Node Data Type

REST Model for a Node

name data type description
folderId number ID of the root folder
publishDir string Publish directory
binaryPublishDir string Get the publish directory for binaries
pubDirSegment boolean True if the publish directories are created from segments defined for the folders. False if every folder has its own publish directory.
https boolean True if secure https is enabled for this node
publishImageVariants boolean True if image variants should be created on page/object property publish
host string Hostname for publishing into the Filesystem
hostProperty string Property containing the hostname. This can be set to a system property or environment variable in the format ${sys:property} or ${env:variable}.
utf8 boolean True if the node content should be encoded in UTF8
publishFs boolean True if the node shall publish into the filesystem
publishFsPages boolean True if the node shall publish pages into the file system
publishFsFiles boolean True if the node shall publish files into the file system
publishContentMap boolean True if the node shall publish into a contentmap (if a contentrepository is assigned)
publishContentMapPages boolean True if to publish pages to the content repository
publishContentMapFiles boolean True if to publish files to the content repository
publishContentMapFolders boolean True if to publish folders to the content repository
contentRepositoryId number ID of the assigned contentrepository
disablePublish boolean True if publishing content modifications is disabled
editorVersion number Editor to be used in the node Possible values are 0 for LiveEditor and 1 for Aloha editor.
contentEditor Editor Editor to be used in the node. Note: This field is here for backward compatibility reasons, the preferred way to get the editor is getEditorVersion.
defaultFileFolderId number Default File Upload Folder ID
defaultImageFolderId number Default Image Upload Folder ID
languagesId array of number
masterId number The id of the master node if this is a channel.
inheritedFromId number Return id of the node or channel which inherits the node.
masterNodeId number Return the id of the master node of the node. The id will point to the node itself if there is no specific master.
urlRenderWayPages number How URLs are rendered for pages in this node
urlRenderWayFiles number How URLs are rendered for files in this node
meshPreviewUrl string Preview URL of Mesh Portal.
meshPreviewUrlProperty string Property containing the preview URL. This can be set to a system property or environment variable in the format ${sys:property} or ${env:variable}.
insecurePreviewUrl boolean Whether insecure connections to the preview URL are allowed.
meshProject string Mesh Project, this node publishes into
meshProjectName string
omitPageExtension boolean
pageLanguageCode PageLanguageCode
masterName string Get the name of the master node
contentRepositoryName string Get the name of the content repository
Properties inherited from ContentNodeItem
id number ID of the item
globalId string Global ID of the item
name string Name of the item
creator User Creator of the item
cdate number Creation date of the item
editor User Last editor of the item
edate number Last Edit Date of the item
type ItemType Item type
deleted DeleteInfo Deletion information, if object was deleted
masterDeleted DeleteInfo Deletion information about the master (if the object is not a master itself).
folderDeleted DeleteInfo Deletion information about the containing folder.


  "folderId" : 12345,
  "publishDir" : "...",
  "binaryPublishDir" : "...",
  "pubDirSegment" : true,
  "https" : true,
  "publishImageVariants" : true,
  "host" : "...",
  "hostProperty" : "...",
  "publishFs" : true,
  "publishFsPages" : true,
  "publishFsFiles" : true,
  "publishContentMap" : true,
  "publishContentMapPages" : true,
  "publishContentMapFiles" : true,
  "publishContentMapFolders" : true,
  "contentRepositoryId" : 12345,
  "disablePublish" : true,
  "editorVersion" : 12345,
  "contentEditor" : "AlohaEditor",
  "defaultFileFolderId" : 12345,
  "defaultImageFolderId" : 12345,
  "languagesId" : [ 12345, 12345 ],
  "masterId" : 12345,
  "inheritedFromId" : 12345,
  "masterNodeId" : 12345,
  "urlRenderWayPages" : 12345,
  "urlRenderWayFiles" : 12345,
  "meshPreviewUrl" : "...",
  "meshPreviewUrlProperty" : "...",
  "insecurePreviewUrl" : true,
  "meshProject" : "...",
  "meshProjectName" : "...",
  "omitPageExtension" : true,
  "pageLanguageCode" : "FILENAME",
  "masterName" : "...",
  "contentRepositoryName" : "...",
  "id" : 12345,
  "globalId" : "...",
  "name" : "...",
  "creator" : {
    "id" : 12345,
    "firstName" : "...",
    "lastName" : "...",
    "description" : "...",
    "email" : "...",
    "groups" : [ {
      "id" : 12345,
      "name" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "children" : [ { }, { } ]
    }, {
      "id" : 12345,
      "name" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "children" : [ { }, { } ]
    } ],
    "login" : "...",
    "password" : "..."
  "cdate" : 12345,
  "editor" : {
    "id" : 12345,
    "firstName" : "...",
    "lastName" : "...",
    "description" : "...",
    "email" : "...",
    "groups" : [ {
      "id" : 12345,
      "name" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "children" : [ { }, { } ]
    }, {
      "id" : 12345,
      "name" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "children" : [ { }, { } ]
    } ],
    "login" : "...",
    "password" : "..."
  "edate" : 12345,
  "type" : "channel",
  "deleted" : {
    "at" : 12345,
    "by" : {
      "id" : 12345,
      "firstName" : "...",
      "lastName" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "email" : "...",
      "groups" : [ { }, { } ],
      "login" : "...",
      "password" : "..."
  "masterDeleted" : {
    "at" : 12345,
    "by" : {
      "id" : 12345,
      "firstName" : "...",
      "lastName" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "email" : "...",
      "groups" : [ { }, { } ],
      "login" : "...",
      "password" : "..."
  "folderDeleted" : {
    "at" : 12345,
    "by" : {
      "id" : 12345,
      "firstName" : "...",
      "lastName" : "...",
      "description" : "...",
      "email" : "...",
      "groups" : [ { }, { } ],
      "login" : "...",
      "password" : "..."