Gentics CMS EE 6.0.0
Manual Change Link to this entry
Optionally embed referenced objects in API response of:
GET objectproperty/{id}
GET user/
GET user/{id}
GET scheduler/schedule
GET scheduler/schedule/{id}/executions
GET template/tag/{id}
GET construct/{id}
GET construct/load/{id}
GET construct
Manual Change required as construct category datatype has changed and is now of Type ConstructCategory
instead of String.
Manual Change Link to this entry
Change RoleModel
property name
and description
to type String
and add nameI18n
, descriptionI18n
of type Map
Manual Change Link to this entry
Support for encoding in XML has been dropped for the REST API. Requests and responses have to be encoded in JSON format.
Manual Change Link to this entry
With this update, the architecture of the CMS has been changed significally.
Instead of the hybrid architecture of prior versions (with PHP code running in an Apache HTTP Server and Java code running in an Apache Tomcat Server),
the CMS now consists of only a single .jar file, which will start an embedded HTTP Server.
For migration of existing installations, please follow the migration guide in our infoportal.
Enhancement GPU-674 Link to this entry
Improve existing endpoints:
GET /node
fields to responseGET /group/{id}/users
add embed option to embed groups into responseGET /devtools/packages/{name}/objectproperties
add embed option to embed constructs and categories into responseGET /devtools/packages/{name}/construct
add embed option to embed categories into response
Enhancement GPU-718 Link to this entry
Added new endpoint GET template/{id}/tag
endpoint that allows filtering and sorting.
Deprecate old endpoints:
GET /user/list
GET /group/list
GET /template/getTags/{id}
Enhancement GPU-734 Link to this entry
A new admin endpoint was added to batch delete dirt queue entries with a time based filter as well as a filter based on the state.
Enhancement GPU-566 Link to this entry
Updates the default implementation of the gtxalohapagelink construct to include SEO optimizations.
Enhancement GPU-599 Link to this entry
Adds resolution of missing references during synchronizing a devtools package from the filesystem. Any referenced object that are not yet present will be referenced correctly once they are created.
Enhancement GPU-567 Link to this entry
Adds form resource endpoints POST /rest/form/{id}/export
and GET /rest/form/{id}/export/status
to request asynchronous export creation and check availability of the export respectively. Available exports are downloaded via GET /rest/form/{id}/download/{downloadUuid}
where the downloadUuid
is provided in the status response. Analogously asynchronous downloads for a forms binaries can be requested and checked with POST /rest/form/{id}/binaries
and GET /rest/form/{id}/binaries/status
Enhancement Link to this entry
Publishing to a Mesh Content Repository has been improved to use less requests and less memory in the CMS.
Gentics Aloha Editor 1.5.0
Enhancement GPU-883 Link to this entry
GPU-883: Improved visibility of editable content by always showing an outline around them.
Bugfix SUP-15210 Link to this entry
When a list element contains a break at the end you could not end the list by pressing enter two times. This is because the cursor could not be placed after the break, because the break is invisible. This fix makes breaks as last elements visible.
Gentics Mesh 2.0.0
Enhancement Link to this entry
OrientDB: Basic experimental support for OrientDB native filtering/sorting is added. The GraphQL Mesh options has a new preference `nativeQueryFiltering` with options: `NEVER` (old filtering, default value), `ALWAYS` (DB filtering is forced),
`ON_DEMAND` (GraphQL parameter `nativeFilter` is considered).
Enhancement Link to this entry
GraphQL: Added new filters for field types: list, micronode, (s3)binary. Added a new experimental filter for referencedBy nodes.
Enhancement Link to this entry
GraphQL: A simplified, native filtering friendly version of `regex` string operation, `like`, has been added, accepting wildcards `%` as a zeroable set of characters, e.g. `like: “hello%world”` requests filtering in the strings, that start with `hello`, end with `world` and have zero-to-unlimited number of any characters in between.
Enhancement Link to this entry
GraphQL: Support of database level filtering/sorting has been added. New `sort` parameter in added for structured sorting, forcing the usage of DB filtering. New GraphQL parameter `nativeFilter`
is added to the selected entity lookup methods, with options `NEVER` (old filtering is forced), `ALWAYS` (DB filtering is forced), `IF_POSSIBLE` (if the requested filter is supported by a DB, DB filtering is used, otherwise filtering is fallen back to the old filter mechanism).
Please note that not all the currently existing filters are supported by the DB.
Enhancement Link to this entry
Core: Support of database level filtering/sorting has been added to the low level Java API.
Gentics Mesh EE 2.0.0
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Adds asynchronous checks for uploaded binaries. When the new property `binaryCheckUrl` is set for a binary field in a schema, a request for checking the binary will be sent to that URL. The service is expected to send a request to the callback endpoint for that binary to set the check status to either ACCEPTED or DENIED (status for binaries with pending checks is POSTPONED). Requests for binaries with a check status other than ACCEPTED will result in a 404 response.
Enhancement Link to this entry
Database: Support for DB SQL filtering/sorting is added for all the supported databases.
Enhancement Link to this entry
GraphQL: A support of database level filtering/sorting has been added. New `sort` parameter in added for structured sorting, forcing the usage of DB filtering. New GraphQL parameter `nativeFilter`
is added to the selected entity lookup methods, with options `NEVER` (old filtering is forced), `ALWAYS` (DB filtering is forced), `IF_POSSIBLE` (if the requested filter is supported by a DB, DB filtering is used, otherwise filtering is fallen back to the old filter mechanism).
Please note that not all the currently existing filters are supported by the DB.
Enhancement Link to this entry
Core: Support of database level filtering/sorting has been added to the low level Java API.
Enhancement Link to this entry
GraphQL: Support of database level filtering/sorting has been added. New `sort` parameter in added for structured sorting, forcing the usage of DB filtering. New GraphQL parameter `nativeFilter`
is added to the selected entity lookup methods, with options `NEVER` (old filtering is forced), `ALWAYS` (DB filtering is forced), `IF_POSSIBLE` (if the requested filter is supported by a DB, DB filtering is used, otherwise filtering is fallen back to the old filter mechanism).
Please note that not all the currently existing filters are supported by the DB.
Enhancement Link to this entry
GraphQL: A simplified, native filtering friendly version of `regex` string operation, `like`, has been added, accepting wildcards `%` as a zeroable set of characters, e.g. `like: “hello%world”` requests filtering in the strings, that start with `hello`, end with `world` and have zero-to-unlimited number of any characters in between.
Enhancement Link to this entry
GraphQL: Added new filters for field types: list, micronode, (s3)binary. Added a new experimental filter for referencedBy nodes.
Enhancement Link to this entry
OrientDB: Basic experimental support for OrientDB native filtering/sorting is added. The GraphQL Mesh options has a new preference `nativeQueryFiltering` with options: `NEVER` (old filtering, default value), `ALWAYS` (DB filtering is forced),
`ON_DEMAND` (GraphQL parameter `nativeFilter` is considered).
Gentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 2.0.0
Enhancement Link to this entry
Forms: Add endpoints for asynchronous export and binary downloads.
Gentics Portal | java 3.0.0
Enhancement Link to this entry
Gentics Portal | java is now compatible with Gentics CMP 8.0 components.
Gentics Portal | php 3.0.0
Enhancement Link to this entry
Gentics Portal | php is now compatible with Gentics CMP 8.0 components.