Here you can find documentation about the Gentics Search Portlet
The Gentics Search Portlet provides the basic search funktionality to the frontend. Users can search the Content via a simple input field with autocompletion functinality.
To display the results the portlet sends an event to the content portlet to switch to a search result view.
The portlet is highly customizable via a velocity template.
The Search uses the very flexible Content Connector Lucene Search functionality (see Configuration)
Configuration file is located in the portletsuite-config module at:
The main part of the config are parameters for the Content Connector RequestProcessor of the portlet. You can find documentation for that in the Content Connector Wiki
Parameter | Type | Description |
templatepath | String | This is the path to the template jsp file that should be used to render the content portlet instance in normal display mode. The template file can be anywhere on the server but it recommended to store it in the configuration folder. |
If you are changing the configuration there dont forget to rebuild it and eventually redeploy it to your server as described in the setup guide.