Gentics Content.Connector Changelog Summary

Gentics Content.Connector 2.0.1


CustomPatternAnalyzer would stop working after processing the first string.

Gentics Content.Connector 2.0.0


Dependency management: The portalnode-lib dependency was removed from the Gentics Content.Connector

  • The ITemplateManager interface was moved to node-lib and will be available starting from version 2.0.13.
  • The ITemplateManager interface in node-lib was updated. The render method will no longer throw CRException. Instead a normal Exception will be thrown.
  • The PortalNodeTemplateManager class was moved to portalnode-lib and can still be used when manually adding the portalnode-lib dependency.
  • The PluggableActionCaller class was moved to portalnode-lib.
  • The PortalNodeInteractor class is no longer interfacing directly with portalnode. Instead the PortalConnectorFactory class is used for datasource creation.
  • Various portalnode-lib dependencies were removed in various pom.xml files.

Gentics Content.Connector 1.17.1


CustomPatternAnalyzer would stop working after processing the first string.

Gentics Content.Connector 1.17.0


-Added a custom collector class LanguageFallbackSortingCollector that is able to do a language fallback while searching and sort for string fields.


A new highlighter was added. The CharacterCountPhraseBolder creates its fragments based on character count.


-Added a custom Transformer (DOCParagraphContentTransformer) that will transform word documents using the paragraph API of the Apache POI package and therefore leave out meta attributes such as DOCPROPERTY


This change implements a new RequestProcessor (HTTPClientAllParamsRequestProcessor) which will forward all custom parameters (but not the default parameters) set in the CRRequest.


Fixed a bug in KeywordListAnalyzer where it would not produce any tokens.


In some cases the new lucene LanguageFallbackSortingTopDocsCollector ignored the fallbackpriority parameter. This has been fixed, the request parameter “languagefallbackpriority” will now be used regardless if the request was created via the Java API or the REST API.

Gentics Content.Connector 1.16.2

Bugfix RT58553

When searching the autocompleter for terms with special characters, the query
was not parsed correctly and no results where shown for many words containing
special characters like umlaute.

Gentics Content.Connector 1.16.1

Bugfix RT58446

When using the CRLuceneIndexJob to index objects from a Content Repository in a lucene index,
attributes were not removed from the index if they had been removed from the objects.
This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58458

Fixed class cast exception in Autocompleter Index creation.

Gentics Content.Connector 1.16.0

Manual Change

JDK compliance update

Due to the updated node and apache lucene dependency it is now mandatory to use JDK 1.7.

Manual Change

The was removed.

The class was removed in order to simplify the inherited dependencies. You may add your own implementation which you can base upon this revision


Updated Apache Lucene to 4.9.0. In order to use the new Lucene version, it is recommended to re-index every configured index with the new version.
Please check your configuration, as the package names of some analyzers may have changed in the lucene packages.

Gentics Content.Connector 1.15.2

Bugfix RT58553

When searching the autocompleter for terms with special characters, the query
was not parsed correctly and no results where shown for many words containing
special characters like umlaute.

Gentics Content.Connector 1.15.1

Bugfix RT58446

When using the CRLuceneIndexJob to index objects from a Content Repository in a lucene index,
attributes were not removed from the index if they had been removed from the objects.
This has been fixed now.

Bugfix RT58458

Fixed class cast exception in Autocompleter Index creation.

Gentics Content.Connector 1.15.0

The dependency on com.gentics:node-lib has been updated to 1.21.21

This is the last feature release to support Java 6. It will get bugfix releases until February 1st, 2015.

Gentics Content.Connector 1.14.0 (Unreleased)


Updated Apache Lucene to 4.9.0. In order to use the new Lucene version, it is recommended to re-index every configured index with the new version.
Please check your configuration, as the package names of some analyzers may have changed in the lucene packages.

Gentics Content.Connector 1.13.3 (Unreleased)

In this release, only dependencies have been updated, namely node-lib to 2.0.4 and portalnode-lib to 4.6.0

Gentics Content.Connector 1.13.2


Removed a ClassCastException when a language not existing in the CR is requested using CMSPageLanguageFallbackRequestProcessor

Gentics Content.Connector 1.13.1


A bug in the velocity template caching was fixed. Previously the template caching didn‘t cache the evaluated templates correctly.


Lucene Index Update Checker now exits gracefully on server shutdown.