Changes with Gentics CMP 8.0.3

Date: 11.08.2023

Gentics CMS EE 6.0.3

Bugfix SUP-15541 Link to this entry

Some problems with inheritance have been fixed:

  • Opening the inheritance dialog for pages in folders, where were not fully inherited failed with an error.
  • The option “Disinherit by default“ was missing from the inheritance dialog.
  • The option “General inheritance” did not show the correct status and changing it behaved inconcistently.
  • The inheritance dialog allowed inheriting objects into channels, even if the folder was not inherited in that channel.

Bugfix SUP-15450 Link to this entry

Add flag to objects of GET /msg/list response to indicate if message is an instant message.
Editor User Interface, Admin User Interface: Fix instant messaging.

Bugfix SUP-15541 Link to this entry

Some REST API requests could fail with an Internal Error (due to incorrect permission checks).
This has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-15601 Link to this entry

Content Staging has been made more tolerant with regards to the implementation hash checks.

Bugfix SUP-15538 Link to this entry

Adds a fix to prevent duplicate filenames when multiple files are uploaded, moved or copied in parallel.

Bugfix SUP-15559 Link to this entry

The purge logs and purge messages jobs have been improved to purge the records in batches.

Gentics Aloha Editor 1.5.0

No changes

Gentics Mesh 2.0.3

Bugfix SUP-15549 Link to this entry

Core: All named instances have been presented an own cache.

Bugfix SUP-15553 Link to this entry

Plugins: Logging fixed upon false triggering of a warning of inexisting role/group connection.

Bugfix Link to this entry

Java filter for Node reference content field has been fixed. Native filtering pagination has been improved. Some other minor stability fixed applied.

Gentics Mesh EE 2.0.3

Bugfix SUP-15549 Link to this entry

Core: All named instances have been presented an own cache.

Bugfix SUP-15553 Link to this entry

Plugins: Logging fixed upon false triggering of a warning of inexisting role/group connection.

Bugfix SUP-15596 Link to this entry

SQL: More occurrences of ignoring the `storageOptions.sqlParametersLimit`, leading to the limit violation error, have been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-15549 Link to this entry

SQL: All named entities have been indexed over name field for performance.

Bugfix Link to this entry

Java filter for Node reference content field has been fixed. Native filtering pagination has been improved. Some other minor stability fixed applied.

Bugfix Link to this entry

SQL: The pagination usage for Native Filtering has been fixed for MS SQL databases.

Gentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 2.0.1

Bugfix SUP-15428 Link to this entry

Forms Plugin: Fixes a security issue for donwloading binaries.

Gentics Portal | java 3.0.0

No changes

Gentics Portal | php 3.0.1

Bugfix SUP-15428 Link to this entry

Fix Mesh Client instance and Mesh Admin Client is disabled by default when initializing client and authentication is disabled too. This is a breaking change with compatibility fallback. Setting `noAdminClientByDefault` compatibility flag to `false` allows the bring back the old behavior.