name | data type | description |
id | number | Internal ID |
name | string | Name of the ContentRepository |
crType | Type | Type of the ContentRepository |
dbType | string | DB Type of the ContentRepository |
username | string | Username for accessing the ContentRepository. |
usernameProperty | string | Username property for accessing the ContentRepository. This can be set to a system property or environment variable in the format ${sys:property} or ${env:variable}. |
password | string | Password for accessing the ContentRepository. |
passwordProperty | string | Property, which will resolve to the password. This can be set to a system property or environment variable in the format ${sys:property} or ${env:variable}. |
http2 | boolean | True when a HTTP/2 is used |
passwordType | PasswordType | URL for accessing the ContentRepository Type of password |
url | string | URL for accessing the ContentRepository. |
urlProperty | string | URL property for accessing the ContentRepository. This can be set to a system property or environment variable in the format ${sys:property} or ${env:variable}. |
basepath | string | Basepath for filesystem attributes. |
basepathProperty | string | Basepath property for filesystem attributes. This can be set to a system property or environment variable in the format ${sys:property} or ${env:variable}. |
instantPublishing | boolean | Flag for instant publishing |
languageInformation | boolean | Flag for publishing language information |
permissionInformation | boolean | Flag for publishing permission information |
permissionProperty | string | Property containing the permission (role) information for Mesh CRs |
defaultPermission | string | Default permission (role) to be set on objects in Mesh CRs |
diffDelete | boolean | Flag for differential deleting of superfluous objects |
elasticsearch | CRElasticsearchModel | Get the elasticsearch specific configuration of a Mesh CR |
projectPerNode | boolean | Flag for publishing every node into its own project for Mesh contentrepositories |
version | string | Implementation version of the Mesh ContentRepository |
checkDate | number | Date of last check of structure |
checkStatus | Status | Status of last structure check |
checkResult | string | Result of last structure check |
statusDate | number | Date of data status (last publish process) |
dataStatus | Status | Status of last data check |
dataCheckResult | string | Result of last data check |
noFoldersIndex | boolean | Get 'exclude folders from indexing' flag. |
noFilesIndex | boolean | Get 'exclude files from indexing' flag. |
noPagesIndex | boolean | Get 'exclude pages from indexing' flag. |
noFormsIndex | boolean | Get 'exclude forms from indexing' flag. |
Properties inherited from AbstractModel |
globalId | string | Global ID |
{ "id" : 12345, "name" : "...", "crType" : "mesh", "dbType" : "...", "username" : "...", "usernameProperty" : "...", "password" : "...", "passwordProperty" : "...", "http2" : true, "passwordType" : "property", "url" : "...", "urlProperty" : "...", "basepath" : "...", "basepathProperty" : "...", "instantPublishing" : true, "languageInformation" : true, "permissionInformation" : true, "permissionProperty" : "...", "defaultPermission" : "...", "diffDelete" : true, "elasticsearch" : { "page" : { }, "file" : { }, "folder" : { } }, "projectPerNode" : true, "version" : "...", "checkDate" : 12345, "checkStatus" : "running", "checkResult" : "...", "statusDate" : 12345, "dataStatus" : "running", "dataCheckResult" : "...", "noFoldersIndex" : true, "noFilesIndex" : true, "noPagesIndex" : true, "noFormsIndex" : true, "globalId" : "..." }