File object, represents a File in GCN
name | data type | constraints | description |
typeId | number | Type ID | |
inheritedFrom | string | Name of the node, this file was inherited from | |
inheritedFromId | number | Return id of the node, this file was inherited from. | |
masterNode | string | Name of the node, the master object belongs to | |
masterNodeId | number | Id of the node, the master object belongs to. | |
folderName | string | Name of the folder of this file | |
channelId | object | Channel ID | |
text | string | Name of the file | |
leaf | boolean | required boolean | This is a file so leaf is true |
cls | string | This is a file cls | |
iconCls | string | Define attribute to select the appropriate class | |
fileType | string | File type | |
description | string | Description | |
folderId | number | Folder ID | |
fileSize | number | File size | |
map of Tag | Map of object tags of this file | ||
url | string | URL to the file | |
liveUrl | string | Live URL to the page | |
publishPath | string | Publish path | |
inherited | boolean | required boolean | |
path | string | Folder path of this file | |
forceOnline | boolean | True if the file shall be force to go online, even if nothing depends on it (may be null if status is undetermined). | |
online | boolean | required boolean | True if the file is online, false if it is offline |
broken | boolean | required boolean | True for broken files |
disinheritedChannels | array of Node | the set of disinherited channels for this object | |
excluded | boolean | Whether this page is excluded from multichannelling. | |
disinheritDefault | boolean | Whether this folder is disinherited by default in new channels. | |
disinherited | boolean | True if the file is disinherited in some channels | |
folder | Folder | Folder of the file | |
niceUrl | string | Nice URL | |
alternateUrls | array of string | Alternate URLs (in alphabetical order) | |
customCdate | number | Custom creation date of the page (set to 0 for clearing custom creation date and falling back to the real creation date) | |
customEdate | number | Custom edit date of the page (set to 0 for clearing custom edit date and falling back to the real edit date) | |
Properties inherited from ContentNodeItem |
id | number | ID of the item | |
globalId | string | Global ID of the item | |
name | string | Name of the item | |
creator | User | Creator of the item | |
cdate | number | required int | Creation date of the item |
editor | User | Last editor of the item | |
edate | number | required int | Last Edit Date of the item |
type | ItemType | Item type | |
deleted | DeleteInfo | Deletion information, if object was deleted | |
masterDeleted | DeleteInfo | Deletion information about the master (if the object is not a master itself). | |
folderDeleted | DeleteInfo | Deletion information about the containing folder. |
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