MultiPageLoadRequest Data Type

Request to load multiple pages.

name data type description
template boolean Indicates whether information about the template should be included in the response.
folder boolean Indicates whether information about the folder should be included in the response.
languageVariants boolean Indicates whether information about language variants should be included in the response.
pageVariants boolean Indicates whether information about variants should be included in the response.
workflow boolean Indicates whether information about the workflow should be included in the response.
translationStatus boolean Indicates whether information about the translation status should be included in the response.
versionInfo boolean Indicates whether version information should be included in the response.
disinherited boolean Indicates whether disinheriting information should be included in the response.
Properties inherited from MultiObjectLoadRequest
package string Get a content staging package name. If set, the object is checked against the package for a sync status.
ids array of number The ids of the folders to load.
forUpdate boolean Whether the folders are to be loaded for update.
nodeId number The id of the node to load the folders from.


  "template" : true,
  "folder" : true,
  "languageVariants" : true,
  "pageVariants" : true,
  "workflow" : true,
  "translationStatus" : true,
  "versionInfo" : true,
  "disinherited" : true,
  "package" : "...",
  "ids" : [ 12345, 12345 ],
  "forUpdate" : true,
  "nodeId" : 12345