Response to a request to load a single node
name | data type | description |
node | Node | Returned node (may be null) |
Properties inherited from GenericResponse |
messages | array of Message | Messages contained in the response (which should be shown to the user) |
responseInfo | ResponseInfo |
{ "node" : { "folderId" : 12345, "publishDir" : "...", "binaryPublishDir" : "...", "pubDirSegment" : true, "https" : true, "publishImageVariants" : true, "host" : "...", "hostProperty" : "...", "publishFs" : true, "publishFsPages" : true, "publishFsFiles" : true, "publishContentMap" : true, "publishContentMapPages" : true, "publishContentMapFiles" : true, "publishContentMapFolders" : true, "contentRepositoryId" : 12345, "disablePublish" : true, "editorVersion" : 12345, "contentEditor" : "AlohaEditor", "defaultFileFolderId" : 12345, "defaultImageFolderId" : 12345, "languagesId" : [ 12345, 12345 ], "masterId" : 12345, "inheritedFromId" : 12345, "masterNodeId" : 12345, "urlRenderWayPages" : 12345, "urlRenderWayFiles" : 12345, "meshPreviewUrl" : "...", "meshPreviewUrlProperty" : "...", "insecurePreviewUrl" : true, "meshProject" : "...", "meshProjectName" : "...", "omitPageExtension" : true, "pageLanguageCode" : "PATH", "masterName" : "...", "contentRepositoryName" : "...", "id" : 12345, "globalId" : "...", "name" : "...", "creator" : { "id" : 12345, "firstName" : "...", "lastName" : "...", "description" : "...", "email" : "...", "groups" : [ { }, { } ], "login" : "...", "password" : "..." }, "cdate" : 12345, "editor" : { "id" : 12345, "firstName" : "...", "lastName" : "...", "description" : "...", "email" : "...", "groups" : [ { }, { } ], "login" : "...", "password" : "..." }, "edate" : 12345, "type" : "file", "deleted" : { "at" : 12345, "by" : { } }, "masterDeleted" : { "at" : 12345, "by" : { } }, "folderDeleted" : { "at" : 12345, "by" : { } } }, "messages" : [ { }, { } ], "responseInfo" : { "responseCode" : "OK", "responseMessage" : "...", "property" : "..." } }