severity for a message
Type Enumeration of property types
Type Possible ContentRepository types
Type Possible tag types
TypePermissionItem Permission item
TypePermissionList List of permissions
TypePermissionRequest Request to change permissions on a type
TypePermissionResponse Response containing permissions and role assignments
TypePermissions Permissions set on a type or instance
UILanguage REST Model for UI languages
UILanguagesResponse Response containg the available UI languages
Update An available update
UpdatesInfoResponse Response containing the available updates
User User object, representing a SystemUser in GCN
UserDataResponse Response for the request to fetch user data
UserList Response containing a user list
UserListResponse Response containing a list of users
UserLoadResponse Response containing a single user
UserSaveRequest Request used for saving users.
UsersnapResponse Response containing the Usersnap settings
VersionResponse Response for a request asking for the version of the REST API on the server.
WastebinSearch Type for getting objects from wastebin
Workflow Workflow information about the page
WorkflowRequest Request for modifying a page in the workflow