List available packages.
The result can be filtered by
name | type | description | default | constraints |
page | query | 1 | int | |
pageSize | query | -1 | int | |
q | query | |||
sort | query | name |
code | condition |
200 | Package list is returned. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | PackageListResponse (JSON) | List of packages |
GET /devtools/packages
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"items" : [ {
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"constructs" : 12345,
"templates" : 12345,
"datasources" : 12345,
"objectProperties" : 12345,
"crFragments" : 12345,
"contentRepositories" : 12345,
"subPackages" : [ { }, { } ],
"construct" : {
"keyword" : "...",
"mayBeSubtag" : true,
"mayContainSubtags" : true,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"creator" : { },
"cdate" : 12345,
"editor" : { },
"edate" : 12345,
"category" : { },
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"parts" : [ { }, { } ],
"visibleInMenu" : true,
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"descriptionI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"autoEnable" : true,
"liveEditorTagName" : "...",
"openEditorOnInsert" : true,
"editorControlStyle" : "ABOVE",
"editorControlsInside" : true,
"categoryId" : 12345
"category" : "..."
}, {
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"constructs" : 12345,
"templates" : 12345,
"datasources" : 12345,
"objectProperties" : 12345,
"crFragments" : 12345,
"contentRepositories" : 12345,
"subPackages" : [ { }, { } ],
"construct" : {
"keyword" : "...",
"mayBeSubtag" : true,
"mayContainSubtags" : true,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"creator" : { },
"cdate" : 12345,
"editor" : { },
"edate" : 12345,
"category" : { },
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"parts" : [ { }, { } ],
"visibleInMenu" : true,
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"descriptionI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"autoEnable" : true,
"liveEditorTagName" : "...",
"openEditorOnInsert" : true,
"editorControlStyle" : "ABOVE",
"editorControlsInside" : true,
"categoryId" : 12345
"category" : "..."
} ],
"hasMoreItems" : true,
"numItems" : 12345,
"perms" : {
"property1" : [ "updateitems", "view" ],
"property2" : [ "create", "updateinheritance" ]
"stagingStatus" : {
"property1" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"property2" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Stop the sync, if it was started by the current user
code | condition |
204 | Autosync was disabled. |
409 | Autosync already was disabled. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | response |
DELETE /devtools/sync
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Get the current status information for the automatic synchronization.
code | condition |
200 | Autosync status is returned. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | SyncInfo (JSON) | Sync information |
GET /devtools/sync
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"enabled" : true,
"user" : {
"id" : 12345,
"firstName" : "...",
"lastName" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"email" : "...",
"groups" : [ {
"id" : 12345,
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"children" : [ { }, { } ]
}, {
"id" : 12345,
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"children" : [ { }, { } ]
} ],
"login" : "...",
"password" : "..."
Start the sync for the current user (if not started before)
code | condition |
200 | Autosync was enabled. |
409 | Autosync already was enabled. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | SyncInfo (JSON) | sync info |
PUT /devtools/sync
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"enabled" : true,
"user" : {
"id" : 12345,
"firstName" : "...",
"lastName" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"email" : "...",
"groups" : [ {
"id" : 12345,
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"children" : [ { }, { } ]
}, {
"id" : 12345,
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"children" : [ { }, { } ]
} ],
"login" : "...",
"password" : "..."
Endpoint for autocomplete UI components for constructs. Returns at most 10 constructs matching the given term
name | type | description |
term | query | term to match |
code | condition |
200 | Autocomplete list is returned. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | array of AutocompleteItem (JSON) | list of at most 10 constructs |
GET /devtools/autocomplete/constructs
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"label" : "...",
"value" : "..."
} ]
Endpoint for autocomplete UI components for contentrepositories. Returns at most 10 contentrepositories matching the given term
name | type | description |
term | query | term to match |
code | condition |
200 | Autocomplete list is returned. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | array of AutocompleteItem (JSON) | list of at most 10 contentrepositories |
GET /devtools/autocomplete/contentrepositories
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"label" : "...",
"value" : "..."
} ]
Endpoint for autocomplete UI components for cr fragments. Returns at most 10 cr fragments matching the given term
name | type | description |
term | query | term to match |
code | condition |
200 | Autocomplete list is returned. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | array of AutocompleteItem (JSON) | list of at most 10 cr fragments |
GET /devtools/autocomplete/cr_fragments
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"label" : "...",
"value" : "..."
} ]
Endpoint for autocomplete UI components for datasources. Returns at most 10 datasources matching the given term
name | type | description |
term | query | term to match |
code | condition |
200 | Autocomplete list is returned. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | array of AutocompleteItem (JSON) | list of at most 10 datasources |
GET /devtools/autocomplete/datasources
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"label" : "...",
"value" : "..."
} ]
Endpoint for autocomplete UI components for object properties. Returns at most 10 object properties matching the given term
name | type | description |
term | query | term to match |
code | condition |
200 | Autocomplete list is returned. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | array of AutocompleteItem (JSON) | list of at most 10 object properties |
GET /devtools/autocomplete/objectproperties
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"label" : "...",
"value" : "..."
} ]
Endpoint for autocomplete UI components for templates. Returns at most 10 templates matching the given term
name | type | description |
term | query | term to match |
code | condition |
200 | Autocomplete list is returned. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | array of AutocompleteItem (JSON) | list of at most 10 templates |
GET /devtools/autocomplete/templates
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
[ {
"label" : "...",
"value" : "..."
} ]
Listen on changes on dependencies with the given UUID
name | type | description |
uuid | path | UUID of the registration |
code | condition |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
text/event-stream | object | Events that are emitted, when a dependency changes. |
GET /devtools/listen/{uuid}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: text/event-stream
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/event-stream
Delete the package with given name
name | type | description |
name | path | Package name |
code | condition |
204 | Package {name} was deleted. |
404 | Package {name} does not exist. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | response |
DELETE /devtools/packages/{name}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Get the package with given name
name | type | description |
name | path | Package name |
code | condition |
200 | Package {name} exists. |
404 | Package {name} does not exist. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | Package (JSON) | package |
GET /devtools/packages/{name}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"constructs" : 12345,
"templates" : 12345,
"datasources" : 12345,
"objectProperties" : 12345,
"crFragments" : 12345,
"contentRepositories" : 12345,
"subPackages" : [ {
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"constructs" : 12345,
"templates" : 12345,
"datasources" : 12345,
"objectProperties" : 12345,
"crFragments" : 12345,
"contentRepositories" : 12345,
"subPackages" : [ { }, { } ],
"construct" : {
"keyword" : "...",
"mayBeSubtag" : true,
"mayContainSubtags" : true,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"creator" : { },
"cdate" : 12345,
"editor" : { },
"edate" : 12345,
"category" : { },
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"parts" : [ { }, { } ],
"visibleInMenu" : true,
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"descriptionI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"autoEnable" : true,
"liveEditorTagName" : "...",
"openEditorOnInsert" : true,
"editorControlStyle" : "ASIDE",
"editorControlsInside" : true,
"categoryId" : 12345
"category" : "..."
}, {
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"constructs" : 12345,
"templates" : 12345,
"datasources" : 12345,
"objectProperties" : 12345,
"crFragments" : 12345,
"contentRepositories" : 12345,
"subPackages" : [ { }, { } ],
"construct" : {
"keyword" : "...",
"mayBeSubtag" : true,
"mayContainSubtags" : true,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"creator" : { },
"cdate" : 12345,
"editor" : { },
"edate" : 12345,
"category" : { },
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"parts" : [ { }, { } ],
"visibleInMenu" : true,
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"descriptionI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"autoEnable" : true,
"liveEditorTagName" : "...",
"openEditorOnInsert" : true,
"editorControlStyle" : "ASIDE",
"editorControlsInside" : true,
"categoryId" : 12345
"category" : "..."
} ],
"construct" : {
"keyword" : "...",
"mayBeSubtag" : true,
"mayContainSubtags" : true,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"creator" : {
"id" : 12345,
"firstName" : "...",
"lastName" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"email" : "...",
"groups" : [ { }, { } ],
"login" : "...",
"password" : "..."
"cdate" : 12345,
"editor" : {
"id" : 12345,
"firstName" : "...",
"lastName" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"email" : "...",
"groups" : [ { }, { } ],
"login" : "...",
"password" : "..."
"edate" : 12345,
"category" : {
"name" : "...",
"constructs" : {
"property1" : { },
"property2" : { }
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"sortOrder" : 12345
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"parts" : [ {
"name" : "...",
"keyword" : "...",
"hidden" : true,
"editable" : true,
"liveEditable" : true,
"mandatory" : true,
"type" : "STRING",
"typeId" : 12345,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"defaultProperty" : { },
"regex" : { },
"hideInEditor" : true,
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"options" : [ { }, { } ],
"overviewSettings" : { },
"selectSettings" : { },
"markupLanguageId" : 12345,
"htmlClass" : "...",
"partOrder" : 12345,
"policy" : "...",
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
}, {
"name" : "...",
"keyword" : "...",
"hidden" : true,
"editable" : true,
"liveEditable" : true,
"mandatory" : true,
"type" : "MULTISELECT",
"typeId" : 12345,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"defaultProperty" : { },
"regex" : { },
"hideInEditor" : true,
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"options" : [ { }, { } ],
"overviewSettings" : { },
"selectSettings" : { },
"markupLanguageId" : 12345,
"htmlClass" : "...",
"partOrder" : 12345,
"policy" : "...",
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
} ],
"visibleInMenu" : true,
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"descriptionI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"autoEnable" : true,
"liveEditorTagName" : "...",
"openEditorOnInsert" : true,
"editorControlStyle" : "CLICK",
"editorControlsInside" : true,
"categoryId" : 12345
"category" : "..."
Add the package with given name
name | type | description |
name | path | Package name |
code | condition |
201 | Package {name} was created. |
409 | Package {name} already exists. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | response |
PUT /devtools/packages/{name}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Render the live preview of the page, which was registered before
name | type | description |
uuid | path | UUID of the registration |
code | condition |
200 | Page preview is returned. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
text/html | string | Rendered page |
GET /devtools/preview/{uuid}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: text/html
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Remove the listener with given UUID
name | type | description |
uuid | path | UUID of the registration |
code | condition |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | empty response |
POST /devtools/stoplisten/{uuid}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
List packages assigned to a node. It is not possible to get packages to channels.
The result can be filtered by
name | type | description | default | constraints |
nodeId | path | Node ID (either global or local) | ||
page | query | 1 | int | |
pageSize | query | -1 | int | |
q | query | |||
sort | query | name |
code | condition |
200 | List of packages is returned. |
404 | Node {nodeId} was not found. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | PackageListResponse (JSON) | List of packages in the node |
GET /devtools/nodes/{nodeId}/packages
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"items" : [ {
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"constructs" : 12345,
"templates" : 12345,
"datasources" : 12345,
"objectProperties" : 12345,
"crFragments" : 12345,
"contentRepositories" : 12345,
"subPackages" : [ { }, { } ],
"construct" : {
"keyword" : "...",
"mayBeSubtag" : true,
"mayContainSubtags" : true,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"creator" : { },
"cdate" : 12345,
"editor" : { },
"edate" : 12345,
"category" : { },
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"parts" : [ { }, { } ],
"visibleInMenu" : true,
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"descriptionI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"autoEnable" : true,
"liveEditorTagName" : "...",
"openEditorOnInsert" : true,
"editorControlStyle" : "CLICK",
"editorControlsInside" : true,
"categoryId" : 12345
"category" : "..."
}, {
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"constructs" : 12345,
"templates" : 12345,
"datasources" : 12345,
"objectProperties" : 12345,
"crFragments" : 12345,
"contentRepositories" : 12345,
"subPackages" : [ { }, { } ],
"construct" : {
"keyword" : "...",
"mayBeSubtag" : true,
"mayContainSubtags" : true,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"creator" : { },
"cdate" : 12345,
"editor" : { },
"edate" : 12345,
"category" : { },
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"parts" : [ { }, { } ],
"visibleInMenu" : true,
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"descriptionI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"autoEnable" : true,
"liveEditorTagName" : "...",
"openEditorOnInsert" : true,
"editorControlStyle" : "CLICK",
"editorControlsInside" : true,
"categoryId" : 12345
"category" : "..."
} ],
"hasMoreItems" : true,
"numItems" : 12345,
"perms" : {
"property1" : [ "updateconstructs", "inheritance" ],
"property2" : [ "deleteitems", "updatefolder" ]
"stagingStatus" : {
"property1" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"property2" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Add the package to the node. It is not possible to add packages to channels
name | type | description |
nodeId | path | node ID (either global or local) |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | Package (JSON) | Package to add |
code | condition |
201 | Package was added to the node. |
404 | Either node {nodeId} or the package does not exist. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | generic response |
PUT /devtools/nodes/{nodeId}/packages
Content-Type: application/json
Accept: application/json
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"constructs" : 12345,
"templates" : 12345,
"datasources" : 12345,
"objectProperties" : 12345,
"crFragments" : 12345,
"contentRepositories" : 12345,
"subPackages" : [ {
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"constructs" : 12345,
"templates" : 12345,
"datasources" : 12345,
"objectProperties" : 12345,
"crFragments" : 12345,
"contentRepositories" : 12345,
"subPackages" : [ { }, { } ],
"construct" : {
"keyword" : "...",
"mayBeSubtag" : true,
"mayContainSubtags" : true,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"creator" : { },
"cdate" : 12345,
"editor" : { },
"edate" : 12345,
"category" : { },
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"parts" : [ { }, { } ],
"visibleInMenu" : true,
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"descriptionI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"autoEnable" : true,
"liveEditorTagName" : "...",
"openEditorOnInsert" : true,
"editorControlStyle" : "ASIDE",
"editorControlsInside" : true,
"categoryId" : 12345
"category" : "..."
}, {
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"constructs" : 12345,
"templates" : 12345,
"datasources" : 12345,
"objectProperties" : 12345,
"crFragments" : 12345,
"contentRepositories" : 12345,
"subPackages" : [ { }, { } ],
"construct" : {
"keyword" : "...",
"mayBeSubtag" : true,
"mayContainSubtags" : true,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"creator" : { },
"cdate" : 12345,
"editor" : { },
"edate" : 12345,
"category" : { },
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"parts" : [ { }, { } ],
"visibleInMenu" : true,
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"descriptionI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"autoEnable" : true,
"liveEditorTagName" : "...",
"openEditorOnInsert" : true,
"editorControlStyle" : "ASIDE",
"editorControlsInside" : true,
"categoryId" : 12345
"category" : "..."
} ],
"construct" : {
"keyword" : "...",
"mayBeSubtag" : true,
"mayContainSubtags" : true,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"creator" : {
"id" : 12345,
"firstName" : "...",
"lastName" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"email" : "...",
"groups" : [ { }, { } ],
"login" : "...",
"password" : "..."
"cdate" : 12345,
"editor" : {
"id" : 12345,
"firstName" : "...",
"lastName" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"email" : "...",
"groups" : [ { }, { } ],
"login" : "...",
"password" : "..."
"edate" : 12345,
"category" : {
"name" : "...",
"constructs" : {
"property1" : { },
"property2" : { }
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"sortOrder" : 12345
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"parts" : [ {
"name" : "...",
"keyword" : "...",
"hidden" : true,
"editable" : true,
"liveEditable" : true,
"mandatory" : true,
"type" : "SELECT",
"typeId" : 12345,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"defaultProperty" : { },
"regex" : { },
"hideInEditor" : true,
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"options" : [ { }, { } ],
"overviewSettings" : { },
"selectSettings" : { },
"markupLanguageId" : 12345,
"htmlClass" : "...",
"partOrder" : 12345,
"policy" : "...",
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
}, {
"name" : "...",
"keyword" : "...",
"hidden" : true,
"editable" : true,
"liveEditable" : true,
"mandatory" : true,
"type" : "FILE",
"typeId" : 12345,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"defaultProperty" : { },
"regex" : { },
"hideInEditor" : true,
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"options" : [ { }, { } ],
"overviewSettings" : { },
"selectSettings" : { },
"markupLanguageId" : 12345,
"htmlClass" : "...",
"partOrder" : 12345,
"policy" : "...",
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
} ],
"visibleInMenu" : true,
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"descriptionI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"autoEnable" : true,
"liveEditorTagName" : "...",
"openEditorOnInsert" : true,
"editorControlStyle" : "ASIDE",
"editorControlsInside" : true,
"categoryId" : 12345
"category" : "..."
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Checks the package for completeness
name | type | description | default | constraints | multivalued |
name | path | name of the package to check | no | ||
checkAll | query | if true, other packages are also searched | false | boolean | no |
filter | query | INCOMPLETE | "ALL" or "INCOMPLETE" | no | |
page | query | 1 | int | no | |
pageSize | query | -1 | int | no | |
wait | query | wait timeout in ms. When set to 0, response will be sent, when the action completes | 0 | long | no |
code | condition |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | GenericResponse (JSON) | list of dependencies |
GET /devtools/package/{name}/check
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Trigger synchronization of all objects in the given package to the filesystem
name | type | description | default | constraints |
name | path | name of the package | ||
wait | query | wait timeout in ms. When set to 0, response will be sent, when the action completes | 0 | long |
code | condition |
200 | Synchronization succeeded within timeout, or was sent to the background. |
404 | Package {name} does not exist. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | GenericResponse (JSON) | response |
PUT /devtools/packages/{name}/cms2fs
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Get the list of constructs assigned to the package.
The result can be filtered by
name | type | description | default | constraints |
name | path | Package name | ||
embed | query | |||
page | query | 1 | int | |
pageSize | query | -1 | int | |
perms | query | false | boolean | |
q | query | |||
sort | query | name |
code | condition |
200 | List of constructs is returned. |
404 | Package {name} does not exist. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | PagedConstructInPackageListResponse (JSON) | List of constructs |
GET /devtools/packages/{name}/constructs
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"items" : [ { }, { } ],
"hasMoreItems" : true,
"numItems" : 12345,
"perms" : {
"property1" : [ "deleteitems", "deletefolder" ],
"property2" : [ "create", "deletetemplates" ]
"stagingStatus" : {
"property1" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"property2" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Get the ContentRepositories in a package.
The result can be filtered by
name | type | description | default | constraints |
name | path | Package name | ||
embed | query | |||
page | query | 1 | int | |
pageSize | query | -1 | int | |
perms | query | false | boolean | |
q | query | |||
sort | query | name |
code | condition |
200 | List of ContentRepositories is returned. |
404 | Package {name} does not exist. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | PagedContentRepositoryInPackageListResponse (JSON) | List of ContentRepositories |
GET /devtools/packages/{name}/contentrepositories
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"items" : [ { }, { } ],
"hasMoreItems" : true,
"numItems" : 12345,
"perms" : {
"property1" : [ "updateform", "read" ],
"property2" : [ "userassignment", "read" ]
"stagingStatus" : {
"property1" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"property2" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Get the ContentRepository Fragments in a package.
The result can be filtered by
name | type | description | default | constraints |
name | path | Package name | ||
embed | query | |||
page | query | 1 | int | |
pageSize | query | -1 | int | |
perms | query | false | boolean | |
q | query | |||
sort | query | name |
code | condition |
200 | List of ContentRepository Fragments is returned. |
404 | Package {name} does not exist. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | PagedContentRepositoryFragmentInPackageListResponse (JSON) | List of ContentRepository Fragments |
GET /devtools/packages/{name}/cr_fragments
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"items" : [ { }, { } ],
"hasMoreItems" : true,
"numItems" : 12345,
"perms" : {
"property1" : [ "updateitems", "updateform" ],
"property2" : [ "readitems", "wastebin" ]
"stagingStatus" : {
"property1" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"property2" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Get the datasources in a package.
The result can be filtered by
name | type | description | default | constraints |
name | path | Package name | ||
page | query | 1 | int | |
pageSize | query | -1 | int | |
perms | query | false | boolean | |
q | query | |||
sort | query | name |
code | condition |
200 | List of datasources is returned. |
404 | Package {name} does not exist. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | PagedDatasourceInPackageListResponse (JSON) | List of datasources |
GET /devtools/packages/{name}/datasources
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"items" : [ { }, { } ],
"hasMoreItems" : true,
"numItems" : 12345,
"perms" : {
"property1" : [ "createoverview", "translatepages" ],
"property2" : [ "updateinheritance", "publishform" ]
"stagingStatus" : {
"property1" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"property2" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Trigger synchronization of all objects in the given package to the cms
name | type | description | default | constraints |
name | path | name of the package | ||
wait | query | wait timeout in ms. When set to 0, response will be sent, when the action completes | 0 | long |
code | condition |
200 | Synchronization succeeded within timeout, or was sent to the background. |
404 | Package {name} does not exist. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | GenericResponse (JSON) | response |
PUT /devtools/packages/{name}/fs2cms
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Get the object properties in a package.
The result can be filtered by
name | type | description | default | constraints |
name | path | Package name | ||
embed | query | |||
page | query | 1 | int | |
pageSize | query | -1 | int | |
perms | query | false | boolean | |
q | query | |||
sort | query | name |
code | condition |
200 | List of object properties is returned. |
404 | Package {name} does not exist. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | PagedObjectPropertyInPackageListResponse (JSON) | List of object properties |
GET /devtools/packages/{name}/objectproperties
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"items" : [ { }, { } ],
"hasMoreItems" : true,
"numItems" : 12345,
"perms" : {
"property1" : [ "inheritance", "view" ],
"property2" : [ "read", "read" ]
"stagingStatus" : {
"property1" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"property2" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Get the templates of a package.
The result can be filtered by
name | type | description | default | constraints |
name | path | Package name | ||
page | query | 1 | int | |
pageSize | query | -1 | int | |
perms | query | false | boolean | |
q | query | |||
sort | query | name |
code | condition |
200 | List of templates is returned. |
404 | Package {name} does not exist. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | PagedTemplateInPackageListResponse (JSON) | List of templates |
GET /devtools/packages/{name}/templates
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"items" : [ { }, { } ],
"hasMoreItems" : true,
"numItems" : 12345,
"perms" : {
"property1" : [ "updateinheritance", "deleteitems" ],
"property2" : [ "translatepages", "deletefolder" ]
"stagingStatus" : {
"property1" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"property2" : {
"packageName" : "...",
"included" : true
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Get self refreshing live preview of the given page
name | type | description |
id | path | page ID |
nodeId | query | node ID |
code | condition |
200 | Page preview is returned. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
text/html | string | HTML page that contains the live preview of the page was iframe. |
GET /devtools/preview/page/{id}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: text/html
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/html
Remove the package from the node. It is not possible to remove packages from channels
name | type | description |
nodeId | path | node ID (either global or local) |
packageName | path | Package name |
code | condition |
204 | Package was removed from the node. |
404 | Node {nodeId} was not found. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | generic response |
DELETE /devtools/nodes/{nodeId}/packages/{packageName}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Add the package to the node. It is not possible to add packages to channels
name | type | description |
nodeId | path | node ID (either global or local) |
packageName | path | Package name |
code | condition |
201 | Package was added to the node. |
404 | Either node {nodeId} or package {packageName} does not exist. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | generic response |
PUT /devtools/nodes/{nodeId}/packages/{packageName}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Get the result from the package consistency check if available
name | type | description |
name | path | name of the package |
code | condition |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | the result of the check |
GET /devtools/package/{name}/check/result
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Remove a construct from a package
name | type | description |
construct | path | construct ID (internal or global) or keyword |
name | path | Package name |
code | condition |
204 | The construct was removed from the package. |
404 | Either package {name} does not exist, or it does not contain {construct}. |
409 | {construct} is contained in a subpackage and cannot be removed. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | response |
DELETE /devtools/packages/{name}/constructs/{construct}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Get the construct from the package
name | type | description |
construct | path | construct ID (internal or global) or keyword |
name | path | Package name |
code | condition |
200 | Construct is returned for package. |
404 | Either package {name} does not exist, or it does not contain {construct}. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | ConstructLoadResponse (JSON) | construct response |
GET /devtools/packages/{name}/constructs/{construct}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"construct" : {
"keyword" : "...",
"mayBeSubtag" : true,
"mayContainSubtags" : true,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"creator" : {
"id" : 12345,
"firstName" : "...",
"lastName" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"email" : "...",
"groups" : [ { }, { } ],
"login" : "...",
"password" : "..."
"cdate" : 12345,
"editor" : {
"id" : 12345,
"firstName" : "...",
"lastName" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"email" : "...",
"groups" : [ { }, { } ],
"login" : "...",
"password" : "..."
"edate" : 12345,
"category" : {
"name" : "...",
"constructs" : {
"property1" : { },
"property2" : { }
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"sortOrder" : 12345
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"parts" : [ {
"name" : "...",
"keyword" : "...",
"hidden" : true,
"editable" : true,
"liveEditable" : true,
"mandatory" : true,
"type" : "PAGE",
"typeId" : 12345,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"defaultProperty" : { },
"regex" : { },
"hideInEditor" : true,
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"options" : [ { }, { } ],
"overviewSettings" : { },
"selectSettings" : { },
"markupLanguageId" : 12345,
"htmlClass" : "...",
"partOrder" : 12345,
"policy" : "...",
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
}, {
"name" : "...",
"keyword" : "...",
"hidden" : true,
"editable" : true,
"liveEditable" : true,
"mandatory" : true,
"type" : "FORM",
"typeId" : 12345,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"defaultProperty" : { },
"regex" : { },
"hideInEditor" : true,
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"options" : [ { }, { } ],
"overviewSettings" : { },
"selectSettings" : { },
"markupLanguageId" : 12345,
"htmlClass" : "...",
"partOrder" : 12345,
"policy" : "...",
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
} ],
"visibleInMenu" : true,
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"descriptionI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"autoEnable" : true,
"liveEditorTagName" : "...",
"openEditorOnInsert" : true,
"editorControlStyle" : "ASIDE",
"editorControlsInside" : true,
"categoryId" : 12345
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Add a construct to a package
name | type | description |
construct | path | construct ID (internal or global) or keyword |
name | path | Package name |
code | condition |
201 | The construct was added to the package. |
404 | Either the package {name} or the {construct} does not exist. |
409 | {construct} is already part of the package {name}. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | response |
PUT /devtools/packages/{name}/constructs/{construct}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Remove a ContentRepository from a package
name | type | description |
contentrepository | path | ContentRepository name, local ID or global ID |
name | path | Package name |
code | condition |
204 | The ContentRepository was removed from the package. |
404 | Either package {name} does not exist, or it does not contain {contentrepository}. |
409 | {contentrepository} is contained in a subpackage and cannot be removed. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | response |
DELETE /devtools/packages/{name}/contentrepositories/{contentrepository}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Get the ContentRepository in a package
name | type | description |
contentrepository | path | ContentRepository name, local ID or global ID |
name | path | Package name |
code | condition |
200 | ContentRepository is returned for package. |
404 | Either package {name} does not exist, or it does not contain {contentrepository}. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | ContentRepositoryResponse (JSON) | ContentRepository response |
GET /devtools/packages/{name}/contentrepositories/{contentrepository}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"contentRepository" : {
"id" : 12345,
"name" : "...",
"crType" : "mesh",
"dbType" : "...",
"username" : "...",
"usernameProperty" : "...",
"password" : "...",
"passwordProperty" : "...",
"http2" : true,
"passwordType" : "value",
"url" : "...",
"urlProperty" : "...",
"basepath" : "...",
"basepathProperty" : "...",
"instantPublishing" : true,
"languageInformation" : true,
"permissionInformation" : true,
"permissionProperty" : "...",
"defaultPermission" : "...",
"diffDelete" : true,
"elasticsearch" : {
"page" : { },
"file" : { },
"folder" : { }
"projectPerNode" : true,
"version" : "...",
"checkDate" : 12345,
"checkStatus" : "running",
"checkResult" : "...",
"statusDate" : 12345,
"dataStatus" : "error",
"dataCheckResult" : "...",
"noFoldersIndex" : true,
"noFilesIndex" : true,
"noPagesIndex" : true,
"noFormsIndex" : true,
"globalId" : "..."
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Add a ContentRepository to a package
name | type | description |
contentrepository | path | ContentRepository name, local ID or global ID |
name | path | Package name |
code | condition |
201 | The ContentRepository was added to the package. |
404 | Either the package {name} or the {contentrepository} does not exist. |
409 | {contentrepository} is already part of the package {name}. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | response |
PUT /devtools/packages/{name}/contentrepositories/{contentrepository}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Remove a ContentRepository Fragment from a package
name | type | description |
cr_fragment | path | ContentRepository Fragment name, local ID or global ID |
name | path | Package name |
code | condition |
204 | The ContentRepository Fragment was removed from the package. |
404 | Either package {name} does not exist, or it does not contain {cr_fragment}. |
409 | {cr_fragment} is contained in a subpackage and cannot be removed. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | response |
DELETE /devtools/packages/{name}/cr_fragments/{cr_fragment}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Get the ContentRepository Fragment in a package
name | type | description |
cr_fragment | path | ContentRepository Fragment name, local ID or global ID |
name | path | Package name |
code | condition |
200 | ContentRepository Fragment is returned for package. |
404 | Either package {name} does not exist, or it does not contain {cr_fragment}. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | ContentRepositoryFragmentResponse (JSON) | ContentRepository Fragment response |
GET /devtools/packages/{name}/cr_fragments/{cr_fragment}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"contentRepositoryFragment" : {
"id" : 12345,
"name" : "...",
"globalId" : "..."
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Add a ContentRepository Fragment to a package
name | type | description |
cr_fragment | path | ContentRepository Fragment name, local ID or global ID |
name | path | Package name |
code | condition |
201 | The ContentRepository Fragment was added to the package. |
404 | Either the package {name} or the {cr_fragment} does not exist. |
409 | {cr_fragment} is already part of the package {name}. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | response |
PUT /devtools/packages/{name}/cr_fragments/{cr_fragment}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Remove a datasource from a package
name | type | description |
datasource | path | datasource name |
name | path | Package name |
code | condition |
204 | The datasource was removed from the package. |
404 | Either package {name} does not exist, or it does not contain {datasource}. |
409 | {datasource} is contained in a subpackage and cannot be removed. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | response |
DELETE /devtools/packages/{name}/datasources/{datasource}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Get the datasource in a package
name | type | description |
datasource | path | datasource name |
name | path | Package name |
code | condition |
200 | Datasource is returned for package. |
404 | Either package {name} does not exist, or it does not contain {datasource}. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | DatasourceLoadResponse (JSON) | datasource response |
GET /devtools/packages/{name}/datasources/{datasource}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"datasource" : {
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"type" : "STATIC",
"name" : "..."
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Add a datasource to a package
name | type | description |
datasource | path | datasource name |
name | path | Package name |
code | condition |
201 | The datasource was added to the package. |
404 | Either the package {name} or the {datasource} does not exist. |
409 | {datasource} is already part of the package {name}. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | response |
PUT /devtools/packages/{name}/datasources/{datasource}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Remove an object property from a package
name | type | description |
name | path | Package name |
objectproperty | path | object property keyword |
code | condition |
204 | The object property was removed from the package. |
404 | Either package {name} does not exist, or it does not contain {objectproperty}. |
409 | {objectproperty} is contained in a subpackage and cannot be removed. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | response |
DELETE /devtools/packages/{name}/objectproperties/{objectproperty}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Get the object property in a package
name | type | description |
name | path | Package name |
objectproperty | path | object property keyword |
code | condition |
200 | Object property is returned for package. |
404 | Either package {name} does not exist, or it does not contain {objectproperty}. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | ObjectPropertyLoadResponse (JSON) | object property response |
GET /devtools/packages/{name}/objectproperties/{objectproperty}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"objectProperty" : {
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"keyword" : "...",
"type" : 12345,
"constructId" : 12345,
"construct" : {
"keyword" : "...",
"mayBeSubtag" : true,
"mayContainSubtags" : true,
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"creator" : { },
"cdate" : 12345,
"editor" : { },
"edate" : 12345,
"category" : { },
"externalEditorUrl" : "...",
"parts" : [ { }, { } ],
"visibleInMenu" : true,
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"descriptionI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"autoEnable" : true,
"liveEditorTagName" : "...",
"openEditorOnInsert" : true,
"editorControlStyle" : "CLICK",
"editorControlsInside" : true,
"categoryId" : 12345
"required" : true,
"inheritable" : true,
"syncContentset" : true,
"syncChannelset" : true,
"syncVariants" : true,
"restricted" : true,
"categoryId" : 12345,
"category" : {
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"name" : "...",
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"sortOrder" : 12345
"nameI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"descriptionI18n" : {
"property1" : "...",
"property2" : "..."
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Add an object property to a package
name | type | description |
name | path | Package name |
objectproperty | path | object property keyword |
code | condition |
201 | The object property was added to the package. |
404 | Either the package {name} or the {objectproperty} does not exist. |
409 | {objectproperty} is already part of the package {name}. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | response |
PUT /devtools/packages/{name}/objectproperties/{objectproperty}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json
Remove a template from a package
name | type | description |
name | path | Package name |
template | path | global template ID (uuid) |
code | condition |
204 | The template was removed from the package. |
404 | Either package {name} does not exist, or it does not contain {template}. |
409 | {template} is contained in a subpackage and cannot be removed. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | response |
DELETE /devtools/packages/{name}/templates/{template}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json
Get the template in the package
name | type | description |
name | path | Package name |
template | path | global template ID (uuid) |
code | condition |
200 | Template is returned for package. |
404 | Either package {name} does not exist, or it does not contain {template}. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | TemplateLoadResponse (JSON) | template response |
GET /devtools/packages/{name}/templates/{template}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"template" : {
"inheritedFrom" : "...",
"masterNode" : "...",
"id" : 12345,
"globalId" : "...",
"name" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"creator" : {
"id" : 12345,
"firstName" : "...",
"lastName" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"email" : "...",
"groups" : [ { }, { } ],
"login" : "...",
"password" : "..."
"cdate" : 12345,
"editor" : {
"id" : 12345,
"firstName" : "...",
"lastName" : "...",
"description" : "...",
"email" : "...",
"groups" : [ { }, { } ],
"login" : "...",
"password" : "..."
"edate" : 12345,
"locked" : true,
"markupLanguage" : {
"id" : 12345,
"name" : "...",
"extension" : "...",
"contentType" : "...",
"feature" : "...",
"excludeFromPublishing" : true
"inherited" : true,
"folderId" : 12345,
"masterId" : 12345,
"path" : "...",
"templateTags" : {
"property1" : {
"mandatory" : true,
"editableInPage" : true,
"id" : 12345,
"name" : "...",
"constructId" : 12345,
"construct" : { },
"active" : true,
"properties" : {
"property1" : { },
"property2" : { }
"type" : "TEMPLATETAG"
"property2" : {
"mandatory" : true,
"editableInPage" : true,
"id" : 12345,
"name" : "...",
"constructId" : 12345,
"construct" : { },
"active" : true,
"properties" : {
"property1" : { },
"property2" : { }
"type" : "OBJECTTAG"
"objectTags" : {
"property1" : {
"id" : 12345,
"name" : "...",
"constructId" : 12345,
"construct" : { },
"active" : true,
"properties" : {
"property1" : { },
"property2" : { }
"type" : "OBJECTTAG"
"property2" : {
"id" : 12345,
"name" : "...",
"constructId" : 12345,
"construct" : { },
"active" : true,
"properties" : {
"property1" : { },
"property2" : { }
"type" : "OBJECTTAG"
"source" : "...",
"channelSetId" : 12345,
"channelId" : 12345,
"master" : true
"messages" : [ { }, { } ],
"responseInfo" : {
"responseCode" : "OK",
"responseMessage" : "...",
"property" : "..."
Add a template to a package
name | type | description |
name | path | Package name |
template | path | global template ID (uuid) |
code | condition |
201 | The template was added to the package. |
404 | Either the package {name} or the {template} does not exist. |
409 | {template} is already part of the package {name}. |
401 | No valid sid and session secret cookie were provided. |
403 | User has insufficient permissions on the devtools. |
405 | Feature devtools is not activated. |
media type | data type | description |
application/json | object (JSON) | response |
PUT /devtools/packages/{name}/templates/{template}
Content-Type: */*
Accept: application/json
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/json