Content Repository in a package.
If the object does not have a (local) ID, this means that the object was not synchronized to the CMS.
It is also possible, that the global ID of the object is null, if it is not set in the gentics_structure.json
Objects without global ID in the filesystem can be imported into the CMS, but will never be "in sync", because they cannot be identified without global ID.
name | data type | description |
packageName | string | Name of the package that contains the object |
Properties inherited from ContentRepositoryModel |
id | number | Internal ID |
name | string | Name of the ContentRepository |
crType | Type | Type of the ContentRepository |
dbType | string | DB Type of the ContentRepository |
username | string | Username for accessing the ContentRepository |
password | string | Password for accessing the ContentRepository |
usePassword | boolean | True when a password is set |
url | string | URL for accessing the ContentRepository |
basepath | string | Basepath for filesystem attributes |
instantPublishing | boolean | Flag for instant publishing |
languageInformation | boolean | Flag for publishing language information |
permissionInformation | boolean | Flag for publishing permission information |
permissionProperty | string | Property containing the permission (role) information for Mesh CRs |
defaultPermission | string | Default permission (role) to be set on objects in Mesh CRs |
diffDelete | boolean | Flag for differential deleting of superfluous objects |
elasticsearch | CRElasticsearchModel | Get the elasticsearch specific configuration of a Mesh CR |
projectPerNode | boolean | Flag for publishing every node into its own project for Mesh contentrepositories |
version | string | Implementation version of the Mesh ContentRepository |
checkDate | number | Date of last check of structure |
checkStatus | Status | Status of last structure check |
checkResult | string | Result of last structure check |
statusDate | number | Date of data status (last publish process) |
dataStatus | Status | Status of last data check |
dataCheckResult | string | Result of last data check |
Properties inherited from AbstractModel |
globalId | string | Global ID |
{ "packageName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "name" : "...", "crType" : "mesh", "dbType" : "...", "username" : "...", "password" : "...", "usePassword" : true, "url" : "...", "basepath" : "...", "instantPublishing" : true, "languageInformation" : true, "permissionInformation" : true, "permissionProperty" : "...", "defaultPermission" : "...", "diffDelete" : true, "elasticsearch" : { "page" : { }, "folder" : { }, "file" : { } }, "projectPerNode" : true, "version" : "...", "checkDate" : 12345, "checkStatus" : "running", "checkResult" : "...", "statusDate" : 12345, "dataStatus" : "queued", "dataCheckResult" : "...", "globalId" : "..." }