Changes with Gentics CMP 8.1.1

Date: 30.04.2024

Gentics CMS EE 6.1.1

Bugfix SUP-16698 Link to this entry

The library used to process webp images has been changed due to JVM errors when running in an alpine based image.

Bugfix SUP-16699 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: Fixed deletion of object-properties.

Gentics Aloha Editor 2.0.0

No changes

Gentics Mesh 2.1.0

No changes

Gentics Mesh SQL 2.1.0

No changes

Gentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 2.1.0

No changes

Gentics Portal | java 3.1.0

No changes

Gentics Portal | php 3.1.0

No changes