Folder Data Type

Folder object, representing a Folder in GCN

name data type constraints description
inheritedFrom string   Name of the node this folder is inherited from
inheritedFromId number   Id of the node this folder is inherited from.
masterNode string   Name of the node, the master object belongs to
masterNodeId number   Return the id of the node, the master object belongs to.
motherId number   Mother id of the folder
publishDir string   Publish directory of the folder
description string   Description
nodeId number   Node id
inherited boolean required boolean True if the folder is inherited, false if not
atposidx string   Position of the folder in the folder tree
startPageId object   ID of the startpage
tags map of Tag   Map of object tags of the folder
subfolders array of Folder   List of subfolders
hasSubfolders boolean required boolean True if the folder has subfolders (regardless of whether they have been fetched), false if not
privileges array of Privilege   Folder privileges
privilegeBits string   Privilege bits
privilegeMap PrivilegeMap   Map representation of all privileges
path string   Folder path of this folder
masterId number   Master ID. The master is the next folder up in the channel hierarchy with the same Channelset ID. The Master ID is 0 if there is no master. Read only.
channelsetId number   Channelset ID. All copies of the same folder in different channels share the same Channelset ID. Read only.
channelId number   Channel ID. It identifies different versions of the same folder in different channels. Equals to the node id for which the folder is defined, or to 0 if it is defined in the topost node of the channel hierarchy. Read only.
isMaster boolean   True if the folder is a master, false otherwise. A folder is a master if it isn't a localized copy of another folder. Read only.
disinheritedChannels array of Node   the set of disinherited channels for this object
excluded boolean   Whether this folder is excluded from multichannelling.
disinheritDefault boolean   Whether this folder is disinherited by default in new channels.
disinherited boolean   True if the folder is disinherited in some channels
meshProject string   Mesh Project, this node publishes into. This will only be set for root folders
breadcrumbs array of BreadcrumbItem   Breadcrums of the folder. The first item is the root folder and the last item the folder itself
nameI18n map of string   Map of translated names (keys are the language codes)
descriptionI18n map of string   Map of translated descriptions (keys are the language codes)
publishDirI18n map of string   Map of translated publish directories (keys are the language codes)
Properties inherited from ContentNodeItem
id number   ID of the item
globalId string   Global ID of the item
name string   Name of the item
creator User   Creator of the item
cdate number required int Creation date of the item
editor User   Last editor of the item
edate number required int Last Edit Date of the item
type ItemType   Item type
deleted DeleteInfo   Deletion information, if object was deleted
masterDeleted DeleteInfo   Deletion information about the master (if the object is not a master itself).
folderDeleted DeleteInfo   Deletion information about the containing folder.


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