Gentics CMS EE 6.1.7
Bugfix SUP-16928 Link to this entry
Editor User Inferface: After sending an inbox message, an empty success message box was shown. This has been fixed,
the success message will now be shown with the correct text.
Bugfix SUP-16761 Link to this entry
Administrator User Interface: The Logs Module will now show logs between the given start- and endtime only to avoid long running queries.
Bugfix SUP-16695 Link to this entry
Editor User Interface: The handling of some errors from the REST API (like e.g. when trying to log in with invalid user credentials) was broken and has been fixed.
Bugfix SUP-16696 Link to this entry
Administrator User Interface: The dashboard will now show the status of the publish process next to the status of the scheduler.
Also missing translations for publish process stati have been added.
Gentics Aloha Editor 2.0.1
Bugfix SUP-16967 Link to this entry
When pasting content from Word, empty html tags (like meta or link tags) are now correctly removed.
Gentics Mesh 2.1.3
No changesGentics Mesh SQL 2.1.4
No changesGentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 2.1.1
No changesGentics Portal | java 3.1.3
Bugfix SUP-16674 Link to this entry
Authentication: The authentication denial of a 3rd party auth provider is now better depicted in the logs.