
Namespace TagParts

Defined in: tagparts.js.

Namespace Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description

Functions to access and modify various tag part types.

Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
TagParts.BOOLEAN(part, value)
Gets or sets the value of a BOOLEAN tag part.
TagParts.CMSFORM(part, value)
Gets or sets the value of a CMSFORM tag part.
TagParts.DATASOURCE(part, value)
Gets or sets the value of a DATASOURCE tag part.
TagParts.FILE(part, value)
TagParts.FOLDER(part, value)
TagParts.FORM(part, value)
Gets or sets the value of a FORM tag part.
TagParts.get(part, value)
Gets the value of the given tag part.
TagParts.IMAGE(part, value)
TagParts.LIST(part, value)
Gets or sets the value of a LIST tag part.
TagParts.MULTISELECT(part, value)
Gets or sets the value of a MULTISELECT tag part.
TagParts.NODE(part, value)
Gets or sets the value of a NODE tag part.
TagParts.ORDEREDLIST(part, value)
Gets or sets the value of a ORDEREDLIST tag part.
TagParts.OVERVIEW(part, value)
Gets or sets the value of an OVERVIEW tag part.
TagParts.PAGE(part, value)
Gets or sets the value of a PAGE tag part.
TagParts.PAGETAG(part, value)
Gets or sets the value of a PAGETAG tag part.
TagParts.RICHTEXT(part, value)
Gets or sets the value of a RICHTEXT tag part.
TagParts.SELECT(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a SELECT tag part.

TagParts.set(part, value)
Sets the value of the given tag part.
TagParts.STRING(part, value)
Gets or sets the value of a STRING tag part.
TagParts.TEMPLATETAG(part, value)
Gets or sets the value of a TEMPLATETAG tag part.
TagParts.UNORDEREDLIST(part, value)
Gets or sets the value of a UNORDEREDLIST tag part.

Namespace Detail


Functions to access and modify various tag part types.

IMPORTANT: Getter and setters for the various part types should never be accessed directly. If absolutely necessary it should be done via TagParts.get and TagParts.set.

Method Detail

{boolean} TagParts.BOOLEAN(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a BOOLEAN tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{boolean=} value
Optional. The value to set for this part.
{boolean} The value held by this part.

{number} TagParts.CMSFORM(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a CMSFORM tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{number=} value
Optional. The value to set for this part.
{number} The value held by this part.

{object} TagParts.DATASOURCE(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a DATASOURCE tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{object=} value
An object containing the property 'options'
{object} An object containing a copy of the value of this part.

TagParts.FILE(part, value)


TagParts.FOLDER(part, value)


{string} TagParts.FORM(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a FORM tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{string=} value
Optional. The value to set for this part.
{string} The value held by this part.

{*} TagParts.get(part, value)

Gets the value of the given tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be retrieved.
{*=} value
The value to set the part to.
{*} The value held in the given part.

TagParts.IMAGE(part, value)


{object} TagParts.LIST(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a LIST tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{(string|string[]|object|boolean|null)=} value
A string or string[] to set the listed values, or a boolean to set the 'ordered' flag or an object with the properties 'booleanValue' and/or 'stringValues'
{object} An object containing a copy of the value of this part.

{object} TagParts.MULTISELECT(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a MULTISELECT tag part. Operates in the same was as TagParts.SELECT.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{(string|string[]|object|null)=} value
The values with which to determined what this part's `selectedOptions' property should hold.
{object} An object containing a copy of the value of this part.

{number} TagParts.NODE(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a NODE tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{number=} value
Optional. The value to set for this part.
{number} The value held by this part.

{object} TagParts.ORDEREDLIST(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a ORDEREDLIST tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{object=} value
A string or string[] to set the listed values or an object with the property 'stringValues'
{object} An object containing a copy of the value of this part.

{object} TagParts.OVERVIEW(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of an OVERVIEW tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{object=} value
Optional. The value to set for this part.
{object} The value held by this part.

{number|string} TagParts.PAGE(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a PAGE tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{(number|string)=} value
Optional. A number denotes and internal page within Content.Node, whereas a string denotes an external url.
{number|string} The value held by this part.

{object} TagParts.PAGETAG(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a PAGETAG tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{object=} value
An object with the the property `pageId' and/or one of `contentTagId' or `templateTagId'.
{object} An object containing a copy of the value of this part.

{string} TagParts.RICHTEXT(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a RICHTEXT tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{string=} value
Optional. The value to set for this part.
{string} The value held by this part.

{object} TagParts.SELECT(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a SELECT tag part.

There are several possible values that can be passed to this function:

     undefined : When value arguments is not provided, then none of this
                 part's data is changed.

          null : selectedOptions will set to an empty array.

        object : selectedOptions will be set to contain a single select
                 option that corresponds with that of the
                 `selectedOptions' property in the given object.  This
                 allowance exists for backwards compatibility, and is not

        string : selectedOptions will be set to contain a single select
                 option whose `value' property corresponds with that of
                 the argument.

      string[] : selectedOptions will be set to contain zero or more
                 select option whose `value' property corresponds with
                 that of those in the given array.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{(string|string[]|object|null)=} value
The values with which to determined what this part's `selectedOptions' property should hold.
{object} An object containing a copy of the value of this part.

{*} TagParts.set(part, value)

Sets the value of the given tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be set.
{*=} value
The value to set the part to.
{*} The value set to the given part.

{string} TagParts.STRING(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a STRING tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{string=} value
Optional. The value to set for this part.
{string} The value held by this part.

{object} TagParts.TEMPLATETAG(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a TEMPLATETAG tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{object=} value
An object with the either the property `templateId' or `templateTagId'.
{object} An object containing a copy of the value of this part.

{object} TagParts.UNORDEREDLIST(part, value)

Gets or sets the value of a UNORDEREDLIST tag part.
{object} part
The part whose value is to be accessed.
{object=} value
A string or string[] to set the listed values or an object with the property 'stringValues'
{object} An object containing a copy of the value of this part.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.3.2 on Thu Jan 30 2025 09:43:30 GMT-0000 (UTC)