Welcome to the setup IDE instructions for the Gentics Portlet Suite.
Here you can find all necessary information on how to setup your development environment and what else you need to start developing on the portlets.
First you should be familiar and install following software tools:
-> The Eclipse Plugins can be easily installed through the built in Eclipse Marketplace.
-> After installing that development tools you are ready to go get the code base
Ask for access to the github project and create your own fork of the Portlet Suite repository. The original repository has the following URL:
Please follow the steps in the guide on github to create a fork of that. Important thing is to configure the remotes to the dev branch of the original repository, in order to be able to pull upstream changes from there later.
After that you can clone your fork of the project:
git clone https://github.com/{username}/portletsuite.git
Now you got your own fork of the repository on your local machine.
Configure remotes
In order to get all updates from the original Portlet Suite repository, add an upstream:
git remote add upstream https://github.com/gentics/portletsuite/
Now you can get the newest changes from the original Portlet Suite repository by executing:
# Fetches any new changes from the original repo git fetch upstream # Merges any changes fetched into your working files git merge upstream/dev
-> To get the newest changes from the original dev branch is recommended before you start to implement new stuff.
-> If you have problems to check out the repository please contact one person of the project team.
After that you can import the projects in an Eclipse workspace. Right click on the project or package explorer and in the context menu: import -> existing Maven projects
After that you should have those projects in your workspace.
In order to have some general style guideline we use a checkstyle file to have a standardized code. Here you can find the checkstyle.xml.
Please download the file and import it to your Eclipse Checkstyle settings. Go to Preferences - Checkstyle and create a new external configuration.
After importing the new configuration select it as default on the right side.
-> now you are ready to go :) please check the contribution workflow