Vote module

Module provides the ability to conduct a vote by placing a widget on the page


  1. VoteWidget

1 VoteWidget

With this widget content manager can add a voting form on the page he just must to specify parameters of the widget. Here is a complete list of parameters:

  • id – unique identifier of current vote;
  • author_id – identifier of the content manager who created it;
  • question – wording of the question;
  • answers – available response options, should be formulated according to the following form:

               'key1' => array(
                    'order' => 1, //optional
                    'text' => 'Yes',
               'key2' => array(
                    'order' => 2, //optional
                    'text' => 'No',
  • multiply – whether to allow the user to choose more than one answer;
  • dynamic – option works if the user is allowed to choose only one answer (multiply=false). Whether to apply choice when user clicks on answer(true) or shows “save” button for this;
  • allowAnonymous – whether to allow unauthorized users to make vote;
  • additionalFields – array of key-value pairs, that will be send with form;
  • ajax – whether to use the ajax to sent voting form;
  • inPercents – whether to show the result as a percentage;
  • precision – number of digits after the decimal point after rounding to show as percentage;
  • resultsUnvotedShow – whether to show voting results to user who did not take part in this voting;
  • poolVotedShow – whether to show available answers to user who have already voted;
  • firstResult – whether it need to show the result first, when user clicks a button to show the available answers (ned ‘ajax’ => true).

    $this->widget('vote.widgets.VoteWidget', array(
                'id' => 'survey about cats',
                'author_id' => 1,
                'question' => 'Do you have a cat?',
                'answers' => array(
                        'q1' => array('text' => 'Yes', 'order' => 1),
                        'q2' => array('text' => 'No', 'order' => 2),
                'multiply' => false,
                'dynamic' => true,
                'allowAnonymous' => true,
                'additionalFields' => array(
                    'pageName' => 'Page '.rand(),
                    'userStatus' => 'Status '.rand()
                'inPercents' => true,
                'precision' => 2,
                'resultsUnvotedShow' => true,
                'poolVotedShow' => false,
                'firstResult' => false