Changes with Gentics CMP 8.2.4

Date: 30.01.2025

Gentics CMS EE 6.2.4

Bugfix SUP-17941 Link to this entry

Users will no longer be able to publish objects (or put them into the queue) if they do not have at least view and edit permission on the object.

Bugfix SUP-17941 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: The permission checks for publishing, un-publishing, and deleting pages have been fixed. The interface will now only use available languages, and will ignore pages where permissions aren‘t granted.

Bugfix SUP-17964 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: Saving of modified scheduler task properties has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-17183 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: The properties dialog of a tag in a template will now always show the currently selected construct.

Bugfix SUP-17986 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: The page properties dialog never allowed linking templates to the page‘s folder
and has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-17899 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Fixed an issue when attempting to opening the time-management from a page when in edit- or preview-mode.

Gentics Aloha Editor 2.1.3

No changes

Gentics Mesh 3.0.2

Bugfix SUP-17558 Link to this entry

Core: The processing of binaries has been refactored, targeting possible binary data leftovers being eliminated after the binary content is updated or deleted. Also, two new async consistency check have been added, for the detection of binary data with no corresponding database records (repairable) and binary database records with no corresponding binary data (for the automated testing purposes, not repairable).

Gentics Mesh EE 3.0.2

Bugfix SUP-17558 Link to this entry

Core: The processing of binaries has been refactored, targeting possible binary data leftovers being eliminated after the binary content is updated or deleted. Also, two new async consistency check have been added, for the detection of binary data with no corresponding database records (repairable) and binary database records with no corresponding binary data (for the automated testing purposes, not repairable).

Gentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 3.0.1

No changes

Gentics Portal | java 3.2.1

No changes

Gentics Portal | php 3.2.0

No changes