TemplateInNode Data Type

Template in a node

name data type constraints description
nodeId number required int ID of the node to which the template is assigned
assignedNodes array of string   List of node names to which this template is assigned
Properties inherited from Template
inheritedFrom string   Name of the node this template is inherited from
masterNode string   Name of the node, the master object belongs to
id number   ID
globalId string   Global Id of the template
name string   Name of the template
description string   Template description
creator User   Creator
cdate number required int Creation date
editor User   Last Editor
edate number required int Last Edit date
locked boolean required boolean True if the template is locked
markupLanguage MarkupLanguage   Markup language
inherited boolean required boolean True if the template is inherited
folderId number   Folder ID
masterId number   Master ID
path string   Folder path
templateTags map of TemplateTag   Tags of the template
objectTags map of Tag   Returns the list of object tags for this template
source string   Returns the template source
channelSetId number   Get the channelset id
channelId number   Get the channel id
master boolean required boolean Get whether this template is a master template


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  "name" : "...",
  "description" : "...",
  "creator" : {
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