
Configure & control the Scheduler

The scheduler is automatically started with Gentics CMS, no further configuration is necessary besides creating tasks and schedules in the admin UI.

For security reasons the default configuration for the scheduler requires custom scripts to be placed in /cms/scheduler-commands. See Custom Tasks for more information.

1 Scheduler REST API

The status of the scheduler itself as well as tasks, schedules and executions can be queried and modified via the REST API. For further details see the documentation for the scheduler resource.

2 Scheduler email Notification

In case of errors the Scheduler is able to send notification mails. Use the array scheduler_job_failure_email to configure notifications.

The Scheduler will send notification emails whenever a command that has been executed returns any other exit status than 0.

See eMail Sending with Gentics CMS for the necessary configuration items for sending emails.


  # Additional recipient address to send a notification to besides the ones listed in the corresponding schedule.
  to: ''
  # The sender address.
  from: ''
  # The email subject.
  subject: 'Scheduler execution failed: #name# (#id#)'
  # Whether the email body is HTML text (defaults to false).
  is_html: false
  # The email body.
  body: |
    "Scheduler Run Failed '#name#' (#id#)
    Command: #cmd#
    ReturnValue: #returnvalue#
    StartTime: #starttime#
    EndTime: #endtime#

In "subject" and "body" the following placeholders will be replaced with actual data from the schedule and its execution:

Tag Description
#name# name of the schedule
#id# id of the schedule
#cmd# command that has been invoked
#returnvalue# return value
#output# output of the command
#starttime# time the shell script was started
#endtime# time the shell script finished

3 Internal scheduler tasks

The following internal tasks are always available, and do not require a shell script to execute.

3.1 purgelogs

Will remove old log entries from the system. The following data will be purged:

  • User activities
  • Error messages and warnings
  • Scheduler task information

The setting cn_keeplogs allows you to define, when data will be deleted:


# delete logs older than 12 months (default value)
cn_keeplogs: 12

3.2 purgeversions

The command purgeversions will delete page versions older than cn_versionage months.


# delete page versions older than 12 months (default value)
cn_versionage: 12

3.3 purgemessages

The command purgemessages will delete inbox messages older than keep_inbox_messages months.


# delete inbox messages older than 12 months (default value)
keep_inbox_messages: 12

3.4 purgewastebin

The command purgewastebin will remove objects from the wastebin if either

  • they reach the maximum age in the wastebin, or
  • the wastebin feature has been turned off again.

The maximum age in the wastebin can be configured globally or per node:


wastebin_maxage: 604800 # 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 = 7 days (in seconds)
  "1": 60 # objects in node with ID 1 last only 60 seconds

3.5 linkchecker

This task will execute the link checker. The configuration options are described in the Link Checker Feature Documentation.

3.6 publish

This task will start a publish run.

3.7 convertimages

This task will convert non-webp images to webp format for all nodes that have the WebP Conversion feature activated.

4 Custom Tasks

When creating a custom task, only scripts in /cms/scheduler-commands are valid commands by default. Unless the feature INSECURE_SCHEDULER_COMMAND is enabled, only scripts in /cms/scheduler-commands may be executed. Other commands will be not be started by the scheduler.

Enabling the INSECURE_SCHEDULER_COMMAND feature is not recommended for production environments, and should only be used while transitioning old tasks.

To migrate existing tasks to the new scheduler, create a script in /cms/scheduler-commands with the old tasks commands and call this script from the custom task. Make sure that the node user can read and execute scripts in that directory.