Gentics CMP Changelog Summary

Gentics CMP 8.1.10

Release Date: 21.08.2024

Gentics CMS EE 6.1.10

Bugfix SUP-17194 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Additional checks for page loading have been removed, which on occasions, prevented editing of pages completely.

Bugfix SUP-17199 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: The functionality to localize templates was missing and has been added.

Bugfix SUP-15430 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Fix spellchecker requests and adjust appearance.

Bugfix SUP-17172 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: The permission check for images did not consider role permissions. This has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-16605 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: Some errors which have been silently handled, will now notify the user with the appropiate error messages.

Gentics Aloha Editor 2.0.3

Bugfix SUP-15430 Link to this entry

Fix spellchecker configuration and adjust appearance.

Gentics Mesh 2.1.4

No changes

Gentics Mesh SQL 2.1.5

No changes

Gentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 2.1.1

No changes

Gentics Portal | java 3.1.4

No changes

Gentics Portal | php 3.1.3

No changes

Gentics CMP 8.1.9

Release Date: 08.08.2024

Gentics CMS EE 6.1.9

Enhancement SUP-17123 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Clicking on the buttons of the form generator to download files show now a success message.

Bugfix SUP-16429 Link to this entry

Added missing translations when a ContentRepository is added to a Devtool-Package again.

Bugfix SUP-16581 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Checks and actions for the Multichanneling Feature will now only be done/avilable, when the Feature is available/enabled as well.

Bugfix SUP-17028 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: Fixed an issue which prevented new (Single/Multi)-Select part types from being able to be created.

Bugfix SUP-17093 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Fixed issue where context button was disabled when Aloha was not loaded (e.g.: in preview mode).

Bugfix SUP-17045 Link to this entry

CMS: Fixed the issue where errors regarding i18n are logged during publishing.

Gentics Aloha Editor 2.0.2

No changes

Gentics Mesh 2.1.4

Bugfix SUP-17105 Link to this entry

Documentation: The check/repair API calls are better documented in regards of an async processing. The logging documentation is extended with format examples.

Gentics Mesh SQL 2.1.5

Bugfix SUP-17178 Link to this entry

Core: A crash in referencing contents lookup has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-17181 Link to this entry

Docker: Mesh image startup has been fixed.

Gentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 2.1.1

No changes

Gentics Portal | java 3.1.4

Bugfix SUP-17182 Link to this entry

Fixes the search handler handlebars helpers which caused an internal server error upon rendering pagination for search results.

Gentics Portal | php 3.1.3

No changes

Gentics CMP 8.1.8

Release Date: 24.07.2024

Gentics CMS EE 6.1.8

Bugfix SUP-17092 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: The switching of languages has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-16839 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: The sorting of constructs and object-property categories has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-17007 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: The loading of content nodes for the mesh browser has been fixed.

Gentics Aloha Editor 2.0.2

Bugfix SUP-16711 Link to this entry

Fixes the Aloha list plugin so that the list style is applied properly.

Gentics Mesh 2.1.3

No changes

Gentics Mesh SQL 2.1.4

No changes

Gentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 2.1.1

No changes

Gentics Portal | java 3.1.3

No changes

Gentics Portal | php 3.1.3

Bugfix SUP-16611 Link to this entry

Fixes an error with resolving the start page for requests to /.

Bugfix SUP-16942 Link to this entry

Fix Authentication Refresh Token Handling. Refresh Token is now also set as a cookie instead of server side storage. This allows more stateless setups without a shared cache

Gentics CMP 8.1.7

Release Date: 10.07.2024

Gentics CMS EE 6.1.7

Bugfix SUP-16761 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: The Logs Module will now show logs between the given start- and endtime only to avoid long running queries.

Bugfix SUP-16928 Link to this entry

Editor User Inferface: After sending an inbox message, an empty success message box was shown. This has been fixed,
the success message will now be shown with the correct text.

Bugfix SUP-16696 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: The dashboard will now show the status of the publish process next to the status of the scheduler.
Also missing translations for publish process stati have been added.

Bugfix SUP-16695 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: The handling of some errors from the REST API (like e.g. when trying to log in with invalid user credentials) was broken and has been fixed.

Gentics Aloha Editor 2.0.1

Bugfix SUP-16967 Link to this entry

When pasting content from Word, empty html tags (like meta or link tags) are now correctly removed.

Gentics Mesh 2.1.3

No changes

Gentics Mesh SQL 2.1.4

No changes

Gentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 2.1.1

No changes

Gentics Portal | java 3.1.3

Bugfix SUP-16674 Link to this entry

Authentication: The authentication denial of a 3rd party auth provider is now better depicted in the logs.

Gentics Portal | php 3.1.1

No changes

Gentics CMP 8.1.6

Release Date: 27.06.2024

Gentics CMS EE 6.1.6

Enhancement SUP-16905 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: Added Tagmap-Entry validation to the Content-Repository Tagmap-Entry view.

Bugfix SUP-16852 Link to this entry

The REST Endpoint to delete single Folders, Pages, Files, and Images, now have an additional query parameter disableInstantDelete, which will skip the Instant-Publishing feature.
Additionally, the Editor User Interface will use this flag now, when deleting multiple elements.

Bugfix SUP-5894 Link to this entry

Fixes link resolving for pages that are referenced by forms (for example as mail templates). The links did not contain the host, this has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-16993 Link to this entry

A possible NullPointerException when loading entities with object tags has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-16997 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: Assigning and removing of Templates and Datasources to/from Devtool-Packages has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-16927 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Fixed the issue when clicking on the checkbox in CMS settings is not saved (e.g., display all languages or show deleted objects)

Bugfix SUP-16909 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Fixed an issue with the custom Asset-Management, where the upload for assets while editing a localized page, the upload was directed to the wrong folder/channel.

Bugfix SUP-16771 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: The detection of property values in the Node and Content-Repository settings has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-16852 Link to this entry

A new boolean query parameter, disableInstantDelete, has been added to the page/file/image REST delete API, to prevent automatic removal of the item from the content repository. This may come in hand in the case of mass deletion. A content repository republishing process has to be started afterwards manually, to remove all the deleted entries.

Bugfix SUP-16852 Link to this entry

A new boolean query parameter, disableInstantDelete, has been added to the form REST delete API, to prevent automatic removal of the item from the content repository. This may come in hand in the case of mass deletion. A content repository republishing process has to be started afterwards manually, to remove all the deleted entries.

Gentics Aloha Editor 2.0.0

No changes

Gentics Mesh 2.1.3

Bugfix SUP-16917 Link to this entry

Elasticsearch: An Elasticsearch Java Client has been updated to the version 1.1.2, containing the corrections to the connection failure processing mechanism. The Elasticsearch activity idle checking has been improved to be more proof of the unstable connections.

Gentics Mesh SQL 2.1.4

Bugfix SUP-16917 Link to this entry

Elasticsearch: An Elasticsearch Java Client has been updated to the version 1.1.2, containing the corrections to the connection failure processing mechanism. The Elasticsearch activity idle checking has been improved to be more proof of the unstable connections.

Gentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 2.1.1

Bugfix SUP-16855 Link to this entry

Forms Plugin: When attempting to delete a non-existing form, a 204 ist returned instead of a 404 response.

Gentics Portal | java 3.1.2

No changes

Gentics Portal | php 3.1.1

No changes

Gentics CMP 8.1.5

Release Date: 12.06.2024

Gentics CMS EE 6.1.5

Bugfix SUP-16705 Link to this entry

The UpdateImplementation command-line tool will now set the configured timeout also as connect and read timeout for the
RestClient, which is used for executing tasks in the CMS.

Bugfix SUP-16705 Link to this entry

Background threads, which are started by the CMS will now have more descriptive names.

Bugfix SUP-16705 Link to this entry

Reloading the configuration (over the Admin UI, REST API or UpdateImplementation command-line tool) will now only
interrupt possibly running background threads, if absolutely necessary.

Bugfix SUP-16559 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Language- and Version-Comparisons for pages are displaying the contents of the page/differences of them correctly again.

Bugfix SUP-16087 Link to this entry

The last check date in the Link-Checker Custom-Tool now displays the correct date.

Bugfix SUP-16869 Link to this entry

Improves permission checks for updating object properties for which Object Property Synchronization is enabled.

Bugfix SUP-15556 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface, Administrator User Interface: Fix sending instant messages to other CMS user.

Bugfix SUP-15392 Link to this entry

The Version compatibility listing in the UIs now include non CMP compatible Nodes as “Unknown” entries.
Additionally, the styling and layout has been updated.

Bugfix SUP-16865 Link to this entry

A bug in content staging import has been fixed, including an inability to process the channel metadata because of the valid uppercase ID.

Gentics Aloha Editor 2.0.0

No changes

Gentics Mesh 2.1.2

No changes

Gentics Mesh SQL 2.1.3

No changes

Gentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 2.1.0

No changes

Gentics Portal | java 3.1.2

No changes

Gentics Portal | php 3.1.1

No changes

Gentics CMP 8.1.4

Release Date: 29.05.2024

Gentics CMS EE 6.1.4

Bugfix SUP-16764 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Fixed the publishing process of a single page to make instant publishing functional again.

Bugfix SUP-15661 Link to this entry

Static files will now be served by the CMS with an “etag“ response header and will also have the “cache-control“ response header set to “no-cache”.

Bugfix SUP-16773 Link to this entry

The publish process will now check whether the dirtqueue worker thread is alive before waiting for dirtqueue events to be handled.
If the dirtqueue worker is found to not be alive, a restart will be attempted. After 5 failed attempts, the publish process will fail.
This resolves endlessly hanging publish processes, when the dirtqueue worker thread died before.

Bugfix SUP-15387 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Added additional states for the inheritance display property.

Bugfix SUP-16125 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Resolved an issue with the favourite item validation, which assumed items were deleted and therefore removed them from the favourite list.

Bugfix SUP-16755 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: An issue which incorrectly displayed the selected elements in an Overview has been resolved.

Bugfix SUP-15465 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: Fix action log filtering. I.e.: Replace search bar with respective column filters to allow filtering different log entities.

Gentics Aloha Editor 2.0.0

No changes

Gentics Mesh 2.1.2

No changes

Gentics Mesh SQL 2.1.3

Bugfix SUP-16580 Link to this entry

Core: A repair mechanism for `Content reference consistency check` has been improved to use off-transactional mechanism, to improve Mesh and database resource consumption.

Gentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 2.1.0

No changes

Gentics Portal | java 3.1.1

No changes

Gentics Portal | php 3.1.1

No changes

Gentics CMP 8.1.3

Release Date: 14.05.2024

Gentics CMS EE 6.1.3

Bugfix SUP-15490 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: Deleting a construct category incorrectly tried to delete the construct with same ID instead. This has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-15490 Link to this entry

The sort order of construct categories and object properties categories will now be more consistent when importing from a devtool package.

Bugfix SUP-16544 Link to this entry

The error message in the scheduler log for publishing errors into a Mesh Content.Repository due to conflicts has been improved.

Bugfix SUP-16264 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: Fixed missing scrolling when elements were to big in modals and detail views.

Bugfix SUP-16742 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: The control to publish to the Content-Repository in the nodes properties, which has been accidently removed, has been added back.

Bugfix SUP-15564 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: The action-buttons in the top right corner will not overlay on the search bar on smaller window/screen sizes.

Bugfix SUP-16734 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Fixed an issue with the properties editing in Pages and Folders, which prevents the user from editing certain properties.

Bugfix SUP-15445 Link to this entry

The check result of a contentrepository check sometimes was empty, which has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-15742 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: Added a button to unassign languages from nodes.

Gentics Aloha Editor 2.0.0

No changes

Gentics Mesh 2.1.2

Bugfix SUP-16720 Link to this entry

GraphQL: A combination of similar queries with different names and filter parameters, running over native filtering, that produces incorrect results, has been fixed.

Gentics Mesh SQL 2.1.2

Bugfix SUP-16720 Link to this entry

GraphQL: A combination of similar queries with different names and filter parameters, running over native filtering, that produces incorrect results, has been fixed.

Gentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 2.1.0

No changes

Gentics Portal | java 3.1.1

Bugfix SUP-16206 Link to this entry

Templating: Now the tolerance of the errors in the templating engine can be configured in the portal config. Either a silent acceptance (status quo) or HTTP 500 throwing is possible.

Bugfix SUP-14461 Link to this entry

Core: Now all the redirections, including error pages, consider the source branch to pick up the correct content.

Gentics Portal | php 3.1.0

No changes

Gentics CMP 8.1.2

Release Date: 03.05.2024

Gentics CMS EE 6.1.2

Bugfix SUP-16723 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Resolved an issue with a race-condition which could lock up the edit-mode in a perpetual loading state.

Gentics Aloha Editor 2.0.0

No changes

Gentics Mesh 2.1.1

Bugfix SUP-16719 Link to this entry

The library used to process webp images has been changed due to JVM errors when running in an alpine based image.

Gentics Mesh SQL 2.1.1

Bugfix SUP-16719 Link to this entry

The library used to process webp images has been changed due to JVM errors when running in an alpine based image.

Bugfix SUP-16718 Link to this entry

A possible NullPointerException when handling binary data has been fixed.

Gentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 2.1.0

No changes

Gentics Portal | java 3.1.0

No changes

Gentics Portal | php 3.1.0

No changes

Gentics CMP 8.1.1

Release Date: 30.04.2024

Gentics CMS EE 6.1.1

Bugfix SUP-16698 Link to this entry

The library used to process webp images has been changed due to JVM errors when running in an alpine based image.

Bugfix SUP-16699 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: Fixed deletion of object-properties.

Gentics Aloha Editor 2.0.0

No changes

Gentics Mesh 2.1.0

No changes

Gentics Mesh SQL 2.1.0

No changes

Gentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 2.1.0

No changes

Gentics Portal | java 3.1.0

No changes

Gentics Portal | php 3.1.0

No changes

Gentics CMP 8.1.0

Release Date: 29.04.2024

Gentics CMS EE 6.1.0

Manual Change Link to this entry

Content Staging: Generation of the implementation hashes has been modified to only depend on implementation relevant attributes.

This will make content packages, that have been created with older versions of the CMS incompatible – even if the implementation itself is identical.

Enhancement GPU-938 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: Added node-specific features to open the object-properties of a newly uploaded file or image.

Enhancement GPU-1543 Link to this entry

Some Dependencies on Java Libraries have been updated.

Enhancement GPU-942 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: Management for Mesh Content-Repositories has been added.
This allows direct management of Mesh via it‘s API and it‘s administrative content.

Enhancement GPU-933 Link to this entry

It is now possible to define several properties using environment variables:

  • Hostname of a Node
  • Portal Preview URL for a Node
  • Username and Password for ContentRepository
  • Connection URL for ContentRepository
  • Attribute Basepath for ContentRepository

Enhancement GPU-1253 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: The Edit-Mode has been overhauled and is now fully integrated into the Editor-UI.

Enhancement GPU-1116 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: The Mesh Browser has been integrated to the UI as a new module.

Enhancement GPU-353 Link to this entry

Devtool Packages can now be checked for completeness/consistency.

  • GET /packages/{name}/check
  • GET /packages/{name}/check/result

This feature has also been added to the Administrator User Interface to a dedicated tab in the Package module.

Enhancement GPU-1465 Link to this entry

The default object properties object.navsortorder and obect.startpage where changed to not be inheritable.
This only affects new CMS instances, where the default elements will be imported. Existing CMS instances, which are
updated are not affected.

Enhancement GPU-937 Link to this entry

Adds WebP support for images. The Gentics Image Store now handles webp files correctly and activating the new feature WebP Conversion will automatically convert uploaded image to WebP format for nodes which have the feature enabled. An image conversion task has also been added which converts already existing non-WebP images to WebP format.

Enhancement GPU-895 Link to this entry

Devtools: Assigned nodes are now synced with object properties. Syncing an object property to the CMS will automatically assign it to the respective nodes.

Enhancement GPU-676 Link to this entry

Mesh Content Repository now has an ability to mark the selected entry or content type as excluded from indexing process, to prevent sensitive data leaks.

Enhancement GPU-1115 Link to this entry

An integration with the new Mesh image variant manual creation feature has been added. Now each Node contains an option to create the manipulation variants of each GenticsImageStore-referenced image during the publish process.

Enhancement GPU-1059 Link to this entry

For Mesh ContentRepositories, the new REST API Endpoint /rest/contentrepositores/[id]/proxy will act as a proxy to the Mesh REST API.
The new REST API Endpoint /rest/contentrepositories/[id]/proxylogin will perform a login with the credentials stored in the Mesh ContentRepository.

Enhancement GPU-1159 Link to this entry

Support for Mesh CR connections over HTTP/2 has been added.

Enhancement GPU-1159 Link to this entry

Support of serving over HTTP/2 (h2c) protocol has been added.

Bugfix SUP-15801 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: The misrepresented warnings for missing translations in the form generator has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-16646 Link to this entry

The copying of channels is now disabled.

Bugfix SUP-16648 Link to this entry

Editor User Interface: The button closes the sidebar modal now properly.

Bugfix SUP-16644 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: Triggering content maintenance actions without restricting to content repositories had no effect. This has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-16644 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: The date range fields for triggering content maintenance actions were always disabled. This has been fixed.

Bugfix SUP-16632 Link to this entry

Administrator User Interface: The loading of packages for channels has been fixed.

Gentics Aloha Editor 2.0.0

Enhancement GPU-1253 Link to this entry

Existing UI Systems have been overhauled:

  • ui/scopes: have been de-deprecated and reworked
  • ui/surface: now controls general UI behavior and can derfer it to other systems entirely

All UI Components may now inherit from the new ui/component base-class, as new functionality and requirements have been added.

Icons have been reworked to use Google's Material Symbols instead of Image files.
Icons that are used are mapped and available in ui/icons.

New Systems for dynamic, and consistent UIs have been added:

  • ui/dropdown: Adds a generic way to open a dropdown on a specific component.
  • ui/dynamicForm: Allows for dynamic form and form-control generation, as well as a component registry to add new components.
  • ui/modal: Adds a generic way to open modals with a form.

New UI Components have been added:

  • ui/attributeButton: Regular button, which also allows for editing of a single attribute of an HTML-Element.
  • ui/attributeToggleButton: Extension of ui/attributeButton which adds toggle functions to the button.
  • ui/checkbox: Checkbox component to control a boolean value.
  • ui/colorPicker: Color picker to either select a pre-defined color value or let‘s the user select/pick one.
  • ui/contextButton: Button which opens a context (Modal/Dropdown) on click.
  • ui/contextToggleButton: Extension of ui/contextButton which adds toggle functions to the button.
  • ui/dateTimePicker: Date-Time Picker to enter/select a date, or a date-time.
  • ui/iframe: Iframe which allows embedding of external components and interacts via the window message protocol.
  • ui/input: Formerly ui/text, and is a generic input element.
  • ui/select: Select which allows the user to select one or more options.
  • ui/selectMenu: Special select for dropdowns only. Allows the user to select only one option and has additional step for extra data input.
  • ui/slider: Horizontal slider/range to select a number.
  • ui/splitButton: Button which has a secondary smaller button added to it.
  • ui/text: Just text without any interactions.
  • ui/toggleSplitButton: Extension of ui/splitBtton which adds toggle functions to the button.

Components which have been removed:

  • ui/accordionMenuButton: Use a combination of ui/contextButton, or ui/dropdown; and the ui/selectMenu instead.
  • ui/menuButton: Use a combination of ui/contextButton, or ui/dropdown; and the ui/selectMenu instead.
  • ui/multiSplit: Use either a ui/splitButton, or a combination of ui/contextButton, or ui/dropdown; and the ui/selectMenu instead.
  • ui/port-helper-attribute-field: Use the ui/attributeButton or ui/attributeToggleButton instead.
  • ui/port-helper-multi-split: Use either a ui/splitButton, or a combination of ui/contextButton, or ui/dropdown; and the ui/selectMenu instead.
  • ui/text: Not directly removed, but changed to ui/input, as this component will now only render text.

Component layouts and stylings may have changed significantly.

Enhancement GPU-1253 Link to this entry

Various settings for plugins and the UI Toolbar have been changed.

Noteworthy changes for the Aloha.settings.toolbar:

  • Tabs require an id, and label property and optionally an icon.
  • Tab component slots (@components@) can be defined by either string or as { slot: string; scope: string | string[] } elements.

For full type definitions, check the ui/settings file.

Enhancement GPU-1097 Link to this entry

Updates jQuery dependency to 3.7.0 and jQuery UI dependency to 1.13.2.

Custom plugins might need adaptions. See the list of deprecated function for jQuery.

Enhancement GPU-1097 Link to this entry

Replaces linting and building with the wro4j-maven-plugin with eslint, esbuild and postcss.

Gentics Mesh 2.1.0

Enhancement GPU-943 Link to this entry

Mesh has been updated to Java 17 (LTS version).

Enhancement GPU-1543 Link to this entry

Some dependencies have been updated:

  • VertX: 4.5.7
  • GraphQL: 21.5
  • GraphQL Dataloader: 3.2.2
  • PF4j: 3.11.0
  • Hazelcast: 3.12.13
  • Jackson: 2.17.0
  • SnakeYAML: 2.2
  • Log4j: 2.23.1
  • SLF4j: 2.0.13
  • Logback: 1.5.5
  • Commons IO: 2.16.1
  • RAML Parser: 0.8.40
  • JSON Path: 2.9.0
  • JSoup: 1.17.2
  • Jettison: 1.5.4
  • Netty: 4.1.108.Final
  • Image IO: 3.10.1

Enhancement GPU-942 Link to this entry

The endpoint `GET /auth/login` now also supports login via the Authentication Bearer request header (using an API token).

Enhancement Link to this entry

Image manipulation: Adds support for WebP images.

Enhancement Link to this entry

Plugins: An option for connection over HTTP/2 for the Mesh plugins have been added.

Enhancement Link to this entry

Java Rest client: REST client can now choose the HTTP protocol version to use for the Mesh connection. Possible values: DEFAULT (current default support of the carrier HTTP client library, default value), HTTP_1_1, HTTP_2.

Enhancement Link to this entry

Core: Usage of application level protocol negotiation (aka ALPN) can be now configured via Mesh Options.

Enhancement GPU-1249 Link to this entry

REST: A new ‘languages‘ endpoint has been added, providing the list of the installed languages, as well as the lookup over UUID or 2-character language tag.

Enhancement GPU-1088 Link to this entry

Now it‘s possible to use generated Mesh API key for the login request, with `apikey` string body parameter.

Enhancement GPU-676 Link to this entry

Search: Several enhancements have been applied to the content, sent to the search engine for the indexing. Each (micro)schema is presented a `noIndex` flag, marking the content of the (micro)schema as excluded from the indexing. Each (micro)schema field is presented a similar `noIndex` flag.
By default no flag is set, meaning the content to be indexable. This feature serves security purposes, preventing the sensible information from leaking through the search engine.

Enhancement GPU-940 Link to this entry

REST: A new HttpServer option, `minifyJson`, has been added to control over the REST API payloads being pretty printed for readability, or minified for resource save. An analogous setting has been added to the Java `MeshRestClient`.
Default value is `true`, so the payload minification is turned on, which is a breakingS change, if one expects the pretty-formatted output.

Enhancement GPU-1115 Link to this entry

Core: The on-demand image manipulation feature has been refactored for DDoS protection. The new image manipulator option, `mode`, has been added with the following values:
`ON_DEMAND` keeps already existing behaviour with creating/reusing the image variant automatically on each request,
`MANUAL` requires an extra step of calling the image variant creation REST API prior to the variant serve, `OFF` disables the feature completely. A set of REST API calls has been added for the image variants manipulation.
The GraphQL `nodes` call has been extended to filter/serve over the image variants of a selected binary field, if applicable.

Gentics Mesh SQL 2.1.0

Enhancement GPU-943 Link to this entry

Mesh has been updated to Java 17 (LTS version).

Enhancement GPU-1543 Link to this entry

Some dependencies have been updated:

  • VertX: 4.5.7
  • GraphQL: 21.5
  • GraphQL Dataloader: 3.2.2
  • PF4j: 3.11.0
  • Hazelcast: 3.12.13
  • Jackson: 2.17.0
  • SnakeYAML: 2.2
  • Log4j: 2.23.1
  • SLF4j: 2.0.13
  • Logback: 1.5.5
  • Commons IO: 2.16.1
  • RAML Parser: 0.8.40
  • JSON Path: 2.9.0
  • JSoup: 1.17.2
  • Jettison: 1.5.4
  • Netty: 4.1.108.Final
  • Image IO: 3.10.1

Enhancement GPU-943 Link to this entry

Mesh SQL has been updated to Java 17 (LTS version).

Enhancement GPU-1249 Link to this entry

REST: A new ‘languages‘ endpoint has been added, providing the list of the installed languages, as well as the lookup over UUID or 2-character language tag.

Enhancement GPU-1088 Link to this entry

Now it‘s possible to use generated Mesh API key for the login request, with `apikey` string body parameter.

Enhancement GPU-940 Link to this entry

REST: A new HttpServer option, `minifyJson`, has been added to control over the REST API payloads being pretty printed for readability, or minified for resource save. An analogous setting has been added to the Java `MeshRestClient`.
Default value is `true`, so the payload minification is turned on, which is a breakingS change, if one expects the pretty-formatted output.

Enhancement GPU-676 Link to this entry

Search: Several enhancements have been applied to the content, sent to the search engine for the indexing. Each (micro)schema is presented a `noIndex` flag, marking the content of the (micro)schema as excluded from the indexing. Each (micro)schema field is presented a similar `noIndex` flag.
By default no flag is set, meaning the content to be indexable. This feature serves security purposes, preventing the sensible information from leaking through the search engine.

Enhancement GPU-1115 Link to this entry

Core: The on-demand image manipulation feature has been refactored for DDoS protection. The new image manipulator option, `mode`, has been added with the following values:
`ON_DEMAND` keeps already existing behaviour with creating/reusing the image variant automatically on each request,
`MANUAL` requires an extra step of calling the image variant creation REST API prior to the variant serve, `OFF` disables the feature completely. A set of REST API calls has been added for the image variants manipulation.
The GraphQL `nodes` call has been extended to filter/serve over the image variants of a selected binary field, if applicable.

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Core: Usage of application level protocol negotiation (aka ALPN) can be now configured via Mesh Options.

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Java Rest client: REST client can now choose the HTTP protocol version to use for the Mesh connection. Possible values: DEFAULT (current default support of the carrier HTTP client library, default value), HTTP_1_1, HTTP_2.

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Plugins: An option for connection over HTTP/2 for the Mesh plugins have been added.

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Image manipulation: Adds support for WebP images.

Enhancement GPU-942 Link to this entry

The endpoint `GET /auth/login` now also supports login via the Authentication Bearer request header (using an API token).

Gentics Mesh Commercial Plugins 2.1.0

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Forms: The attribute containing the poll results in the rendering context has been renamed from “values“ to “pollValues”. Templates used for rendering poll results need to be adapted accordingly.

Enhancement GPU-943 Link to this entry

The Mesh Plugins have been updated to Java 17 (LTS version).

Enhancement GPU-941 Link to this entry

Forms: The storage structure of form data has been modified: Form data nodes will now not be created as direct children of the corresponding form node,
but will be children of the node “Data“ (using the schema form_folder), which is a child of the form node.
This allows to set permissions on the “Data” node (different from the permissions on the form node), which will be passed on to the created form data node.

Gentics Portal | java 3.1.0

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A new configuration option allows defining the protocol version used by the Mesh REST Client.

Enhancement GPU-1543 Link to this entry

Some dependencies have been updated:

  • Vert.x: 4.5.7
  • Logback: 1.5.6
  • Jackson: 2.17.0
  • Guava: 33.1.0-jre
  • JSONPath: 2.9.0
  • Commons IO: 2.16.1
  • Commons Lang3: 3.14.0
  • Jsoup: 1.17.2

Enhancement GPU-943 Link to this entry

The portal-java has been updated to Java 17 (LTS version).

Gentics Portal | php 3.1.0

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Upgraded PHP from 8.1 to 8.2 and Laravel from 9.19 to 10.20.